All Chapters of Mated To My Unwanted Alpha : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
127 Chapters
Breakfast with the pack
Chapter 21Alexa's POVI wake up feeling very exhausted. I had exhausted all my energy by crying myself to sleep the previous day. I stand up from my bed and groggily walk to my dressing table. The sight of my reflection staring back at me startled me. My hazel eyes are red and swollen and my cheeks are all puffy. I packed my long black hair to one side of my shoulder. The mating mark on the crook of my neck has stopped bleeding but still hasn't healed. I've only been in the pack for a day, but I'm already feeling so exhausted.I knew the Alpha would hate me after finding out the truth, but I didn't expect the hatred to be to this extent. Everybody hates and rejects me after finding out the truth. But not Ace, a small voice at the back of my mind whispered. I smiled at the thought. Yes, not Ace. He's the only one who truly accepted me the way I am. But what did you do? The voice whispered again. I pushed him away. Tears well up in my eyes again. What am I going to know? How am I goi
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Breakfast with the pack (2)
Chapter 22 Alpha Kai's POV “Come in,” I ordered, responding to the knock that reverberated in my chambers. I sat up from my bed, which had been changed as per my orders. The chief walked in. “Good morning, Alpha,” he greets. “Morning,” I mutter, staring at him intently trying to find out why he was here so early. “Alpha, most of the pack members are all having breakfast outside together with the Luna,” he says. “So? What does it have to do with me?” I ask harshly. He looks taken aback by my harsh response for a minute before responding, “It has everything to do with you Alpha, it's the day after your mating ceremony, and you have to introduce the Luna to your pack and bond through breakfast, it has always been done that way,” he explains. “What about what I told you to look into? Have you done it?” I ask, ignoring his words. He looks at me speechlessly as if he couldn't believe what was going on right now. “Well?” I probed expecting an answer. “Yes Alpha, I have each of the
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Chapter 23Alexa's POVMy entire arm is throbbing in pain from the way the Alpha is gripping me tightly. My hand was on fire I thought my bones were completely crushed. But I keep a normal face even though all I want to do is scream loudly in pain. Beads of sweat appeared on my forehead. I could not bear it anymore, so I tried to wiggle my hand free. That turned out to be a big mistake. The Alpha held my hand tighter under the table and kept chatting with his pack members with a straight face.They all kept laughing and making jokes, completely oblivious to the severe pain I was feeling. They even discussed an heir and the Alpha agreed. Which got me confused and nervous.How can there be an heir when the Alpha doesn't even want to see my face? I have to do something to get the Alpha to notice me, or else all my plans are going to fall through. The Alpha excused himself to go to his office. He let go of my hand with disgust and wiped his hand thoroughly with the napkin before standing
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Riding on Ace
Chapter 24Alexa's POVI stare at him confused. He must have noticed my confused expression, so he had to repeat himself.“Do you want to ride me?” he asked again.“W…what?” I stutter. What does he mean by that? My heart starts racing as lewd thoughts and images start coming into my mind. The room suddenly got a lot hotter. I can feel myself sweating.“What are you thinking so hard about?” he asks curiously. His eyes suddenly widened in realization.“Oh no! That was not what I meant, it came out the wrong way. What I mean is, do you want to ride on my wolf,” he explains hurriedly.“Really,” I replied dumbly, letting out a shaky breath.“Yes, what sort of thoughts is running through your mind?” he asks in amusement.My cheeks flushed bright red in embarrassment. What the hell was I thinking about?“I never knew my friend had such naughty thoughts, this is new,” he says, smiling at me mischievously.I used the book I was reading to cover my embarrassed face from his view, hoping the gro
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Sent out of the pack
Chapter 25Alpha Kai's POVI am taking a walk outside with the Chief and discussing my plans for the selection process. I had already decided I would have the ball on the same day as my birthday. I had also chosen the girl I wanted from the files the chief sent to my office. I decided the best woman suited to be by my side was Luna. The ball is only still being held just for formalities to host the people who had already been invited. I was looking at the Chief and explaining everything I wanted to happen at the ball with him when I suddenly felt someone bump into me, stopping me abruptly from what I'm saying. I looked down at the floor to see who it was that was blind enough not to see me coming.Alexa again! I glare at her, irritated. Was she deaf when I asked her to stay far away from me? Or is she just too dumb to comprehend what I said? I look down at her pathetically laying on her back. I take in her appearance. Her white gown is dirty and muddy, and her hair looks ruffled and
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Ace is leaving?
Chapter 26Alexa's POV“My lady,” Kira gasped immediately as I walked into my room. “My lady, what happened? You look......,” she trailed, looking at my soiled clothes.“I'm fine Kira, I just fell somewhere,” I say taking a seat on my bed but standing up immediately, not wanting to soil the neatly made bed with my dirty and wet clothes.“You fell? Are you okay? Did you get hurt?” she fusses. Her eyes worriedly searched my body for any sign of injuries.“There's no need to fuss, Kira, I'm perfectly fine,” I replied amused. “All I need right now is a warm bath,” I told her, taking a look at my dirty clothes.“I will get it ready right away,” she replies and rushes to the bathroom. I stand, pacing all over the room. I walked to the window to see that the pack was as lively as usual. Children were sitting under the moonlight with their families, playing and chatting happily. A smile curved on my lips watching the heart-warming sight.“My lady, your warm bath is ready,” she informs me.“
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The news
Chapter 27Alexa's POV“Just say it already,” I say impatiently, scaring Kira. This is probably the first time she has seen me like this. I have always been calm and patient with her, but not right now. I don't have the patience to just sit around and wait for her to talk when she's ready. She has already made me anxious by just calling the Alpha's name. Any news that has to do with the Alpha always turns out to be bad news for me." lady, when I went into the kitchen to get your food, I heard some maids saying some things about the Alpha that he...... I'm uncertain if it's in my place to tell you something like this,” she started to speak but changed the subject all of a sudden.“Who do you serve?” I mutter slowly.“Y…you, my lady,” she stutters.“And what are your duties?” I ask impatiently.“I'm to take care of you, serve you and answer only to you….,”“Exactly, you answer to me,” I say, cutting her off. “And when I say speak, you speak up,” I probe, my patience starting to we
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The ball (1)
Chapter 28Alexa's POV“Luna, you've not left your room for three days now, don't you feel suffocated?” Kira asks worriedly.I turned my back to her and pulled the blanket that was covering my body all the way to my head.“Luna, at least eat something, if you continue like this, you are going to fall sick,” she says worriedly, moving over to the other side of the bed where I am facing.I turned my back and ignored her again. I am not in the mood to talk to anyone, not when today is the day the Alpha is getting a mistress. I had cried for the past three days and I no longer have any tears left. I didn't have the appetite to eat anything or the strength to go anywhere. I just want to lay down in bed all day and cry thinking about my miserable life.“Luna, the ball is in twenty minutes, you have to get ready now else we will be late, the Alpha hates lateness, people that don't stick to time,” she said nervously. The poor girl was having a hard time dealing with my rebellious behavior but
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The ball (2)
Chapter 29Alexa's POVU…uncle Gaius.Why the hell is he here? Did he find me? Cold sweat broke out all over my body just with that thought. “Alpha Gaius, you made it,” the Alpha says as he turned around to face him.“A…alpha Gaius?” I mutter, pure dread coursing through my veins. So, he is the Alpha of the Grey wood pack now. After framing me and making my brother hate me. He cunningly neglected my brother and made himself the Alpha. I should have known that was his plan all along. He got rid of me because he knew with me around it will be very hard, almost impossible for him to become Alpha. I feel myself seething with anger. I want to turn around and slap him hard right across his face. But I can't do that now, I can't let him see me like this, not when I don't have enough power to defend myself. Not when I'm still labeled as a traitor to the Grey Wood pack, and they all want my head. If I make any slight mistake, and he notices me, he might lie to the Alpha that I'm a traitor wh
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Chapter 30Ace's POV“What?” I stared at Alexa surprised, wondering if I really heard her right.“I said teach me the art of swordsmanship,” she repeats confidently.“Why do you want to learn how to fight all of a sudden?” I asked, staring at her skeptically and trying to figure out what was going on.“Are you going to teach me or not?” She replies impatiently.“Not until you tell me where this is coming from?” I answer.She looks towards the stage, where Kai and his new wife were standing.“I'm tired of being weak and useless, even if I can't shift, I want to learn something new,” she replies, staring at me with determination.“So are you going to teach me or not?” She asks again.“Are you sure about this? It's not as easy and simple as it looks. If you are doing this because of someone else, then you should stop. It requires a lot of strength, focuses….,”“I know all that, and I'm doing this for myself, not for anyone else,” she says, cutting me off.“Don't be like that Ace, agree a
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