All Chapters of The Wolf And The Pure Blood: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
60 Chapters
Praise and Jail
As they ventured further into the island, Adam piped up, "So, are we just going to ignore the fact that Eduardo ditched us? Classic sailor move, if you ask me."Zena shot Adam a warning look while suppressing a smirk. "Let's stay focused, Adam. We have bigger things to worry about than a runaway sailor."The group trudged through dense foliage and trekked across rugged terrain, their banter providing lighthearted moments amidst the tension. At one point, Norman joked with his men about needing to find a five-star hotel on the island and was met with chuckles from his crew.Suddenly, they stumbled upon a clearing, and in the distance, they could see tall buildings and a civilization which was unexpected. But what caught their eyes most was a crowd of Tyrex wolves, all transformed from their human form."I've got a bad feeling about this," one of Zena's men muttered, gripping his weapon tightly.With a wry grin, Adam quipped, "Well, it's not every day we get to crash a wolf master resur
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Auction Stolen
Lyra's POV.As my mother and I were being led to the dungeons by Ferdinand, on Master Dagon's orders, I couldn't help but notice the sheer number of prisoners, mostly consisting of werewolves and humans. I shook my head as Mr. Ferdinand placed us behind bars, and my mother was already in tears. "Why did the master choose to turn his back on us, after all we've sacrificed?" she asked Mr. Ferdinand, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and anger.Mr. Ferdinand shook his head and sighed. "I am sorry, Lady Catherine," he said, his usually confident voice tinged with regret. "We didn't see this coming. But I'll get you all out of here, I promise," he vowed with determination.My mother shook her head, her voice filled with concern. "No, no... don't do anything stupid. Dagon is very dangerous. I don't want to lose you," she said, her eyes pleading."Don't worry, I'll be careful," Ferdinand reassured before leaving to attend to his duties.Sitting in the dimly lit dungeons, I struggled to
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Wrong time to fart
Zena's men had gathered in the dense forest, surrounded by towering trees and the sounds of nature. The late afternoon sun cast a warm, golden glow through the leaves as they prepared for their challenge. They were determined to hunt a deer using only their human forms and traditional hunting tools. And this was Pete's Idea. Bow in hand, arrows at the ready, they set out into the forest with their senses heightened and anticipation in the air.As they moved stealthily through the woods, their eyes keenly scanned the surroundings for any sign of deer. This was no typical hunting expedition; it was a test of their skill and discipline. They took careful aim at every deer they encountered, but each arrow missed its mark. Frustration grew as they struggled to hit their target, and the deer seemed to dart away effortlessly, evading their best efforts. " Oh man.. this sucks."" It feels much easier being a werewolf than a human."" Oh I agree."Exasperated, the men spotted another deer a
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Exaggerated Stupid Smile
As Zena and her men, Norman and his group, and Adam sat beside the crackling fire, the tension in the air was intense. Adam's thoughts were consumed by Lyra, and his heart raced with worry at the prospect of Dagon consuming her soul. He sat in silence, lost in his own troubled thoughts.Meanwhile, Norman and his men were busy roasting the deer that Norman had caught earlier in the day. The savory scent of the cooking meat mingled with the smoky fragrance of the fire, creating a comforting atmosphere despite the weighty concerns that loomed over them.In the midst of the quiet evening, Zena's men found themselves engaged in a heated exchange. Laughter erupted from the group, and soon a small quarrel broke out as one of the men jokingly claimed that the perfect time to release a fart was when they were in their hiding spot. Another member of the group, feeling offended, vehemently denied that he had not done so intentionally. "What are we even still doing on this island?" he grumbled.
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Zena's death
Dagon's men arrived at Dagon's Morden fortress with the crates. They headed to the room where the other crates were packed and placed the crates there before leaving. Zena, Adam, Norman and the rest of the men stepped out of the crates and adjusted themselves." We made it," one of the men commented.Then Zena started speaking. " Okay, here is the plan. Since we know the location of the underground prison, we would silently sneak there, eliminating any threat in silence. Adam and the rest of my men will come with me, while Norman and his men will keep watch at the entrance of the prison, notifying us if any threat arrives. Is this clear?" Everyone one nodded that the plan was clear except Norman. He sighed. " I hope this plan of yours succeeds." He commented.The group sprang into action. They transformed into their werewolf forms as they were faster that way. They took out several guards on the way silently.Then they suddenly met Mr Ferdinand the prison keeper. " What is going
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Family reunion
Big Lee sat in his dimly lit, makeshift sitting room, his large frame slouched in the chair. In his hands, he clutched a worn photograph of Zena, his beloved girlfriend, tears streaming down his weathered cheeks. He had just learned of her tragic fate at the hands of Dagon, the notorious island warlord. The news of her death hit him like a freight train, tearing through his heart and shattering his world.As the weight of Zena's loss consumed him, his emotions surged and he bolted up from his chair, sending papers and trinkets scattering across the table and floor in his wake. His outburst sent those around him on high alert. " Norman, that sick bastard was the cause of all this. He dared to betray the Mexican wolf gang, I will make sure I wipe out the whole Southern Pack. And as for Dagon, whoever he thinks he is, he just crossed the line." As the initial storm of anger subsided, Big Lee settled back down, his gaze fixed on the photo of Zena."Zena, my sweet girl," he murmured, his
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The Staff
Dagon stood in the center of the room, surrounded by open crates filled with shimmering black Tourmaline. His men stood behind him, their eyes fixed on their leader as he gazed upon the precious gemstones with a wide, triumphant grin. "Finally," he muttered to himself, "I've got all the black Tourmaline I need."Just then, his gaze shifted to Ferdinand, who knelt before him, tied and filled with anger. Dagon's smile widened as he spoke, "Ferdinand, my dear friend, it seems that you will be the sacrifice. A pity that you chose to betray me."Ferdinand spat in defiance, "You'll never succeed with your plans, Dagon. The world will never submit to your darkness."Dagon's laughter filled the room as he exerted his powers, causing Ferdinand to float in the air. The black Tourmalines left the crates and circled around Ferdinand, their dark glow casting an eerie energy around him. Ferdinand's agonizing screams echoed as the energy consumed him, and Bruce, witnessing the spectacle, couldn't h
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A Vengeful War
In the dimly lit warehouse, Big Lee, the formidable Alpha of the Mexican wolf gang, stood before his loyal men, the air crackling with tension. As he equipped his men with electric guns and distributed the lethal silver bullets, he spoke with a fierce determination "Let's gear up, brothers. We are not taking any chances this time. These guns and bullets are our best bet against Norman's wicked pack. We fight fire with fire."A murmur of agreement rippled through the assembled wolves as they checked and loaded their weapons. Big Lee's eyes blazed with a cold fury as he paced in front of his men, his voice resonating in the cavernous space "This war is not just about revenge for Zena; it's about justice. Norman's betrayal took away more than just a loyal pack member and my girlfriend. It took away our trust. But tonight, we take it all back. We show them the might of the Mexican wolf gang."Serge, the trusted second in command, leaned in to whisper to the wolf beside him "I heard Norman
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The Crimson Moon Stone
"It is a sad thing that the Eastern Pack was almost wiped out by the Southern pack," Alpha Mike continued, his gaze darkening with regret. "If they were still with us, they would have been part of this treaty. But now, we must focus on the task at hand. We need to find a way to defeat Dagon once and for all."The leaders fell into a deep conversation, exchanging ideas and strategies to overcome the seemingly invincible Dagon. "We could have tried to trap him and put him into slumber, but it's almost impossible," commented one of the foreign pack representatives with a deep frown."That's right," agreed Alpha Hugo. "Dagon is too powerful. We need a different approach if we're going to succeed."Just as the leaders were starting to feel a sense of hopelessness, the chamber doors swung open, and Lyra entered the room. "I bring news," she announced, her eyes shining with determination. "I have read a book written by the first PureBlood herself, and I believe I have found a way to defeat
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Destructive Guest
In the fortress of the Southern pack, the clash between the Mexican wolf gang and the Southern pack had escalated into a full blown war. The Mexican wolf gang, led by the formidable Big Lee, stood poised with sophisticated weapons and a fierce determination. The Southern pack, who outnumbered the Mexican gang, fought with unwavering tenacity under the leadership of Norman, their venomous werewolf with the ability to launch poisonous spikes from his claws.The stalemate between the two sides persisted, the air crackling with the thunderous roar of electric guns and the explosive blasts of grenades. Amidst the chaos, Big Lee confronted Norman, his immense form towering over the venomous werewolf. "Norman, you will pay for what you did to Zena! Your betrayal cost her life, and I will avenge her," Big Lee snarled, his sharp claws glinting in the dim light of the fortress.Norman, his eyes gleaming with a mix of defiance and cunning, retorted, "You and your gang may have sophisticated we
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