All Chapters of My Ex-Boyfriend's Billionaire Dad: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
32 Chapters
Chapter 21 - The Break Up
×KENZIE×My phone had died while still in the park, I knew Axel was probably pissed off with me. But after what Wyatt had said to me, and my realization, I couldn't just leave Wyatt alone."Come on, Wyatt." I shoved him into his hotel room."You're coming in?"I hesitated, glancing down the hall toward the room Axel was in.When I turned back to Wyatt, he looked so hopeful, "Yeah, I'll come in." I couldn't find it in me to say no.I followed him in, shutting the door behind me."Can you get into bed? I'm tired, I really need to get to sleep.""You're leaving?"I sighed, "I'll get you into bed and then I'm leaving." Although his speech was better, he was still a bit shaky on his feet.I followed him into the bedroom and stood against the wall while he sat down on the edge of the bed.He struggled in an attempt to take his shoes off.I huffed and went over to him, helping him get his shoes off.He took his shirt off, breaking a few buttons."Okay, go to sleep. I need to get to sleep,
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Chapter 22 - Back Home
-KENZIE- I was staring out the jet's window, we were on our way back home and my mind was on Axel. I was feeling guilty for the way I handled things with him. "Kenz?" Wyatt's voice pulled me from my thoughts. "Yeah?" I turned to look at him. "What is it?" "Nothing," I sighed heavily, "I feel terrible about how I handled things with Axel. I should never have started anything with him." "Why? Because he's a shitty person?" "No, because..." I trailed off, not wanting to get into why I broke things off with Axel. Wyatt seemed to be studying me intently, but I couldn't figure out what he was thinking. "He's just too jealous, and I'm trying to concentrate on my career. I can't do that with him throwing a tantrum whenever you need me." Wyatt nodded, "That's good. Your career is important. Have you thought about going back to school? I'm sure you don't want to be a PA for the rest of your life." "I'll figure it out eventually. But for the time being, I'm happy to carry on with thin
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Chapter 23 - History Repeats Itself (Almost)
-KENZIE-I was suffering from a migraine the entire day so when I was finally able to leave, I was ecstatic to get home and have a peaceful night in bed.Unfortunately, I was almost home when I realized I left my bag in the office, which meant my keys were there too.Groaning, I made my way back to Grimes Enterprises.I assumed that everyone had already left, so when I walked into Wyatt's office I as surprised to see him behind his desk. His jacket as off and the first few buttons of his shirt were undone. In front of him was a bottle of alcohol that was almost empty."Wyatt?"He looked up and I could tell by his eyes he was very drunk, "Kenz. Didn't you go home?""Yeah, I did. But I forgot my bag," I went over and picked it up, showing him.He nodded slowly, "Okay. Did you walk back," he turned, looking out the windows, "It's dark. Let one of my drivers take you home."I hesitated at the door, Walk out, Kenzie. Do not do this., I told myself.I sighed and shut the office door, walkin
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Chapter 24 - Dinner Date
-KENZIE-I chewed on the end of the pencil while zoning out in Wyatt's meeting. My mind was very scattered since Caleb dropped me off at home a few days prior. I looked up and caught Wyatt's eyes on me.He smiled slightly and I looked away. I knew I had been caught not paying attention.Thankfully the meeting was coming to an end."You look like you're about to die of boredom," Wyatt whispered."I am.""You realize you were supposed to be taking notes, right?""Sorry. I don't know what's going on with me. I can't concentrate on anything.""Why is that?"I shrugged, "I don't know. Wyatt, please watch your son. Selma seems like a nice person and I don't want her to end up hurt the way I did."He turned to me, "Why? What did he do?""Nothing. But he told me he misses me. And it was just a really awkward moment."Wyatt's jaw clenched, "I'll speak to him. He shouldn't put you in that sort of situation.""It's not that. I don't want Selma ending up in the same situation I ended up in.""I
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Chapter 24 - Press Repeat
-KENZIE-Wyatt rushed me to the hospital after the phone call.When we arrived the doctors told me they were doing everything they could.My mother had been in a terrible car accident. She was severely injured, and the driver she was with was in another room getting a few stitches.I was a nervous wreck, pacing the hospital with Wyatt standing nearby."Hey, Kenz, she's going to be okay," Wyatt spoke suddenly, pulling me against his chest, his arms wrapping around me tightly."I hope so, Wyatt. Gosh, I feel sick.""I know." He kissed the top of my head."Kenzie."I turned with a frown to see Axel. His head was bandaged."Axel? What are you doing here?""I was in the car with your mom.""What? What happened?""A truck slammed into us."A part of me was curious to know why they were together, but instead of asking, I leaned back into Wyatt.His embrace somehow made me feel better.Axel watched us, a questioning look in his eyes, "Kenzie, can I speak to you for a moment?""What is it?" I
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Chapter 25 - A Harsh Truth
-KENZIE-Avoiding Wyatt seemed to become a hobby.I was on my lunch break, sitting in the downstairs lunch area with Paul."Kenzie, what's wrong? You've barely touched your food."I sighed heavily, "I'm thinking about my mom, I need to go see her later," I owned down at my coffee, "Paul, have you ever done something knowing it was a bad idea? And even though you tried your best not to give in, you end up doing it, only to realize afterward that you were right and you should never have done it."Paul laughed, "Alcoholic, remember?" His face became serious as he studied me, "Yes, I have. There are so many things I wish I could have done differently. So many things I wish I could change. But we all know there is no way for us to undo the things we have done. But, what we can do is take solace in the fact that everything happens for a reason, even if you don't understand the reason right now."I nodded, "I guess. I kind of feel like all I'm doing is making a major mess of things.""Someti
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Chapter 26 - Facing Wyatt
-KENZIE-I was sitting on my sofa with Toby on my lap when there was a loud knock on the door.I shot a glare at the door, hoping the person would go away."It's Paul."I rolled my eyes but got to my feet to open the door."How many times are you going to come back here before you realize that I don't want to see anyone? I just want to be alone."He pushed his way in, "Kenzie, what happened?"I raised a brow, "I walked into the office and found Wyatt with one of the girls from a club," I shrugged, "Honestly, I'm not even mad at him. I'm mad at myself for thinking that there was any sort of chance for us. I know what he is."Paul sighed heavily, "Kenz, speak to him. He's messed up. But he cares for you."I scoffed, "Paul, I appreciate you trying to help, but this is a mess I'm not willing to try and fix. Wyatt is not capable of a relationship. He never has been. It's just one of those things.""When you left, I saw a broken man. I know because I've been there.""It's for the best. He w
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Chapter 27 - The Dinner
-KENZIE-"This is too slutty." I scrunched my nose up as I eyed myself in the mirror.Milly looked up from Toby who was sitting on her lap, "It's sexy, not slutty. Wear it."I turned to face her, "Milly, this is Selma's dinner—my ex's fiance. She knows he still has feelings for me, I don't want her to think I'm trying to dress up to impress him."She raised a brow and pouted her lips, "You're worried about that? I thought you were trying to make Wyatt realize what he's missing?"My heart dropped and my throat closed up at her words. I hadn't told her about Wyatt. Paul was the only one who knew about Wyatt."How did you-?"I've been your friend for years, do you really think I've never noticed? You used to get all weird whenever his name was mentioned anywhere. And I've seen the way you act since working for him. I know I look it, but I'm not stupid, Kenz."I sighed and sat on the edge of my bed, "I'm sorry I never told you. I didn't want anyone to find out."She shrugged, "No biggie.
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Chapter 28 - The Truth
-WYATT-I walked into my house, throwing my jacket on the nearest sofa."Where were you?"I turned, noticing my father for the first time."I was with Kenzie. What are you doing here?""I asked you to come and see me after dropping her at home. You didn't. Did you spend the night with her?""Yes. Nothing happened if that's what you're asking me." I didn't sleep a wink last night. Kenzie fell asleep in my arms shortly after her shower, but I couldn't sleep. Not knowing how my son had behaved.My father remained silent for a short while, watching me closely, "What is going on between the two of you?""First you accuse her of having an affair with Caleb, and now you're asking if she's sleeping with me. Do you think she's trying to work her way through all of us?" I didn't even bother hiding the anger in my voice."I have never seen you so protective over anyone. You are my son and I know you well enough, Wyatt. Now, I will ask you once more, what is going on between the two of you?"I po
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Chapter 29 - An Outing
-KENZIE-I was still fuming over Wyatt's confession. I couldn't believe he had so easily told his father about us."How can you expect me to be calm about this? You knew I didn't want anyone knowing about it.""Kenz, just enjoy the day with me. Be mad later."I turned to glare at him, "That's so easy for you to say. Your father already thinks so low of me, and now you've gone and made it worse."" Kenzie.""No, Wyatt, you shouldn't have- what are you doing?"Wyatt was pulling the car to a stop and for the first time I realized that I had no idea where we were.It looked like an over grown medow, the bright green grass stood tall with specks of pink and yellow flowers."Well, don't just sit there." He got out the car.I followed him, still shooting glares at him."Where are we?" I asked. I couldn't see much behind the trees and tall weeds.He held out a hand, "Come on and you'll see."I eyed his hand before taking it. Although I pursed my lips in annoyance at him, he smiled at me."You
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