All Chapters of My Foreign Husband : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
161 Chapters
"What the fuck did you do this time, Jonathan?”A long soft and slippery upholstery touched my back when my body "or what was left under the bruises that certainly colored my skin" was rested on what I thought was a sofa. A soft and unknown aroma of incense aroused my sense of smell, and I knew I was not in a safe place. I wasn't at home.I didn't open my eyes to confirm my suspicions. I couldn't. They were sore like never before, and my left eyeball seemed to throb below my heavy eyelids. In addition to the pain and panic, there was my hatred. Hate because if I hadn't been so weak I could have saved someone's life. It could have saved me.I knew the damage before that unknown voice could express surprise. It was the result of the fury that Jonathan had poured on me in what I imagined to have been a few hours before we got there. I should have imagined that he wouldn't take me home that night. That the excuse of a tour would really be my end point. Because if I didn't give in to him,
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"At least I'm doing something! “Jonathan got agitated, getting even closer to where I was. With all the effort I could make, I managed to open a small crack in my eyes, seeing nothing but figures and lights. Still, when Jonathan screamed again, it was the silhouette of Jon Maxwell that I saw in front of him. "You waste your time recruiting these filthy people and forget that your daughter is the same age as half of those bastards! Every time you ask me to steal someone's life, I lose my mind. You have no right to blame me for being the monster you created!”Among them, I didn't hear anything else. Although in the background, a few steps far from where I was, a small snap caught my attention. My ears buzzed, my hearing partially blocked by acute pain, but I was able to identify the unmistakable tiir of projectiles being counted. When the snap was repeated, I knew it was a weapon being reloaded."Where did you leave the right girl? "Asked the mocking voice, with a small air of insolence
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The boy got up and my head slipped to the side. With my hair covering my face, I could force my eyes to open without fear that they would see. First I noticed the weapon held by someone's hands, then the black robes and the predatory walk of the one who approached. But the boy came back close, blocking my sight."Do you want me to do it now, boss?”"No... this will only delay us even more. She's already dead, anyway.”The fight stopped immediately, and, rushing close again, Jonathan shouted:"She's not dead! Are you playing with my face? She didn't die! It's not even the first time this has happened. She just needs a doctor, for God's sake! I just came for help to have a doctor.”"Are you telling me that you beat a teenager often? A teenager, Jonathan? It is already wrong that you have related! She is too young," said Jon, grabbing her son by the arm. "In what part of your creation did I teach you how to do this?”Jonathan tried to let go, but despite his age, his father still seemed
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"Suzy, if you want to take some of these trinkets that every teenager has in the room, you can put them in one of the boxes I brought," said Gabby, opening a travel bag on my bed. “Do you have a lot of clothes? Your father said we should take everything at once. No second trips. Vegas is amazing, but he hates this place with all his strength.”"It must be because of my mother," I said, shaking my hand against my throat. It was the only way to speak without feeling that a knife was cutting my vocal cords. I wasn't fully recovered yet. "I don't need boxes.”"You're the one who knows.”Gabby removed each of the drawers from my dresser and turned all the contents on the bed. She separated clothes and accessories while throwing my belongings inside the bag. When he opened my closet, he made a face, but didn't joke about my terrible taste of fashion and didn't even scold me. My stepmother and newest friend was the one who was most strictly following all the medical recommendation I received
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Gabby got up and combed my hair with her fingers. The sound was like sliding your nails against a smooth surface. Uncomfortable, unpleasant and sharp. I held her hand so that she would stop and closed my eyes.Sometimes I didn't necessarily need to be sleeping to have a nightmare. Right there, with the sun entering through the window and crawling on the floor as the world outside turned, and with the hands of someone else within reach of mine, I felt a strong smell of blood and heard a soft whisper that came from inside my mind.They said it was just a defense mechanism of my brain. A way to stifle repressed memories. But that voice has never been like the one we heard when reading a book in silence. It was something real, a request for help, a cry for help... Something real and disturbing."You don't need makeup, Suzy. You’re a survivor "she said, pulling my hand out of yours. He touched my hair again, but decided to make a braid with messy strands. "I know it's not cool that your fa
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"Do you promise to visit me? "Asked Mikaela, with sparkling blue eyes and reddish by crying. She was a ten-year-old child with curly hair and a luminous face. I already knew she would be beautiful when she grew up.I used to take her in my lap to talk, but I still couldn't find the right way to bend down with the cervical collar limiting my movements, so I just made a small gesture with my head and smiled."I promise," I said, and she stretched her little finger, attaching it to mine. "Be good to mom.”Mikaela nodded and hugged my belly "it was the tallest she could get. I stroked her hair while Gabby wrapped an arm around my shoulders, sending positive energy so that I could endure the farewell. We were standing at the foot of the stairs, almost facing the entrance of the room, and my father came up with the intention of picking up my suitcase."You don't have to go there," he warned, putting the strap of the backpack on his shoulders. "Your mother brought those alcoholic uncles of y
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The flashes of a dozen cameras blinded me as soon as I jumped from the car to the illuminated sidewalk. Dad slid one arm around my waist and another over Gabby's waist, attracting us closer while we posed for the photographers.According to my calculations, that should be the third party in a single weekend. And I was already tired with the lessons of good manners, the hours lost in a beauty salon, and the countless dresses that fit so perfectly into my limited curves, which showed in detail the severe level of my thinness. But I couldn't complain.Events of high society were the way of the rich and powerful to present their spouses and children "future successful professionals" to the world. A hierarchy needs to be maintained from good contacts. And Dad knew a lot of them.The truth is that it didn't cost me any sacrifice to adapt to that. I would like to know that the older men of each of the parties attended knew me by my name, although I was still not the daughter of a judge. Beca
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While my low-heeled shoes screamed at every step through the polished floor, I noticed that I was attracting glances for each little one "and I need to say: very talkative "group of men. It was not easy to find someone who was not almost old or with gray hair lurking on their heads. Dad was one of the only ones who did not suffer from the exhausting effect of time, and the dark hair resisted like coal in a newly lit fire.The men tilted their heads lightly in a gesture of greeting and smiled, but those smiles were never genuine. Gabby instructed me about that kind of inconvenience. The more money a man has, the more he believes he can have the woman he wants, regardless of his age.It reminded me of someone else instantly.However, almost reaching the exit, in a passage with pilasters facing the horizon, a man with an appearance of just over thirty years stopped me.“Suzane Johnson? “He asked.I wasn't afraid. Right out there were security men walking from side to side, and my father
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I had no idea what I was asking, but I just let the words form."Are you referring to a ghost company? “He questioned.“No. A company that may be being used for the sale of illegal things.”Anthony retreated from the balustrade, arching his thick eyebrows."Use the name of a company to have free import and export access. Is that what you mean? "I shrugged, but Anthony must have seen that I was more interested than I let it show. He made a gesture with his head. “Well... This would not only lead a company to bankruptcy, but would also lead its president and investors to provide clarification before the courts. If the veracity of the complaint were proven, the actions would fall absurdly, and anyone could buy them.”Without being invited, some nightmares ran through my mind like a breath from my unconscious. Jonathan's face. The sound of disconnected voices. A vaguely familiar face. The name of the company that Jonathan would inherit, Maxwell Enterprises, being repeated through a multit
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“Is this the end you expected? "Questioned Jonathan in a tired voice and devoid of heat. “Are you satisfied, Suzy?”Between us there was a distance of approximately ten steps, whose vacuum was filled by the flow of salt air that came from the waters below us. We were over the bridge of a winding river, in which its turbid and treacherous waters formed small invisible whirls on its serene surface, swirls that met the water of a distant sea.A deadly beauty, by the way, since the waters of a deep cyan were so coldly calm that one could look for as long as it was without feeling any vertigo or sign that a fall would hardly end well."It's a beginning," I said, casting the shortest of glances at him.I never imagined that extreme suffering could change even the most basic physiognomy of a person until I see the sequelae with my own eyes.The dark and deep iris eyes that one day induced me to immerse myself in Jonathan's problems were no longer the same. I didn't have to wait for him to re
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