All Chapters of Billionaire Surrendered: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
139 Chapters
81 - Fred
Becca sat on my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck.“Did you sleep well? "I asked, smiling in the corner.“Very well.”"I can't imagine the reason." he said in a fun way, watching her smile. "You need to change, we'll leave soon.”“ Where are we going? "She raised one of her eyebrows.“ Surprise. Dress up "she pouted. “ Now. "I slid my thumb through your lips, then sealing them with mine.We left the apartment, finding Maddie, Pauline and Ethan standing idly by. Maddie was wearing a light blue short dress and slim heels. Pauline also wore heels, but wore a slightly more appropriate outfit. Ethan was wearing light denim shorts and his stupid smile on his lips. They faced basically three hours of travel, when I had made it very clear for Ethan to wait for us at the spot.“Finally! "Maddie screamed letting go of her arms and walking towards us, kissing us on the face. I stared at her feet for long seconds, hoping that she would notice that I didn't think they were appropriate for wher
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82 - Becca
Already in the late afternoon, Friederich wanted to show me the sights I knew from Georgia, so Maddie and Ethan didn't accompany us in their car. The tour was quiet and pleasant, and it was almost close to sunset when we really decided to leave home. At another time, if anyone told me that I would be enjoying a sunny afternoon with Fred, I would have laughed.Because none of us believed that that could be our end. That we would accept our differences and difficulties, and that we would be together. None of us thought we would establish a relationship in such a natural and unexpected way. But there we were. Having fun, getting to know each other, and letting the normal flow of life take us." Why do you have this little smile while I talk about the first surgery I had in my life? “ questioned Friederich.I restrained the laughter."Actually, I wasn't even hearing you talk about it. I ended up distracting myself.”Friederich frowned, but kept the expression fun."Is my company that bori
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83 - Becca
I woke up with something being thrown against my face.My instinct was screaming, but when I realized it wasn't hot or acidic, I kept quiet. I opened my eyes minimally, fearing that something else would be thrown at me, but I found myself in a dark place with a strange smell. It looked like mold, at least for a while something very moist and earthy, but I was sure my feet were on firm ground.I blinked a few times, getting used to the ceiling light above my head. My eyes were sensitive, and my body was sore. I felt entirely skinned, and remembered being abruptly pulled from Fred's vehicle.Fred, my master and now boyfriend, the man to whom I declared myself before that accident, and whose phrase he could not even hear from my mouth until everything collapsed. Fred, who was bleeding and unconscious. Fred, whose body was so stuck in the dented door of the car, that I doubted he was breathing. My master and partner, who could simply be dead now." Wondering how did you get here? "I heard
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84 - Fred
I woke up with a weird smell in my nose. It took me a while to understand that something was being blown by my airways. My first impulse was to take my hand to my face and pull whatever was in me. Thank God it was a mask, but I regretted it as soon as I took it off, because my whole chest burned and burned. I was out of breath at the same time."It's better not to mess with it," said a female and familiar voice.I put the mask back on and turned my head to find my sister in the armchair next to the bed, and my cousin standing next to the window. The two seeming worried to the point of exploding. For a while, I just tried to understand what the hell they were doing there. What the hell was I doing in that room? Then I looked around, noticing the walls of a very light blue, the devices next to me, the hard and cold stretcher, and the silence characteristic of a hospital."What am I doing here? "I questioned to no one in particular. I didn't used to go to hospitals, in fact, I always had
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85 - Becca
"What's your name?”For days, that question was repeated. For days, I doubted my own identity. Days, not minutes or hours. Days when I was kidnapped by a bitter and cruel woman, days when my life became part of a show of horrors, and I was thrown into a moat full of men with a multitude of evils ready to be put into practice.The day it all started, I was told that it would not go beyond a basic teaching to a subject of which I was being idle. I was told that I would be taught to be a submissive. That I would learn to respect a man and see him as the center of my world.That I would understand that it was nothing more than a dog at the feet of a man. They told me that I would lose everything, to become obedient. And the worst part is that I didn't consent to any of that. I didn't want to be part of the misrepresented world they created, but I was forced. And none of this had anything related to BDSM.Soon I, who some time ago did not even accept to nurture some loving feeling for a ma
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86 - Fred
"How are you feeling, Fred?”I must have launched my worst or most desolate look in the direction of my psychiatrist, because his reaction was too immediate for my taste. I must have made the landscape face that was becoming my favorite mask in the last few days. I must have shown everything but the truth about the way I felt.Because I'd rather not feel it. I would rather hide and act like everyone else would like Friederich Hanson to act. That I didn't care about the life of another missing person. That I did not lose nights of sleep and days in a catatonic state, always waiting for news. But that Friederich Hanson was dead. He died the day Rebecca Smith disappeared."Well," I spoke as a feigned and very usual answer. "I think we are progressing in the investigations.”I didn't even know who I really wanted to deceive with that story of progress. It was obvious that there was no progress. Rebecca, the woman I fell in love with, had been missing for more days than I would like to tel
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87 - Fred
I knew it was all my fault, but the certainty only came on the day Rebecca's mother received the news. In fact, when she saw, watching the news, that her daughter was missing. I was still in hospital. I was still debilitated, struggling to leave the devices and look for it. But Rebecca's mother went to the hospital. And she visited me.Sophie Smith, the woman that Rebecca admired so much for having survived a toxic relationship, was desolate, broken, lost. Even inside a hospital, even surrounded by my family and medical staff, she screamed and blamed me. She cried and pointed her finger at me, while saying:"You promised, Fred! You promised you would take care of my daughter, and you took her away from me!”After that day, my dreams were invaded by Sophie's voice, by the image of what I thought Rebecca would be already dead in some abandoned grave. And then, sleeping or taming myself with medicines, became everything but a moment of rest. And I couldn't even deny it. Because I knew it
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88 - Becca
As I had no idea about the time, I couldn't tell if since my last date with those men a whole day had passed or a few moments. I knew, however, that something was more than wrong even before a distant door opened and lights were lit.For a long time, I blinked, trying to get used to the excessive light. I was getting used to the dark, especially considering that I spent most of the time surrounded by it. However, on that day, not only a light was lit above my head, but several.My first instinct was to look up, trying to find windows, or any possible passage through the roof. There was nothing, of course. We were in what seemed to me a huge shed, whose stairs and pilasters were made of old iron. I had never paid attention to the sound that men made when going down the steps, or they were careful that I didn't listen, because that day, the noise was too loud for me not to look.Everyone wore ski mask, caps to hide their faces, and black clothes. The fact that they took the trouble to c
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89 - Becca
I let a singing smile be sketched by my lips. I didn't make any positive gestures, but I kept quiet, watching him. The man frowned lightly, then walked away. At least the tactic of facing the kidnapper to the point that he thought that I would never allow myself to forget his features still worked. I held on not to ask why he didn't cover his face like the others.Instead, I waited until he sat down, started cutting his chicken again and faced the food again. The smell was driving me crazy. I had the impression that anyone would see me as an addict in the face of what had left him in abstinence. I could very well have eaten that wooden table, if a paint of salt and lemon was placed on it.However, something was wrong. The fact that the man ate the chicken did not mean that all the rest of the food was not poisoned. I doubted that they could have all that work to do with me, they could very well do it in the traditional way. On second thought, it wasn't even necessary to put poison in
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90 - Fred
"If you didn't want me to assault your ex-girlfriend, why the hell did you bring me here? "Questioned Madeleine, leaning back in the car seat."Because I would like a female company to confront her, and not physical strength," I explained for the thousandth time. I threw a look out, trying to see the dark, and watching an unknown couple go out through the doors of the establishment next door. "Besides, I don't want you to cause even more trouble for us, Maddie.”Madeleine laughed mockingly."Oh, dear brother, problems are what we have the most lately. And you need to stop this habit of acting diplomatically. If this crazy woman is with Becca, as you suggested to drag me here, then we will have to assault her so that she speaks. So, I do that, and it's good for you to stay away so you don't get arrested.”I sighed. Through the rearview mirror, Tyler gave me a fun look. Of course, for him, there was a tone of humor in that whole scene. It was not he who had almost had a heart attack whe
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