All Chapters of The Revenge: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
153 Chapters
Chapter 39 – One Last Gift (Part 1)
- I told you to get out of here!'But, Megan…' Missy whimpered softly.- No biggie, Missy! – Her sister roared, possessed – There's only half an hour left for the wedding and this idiot just can't understand that it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding ?! As if it wasn't bad enough the two of you spent the entire night banging the bed against the wall last night. – Megan sneered, making Missy blush.- In my defense, I don't want to see her. – Logan's voice sounded from the other side of the locked door – I just want to talk to her one last time, before going to the ceremony, wait.- What the hell do you have to say to her that you haven't said in 05 months of relationship?! – Megan rolled her eyes, walking around the room, with the accessories that Missy would use in her hands.- Just let me touch my future wife Megan a little. - Logan sighed, as the doorknob began to move, denouncing that he was trying to enter again.- You just said it was just talk. Megan pointed out, ann
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Chapter 39 – One Last Gift (Part 2)
- I love you, my Missy... - Logan murmured lovingly, giving her belly one last pat, before hesitantly pulling his hand out the door - More than I will ever be able to explain. But I promise I will spend the rest of our lives demonstrating how you are the center of my universe. And I will wait for you. I will always wait for you... And not just at the altar. She could recognize the charming and delighted smile in his tone, before her footsteps began to sound across the carpet, moving away.- See you later... Future husband. – she said goodbye happily, knowing that, in a short time, she would be crying again when she saw him waiting for her at the altar.- See you later... - he replied, with a sweet and veiled promise in his deep voice - My love.(***)His lips burned against hers. His tongue snaked around inside his mouth, moving obscenely.Her soft hands moved slowly down the bare skin of her arms, sending shivers all the way down, until they finally wrapped around her waist in a firm
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Chapter 39 – One Last Gift (Part 3)
Oh, believe me... The question of happiness is quite noticeable. – Fernando laughed, before shaking their hands – But seeing a young couple exuding love like that is always a good sign. It means you two will have more than enough to last you a lifetime, as will your family, my boy... And me and my Raquela. – he hugged his wife by the shoulders, earning a passionate smile from her, before turning his attention to Missy again – But, tell me, Missy, when should we expect the invitation to the baby shower?- Oh, well, in two weeks we'll do the ultrasound to find out the genders, so... I think a little after that. – Missy smiled, contentedly, as she lovingly caressed her belly – But don't feel forced to attend. I know that you have a complicated routine in Spain and that coming here must not be easy.- Nonsense, dear. - Raquela laughed happily, taking his hand in both of hers and giving it an almost maternal caress - In many ways, Logan was to us like the son we never had. Just like, now,
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Chapter 40 – The Revenge (Part 1)
- Mom!? - Missy gasped a little, turning quickly to face her, shocked, while Logan followed her more slowly, staring at her mother-in-law's face with a certain irritation, which she knew very well came from the fact that he was afraid that his mother might speak something that hurt her. Again.Frankly, the expression on Victoria's face didn't arouse high hopes either. Her mother looked stern and terribly determined, her thin brows furrowed in what looked like annoyance and her lips pressed together almost to the point of disappearing. She was wearing a shimmering red dress, decorated with stones and sparkles that made it far more suitable for a red carpet or a big glamorous party... Which is what most people would expect from the wedding of such a famous former model. as much as Logan, Missy quickly realized, stifling a sigh.And surely Victoria was about to berate her vehemently for allowing this party to be so simple, perhaps even ignoring the fact that this was the first time they
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Chapter 40 – The Revenge (Part 2)
- Of course I don't hate you, Mom. – Missy smiled tenderly, taking a step forward to approach her, in which Logan accompanied her, as always making her feel supported and protected – Why do you think your opinions matter so much to me? I love you. – Her smile widened, while Victoria's face became even more perplexed – I know I haven't said this to you much, especially since Dad died, but… I really love you, Mom. And that's why I wish you could review the way you treat me. So that we can get closer. And so that you can be part of your grandchildren's lives. I may not know what made you decide to try to change your behavior, but I want you to know that nothing could make me happier, especially today. – She exchanged a significant look with Logan, who seemed sincerely happy for her – So, thank you very much for being willing to change, Mom. It means a lot to me. Because it shows you care about me.- Of course I care about you. – Victoria, who until that moment had been with her jaw wide
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Chapter 40 – The Revenge (Part 3)
She watched, already dripping with desire between her legs, as his eyes grew even darker, almost fierce, with desire, and with those big, agile hands he deftly undid the short row of buttons down her back, before moving all the light, flowing fabric off her body, leaving her with only the tiny lingerie underneath.- Christ… – Logan gasped in a whisper, licking his lips hungrily as he ran his eyes over his almost completely exposed skin – Where did those little rags come from? I thought you already used them all...- I know. Missy knelt on the bed, letting him have a view of the semi-transparent blue lace bra and the set of thin elastic straps that led down to the satin white fabric of the thong panties, which she knew perfectly well didn't cover anything else. it was made to cover up – But Cinderella has always been one of my favorite princesses. So I decided to save her lingerie for a special occasion. Missy smiled coquettishly and, seeing that he was still petrified, in front of her
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Chapter 40 – The Revenge (Part 4)
Hours later, a warm sensation of pleasure in her breasts slowly woke her, gradually making her aware of the heat touching part of her arm, the warm, soft sensation of ache between her legs, and the warm wetness enveloping her nipple, which she lingered on. a few seconds to realize that he was being sucked. Opening a very happy smile, Missy slowly lifted her eyelids, letting out a small moan when she saw Logan's hands and mouth on her breasts, massaging and caressing them with a mixture of softness and voluptuousness. At the sound of her moan, however, he lifted his head, smirking when her eyes met.- Good morning, Mrs. Knight. – He greeted her, dragging himself to her so he could caress her face-Tired?- Quite the contrary, Mr. Knight. – she stretched, satisfied, enjoying the rays of sun that spilled over the bed through the cracks in the curtain that covered the windows nearby – From now on, I want this to become my official alarm clock. It made me feel…” She gasped when he touched h
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Epilogue – Three More Cards (Part 1)
- They're so cute...Smiling with pride, Logan looked down at the tiny face of the precious little baby that slept in his arms, as well as Eleanor, who, lifted in her father's arms in front of the armchair where her uncle was sitting, seemed absolutely fascinated by her cousins. Placing an extremely gentle kiss on top of his son's chestnut-covered head, Logan turned his face to look at his wife, lying in the hospital bed still looking exhausted but also beautiful and beaming with joy as she lovingly held their other son against her chest. the breast, watching it feed hungrily.- Tristan really inherited the family's appetite, didn't he? - Gwyneth, who was sitting on the other side of Missy, stroked her grandson's forehead with the tips of her fingers, trying in vain to organize the small ruffled tuft of black hair that was close to his hazel eyes and bleary, but that still seemed to be linger on your mother from time to time. Which Logan understood perfectly.He also had a lot of trou
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Epilogue – Three More Cards (Part 2)
-Oh, no... - Missy lamented, distressed, quickly extending each of her arms towards her husband and sister, while she asked - Give them to me here.Without any hesitation, Megan did as she was told, carefully placing one of the babies back in the nest of Missy's arms. Logan, however, after snuggling Jonathan next to his brother, around one of Missy's arms, also put his arms around her, hugging the three of them in order to provide extra support to his wife, while she held and soothed their two children. And it was with a sigh filled with wonder, love and pride, that Logan watched her calmly cradle the crying little boys, who didn't take long to calm down at the sound of their mother's voice, quickly returning to relax and doze off in her lap.- Impressive. Megan praised, her mouth in a perfect round shape in surprise.- His voice soothes them. Just like she used to soothe them when they got fussy in her belly. - Logan recalled, smiling at Missy, while resting his cheek against her hai
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Epilogue – Three More Cards (Part 3)
Maybe he was still locked in her apartment, suffering from being away from her, trying to convince himself that love was the worst thing that could have happened to him and that he had to fight that feeling building in his chest.Perhaps his children never had the chance to exist.Perhaps he and Missy would have lived the rest of their lives without knowing what that sublime feeling was and that they found each other.Which was why he smiled at Megan before she could close the bag completely.- Would you like to draw the tarot for the boys? – Logan asked, leaving everyone in the room shocked – I know it would mean a lot to you.- You... Do you want me to read the tarot to your children? - Megan spent a second completely perplexed, blinking a few times before gasping - Who are you and what did you do with Logan Knight?- I'm the man who didn't listen to you once and because of that he made many mistakes. – He laughed softly, feeling Missy's gaze on her face, also amazed – Or maybe, tha
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