All Chapters of The Revenge: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
153 Chapters
Chapter 24 - The Weirdest Magic of All (Part 3)
- The destiny? – Missy asked, confused with the direction that conversation had taken – What do you mean? For a few seconds, Gwyneth just stood frozen, as if she'd just realized that she'd said something she shouldn't have. Finally, her expression turned wary, not to say fearful. -Missy... There was a reason Daniel was so insistent on being by my side after he met me. Which is the same reason why my daughter fell in love with Paul and my son with his sister... - Gwyneth took a deep breath before continuing - Missy... Everything Logan told you about the history of that tapestry... The first Knight, the spell, love at first sight, our family legacy... It's all real. I know you must think I'm going crazy, but please believe me... It's the purest truth. Knights actually have the ability to recognize their soulmates as soon as they look at them. It is an intense and inexplicable connection, as well as totally irresistible... - Logan's mother let another second pass before continuing - Th
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Chapter 25 – Like Stars (Part 1)
- I've never seen a shower of shooting stars before. With a shy smile, Missy sat down calmly on the soft duvet Logan had laid out on the terrace of his house. Obviously, there was a small set of sofas and armchairs around it, but once they'd reached the house and she'd gone out for a minute to use the bathroom, he'd surprised her when she'd returned, having organized the room with flowers and flowers. candles around the duvets and pillows where they could lie comfortably and watch the stars. God, she would miss that sweet and caring way of his so much... Always trying to make every moment special for her... Well, maybe she could just try hard enough to quell those thoughts a bit and just enjoy the night with him. Fortunately, that day the night sky was a clear, deep black, making every tiny bright spot above them perfectly visible. - We tried to see it once, a long time ago, when I was a kid. – Logan said with a smile, as he sat down next to her – We lived near a meadow and mom de
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Chapter 25 – Like Stars (Part 2)
- Don't leave me… – Logan panted, separating their mouths just enough to make that plea – Just… Stay with me, Missy, please…-I don't know if I have a choice… – Missy whimpered, although her hands were already were moving to open his shirt, exposing his broad, well-defined chest.- Of course you do, my love. – He sighed against her lips, while his big hands went up her legs to the waistband of her pants, gently starting to remove them – Your choices are all that matter, between the two of us. – he moved, in order to finally leave her naked from the waist down and start to remove her shirt over her head – That's why, Missy, please, I beg you… – he hugged her against him when she finally saw herself dressed only in her underwear and, stunned, watched a tear run down his face – Don't walk away from me. Just tell me what happened and we can fix whatever it is together.- Oh, Logan… – she felt her own tears escape – I wish we could work this out, but… It's not possible.- Of course it is!
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Chapter 26 – Inside Your Heart (Part 1)
- I love you.For a few seconds, Missy could have sworn that phrase echoed around the two of them. Or maybe it was just the work of her horrified mind, as she continued to stare at Logan's completely shocked face above her, as petrified as she herself was after having made the stupidest, most unnecessary confession of her entire life.However, those first moments of shock were nothing compared to the moment when she finally realized what she had done, causing all the air to immediately rush out of her lungs and her stomach to clench with dread. Taken by the instinct to run away after being carried away by the moment and saying something so thoughtless, Missy threw herself out of his embrace, getting out of his arms relatively easily, due to the shock he was still immersed in. . Rolling naked on the duvet, Missy managed to shakily get to her knees and was ready to gather her clothes and run, when a big warm hand cupped her ankle, making her turn to him again, panicked."Missy…" he murm
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Chapter 26 – Inside Your Heart (Part 2)
- You listened. - Logan shook his head gently, giving her a sweet smile - You don't have to worry about the day when the family legacy will reach me, love... Because it already did: two years ago, when a beautiful pair of eyes chocolate color changed my life forever.- B-but... - Missy stammered, still with those incomprehensible words swirling in her mind, almost to the point of making her dizzy, but without really being able to assimilate them - Your mother said that all Knights know immediately who their mothers are. soulmates... Which is something instantaneous, irresistible...- And is. But I'm stubborn. - Logan's smile became bitter - Or at least stubborn enough to try to resist the irresistible.- But... But, I... I don't understand... - she gasped, finally starting to realize what that meant, but still not able to believe it - If... If I really am the woman you were meant to be. you were... Predestined... So... Why were you... - she stammered, blushing - Why were you so...?-
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Chapter 26 – Inside Your Heart (Part 3)
So, I spent some time building a plan. – he gave a sad smile – I hated myself for the rude way I had treated you until then and, more than anything, I wanted to start redeeming myself. So I planned every word I would say, every flower in the bouquet I bought you, every little syllable in the invitation I would make for you to have dinner with me. But...- I started dating Liam. - Missy completed with a crestfallen whisper, quickly doing the math in her mind and realizing the moment when that had happened.Regretfully, she watched Logan grit his teeth at the mere mention of her ex-boyfriend. A second passed before he took a deep breath and looked back at her, though he still didn't look composed anymore.- Yes... One day I arrived at the agency, full of hope that that could be the first day of a new beginning between the two of us, but then... I saw you in his arms. – Logan growled, so tense that the veins in his neck and arms stood out – And… I was upset. Very upset, actually. Newton
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Chapter 27 – From Here Onwards (Part 1)
Missy's mind didn't even have time to try to trick her into thinking last night had been a dream.Because, before she could even realize that she had woken up, she felt strong arms squeezing her against the firm, warm chest she knew so well. Rubbing her cheek against his muscular shoulder, Missy felt a passionate smile spread across her face, still not opening her eyes, as memories of the night she'd spent in Logan's arms warmed her heart. Normally, she would think that something so perfect could only be the fruit of her dreams. But with his scent surrounding her, his warm breath caressing her hair, and the sweet sensation of satisfaction between her legs, there was no denying it: not even in her most romantic dreams would she have been able to fantasize about something as sublime as it had been. moment when Logan had said he loved her.- Good morning my love. – He murmured lazily against her ear, making her smile even more.- Good morning... – she opened her eyes, feeling her heart r
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Chapter 27 – From Here Onwards (Part 2)
Looking slightly regretful of what he'd just said, Logan scratched the back of her neck, as if he was unsure whether he should answer the question she'd asked or not. Finally, after a long sigh, he finally spoke again.- Remember that afternoon, before that horrible night... When my hand was bandaged and you asked me if I was okay? he asked hesitantly.- Yes, I remember... - Missy replied, not understanding why he had remembered that.- Well, what happened was... The day before, I was supervising some of our photography projects, when I suddenly walked into one of the studios and... I heard Newton and a colleague of his talking. He was... bragging... about sleeping with you. - Logan said, looking as enraged as he would have been if Liam was really there, saying those things out loud next to the two.- I remember you mentioned that, too. – Missy sighed, a little uncomfortable – But… What does this have to do with a glass and the bruises on your hand?- At that moment… - Logan continued
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Chapter 27 – From Here Onwards (Part 3)
- As much as this is a beautiful sight... - Logan grunted, causing Missy to turn her head to look at him, feeling her pussy tighten when she saw him masturbating fiercely with his hand still dry - But this position will leave you even tighter. Keep it for next time. – he winked, mischievous, before pulling her to him, laying her sideways on the bed before she could even blink – That way we'll avoid you feeling pain. He ran his hands over her breasts, making her eyes roll as he stepped behind her.Gasping, Missy reached back with one hand, tangling her hands in his hair as she buried her face in the pillow, lost in the feel of his hands and mouth caressing her shoulders, her back, and the insides of her thighs… Until finally lift one of your legs slightly and press the end of the tube against your tight entrance, pouring the cold liquid into the bottom of the small channel and starting to stroke the puckered edges gently, to the point where she found herself pushing herself toward him,
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Chapter 28 – Perfect for You (Part 1)
- I think that was the best sundae I've ever had... - Missy praised, smiling happily as she gave a last wistful lick of the small spoon she had been using to eat.- And to think you didn't want to come... - Logan laughed, keeping his hand intertwined with hers as he watched her throw the small cup into a trash can, before they continued to walk calmly through the mall - If you liked it so much, I promise we'll come here whenever possible, just like we do with our restaurant.- Our restaurant? Missy smiled, liking the sound of that phrase, even though she was confused.- That's what I've been calling your favorite Italian restaurant, at least to myself. – he smiled, slightly embarrassed – That place became special to me, not only because it was, technically, our first date, but also… Because, for the first time, I felt that we were starting to have a connection. – Logan caressed her face gently with his other hand – I felt… That we were made for each other, not only because I loved you
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