All Chapters of The Wolf’s Bride: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
2043 Chapters
Chapter 91
“Alright, Young Master Hanshu!” “We’ll blast multiple holes in his body!” “Die, Andrius Moonshade!” “It’s time for you to meet your maker!” The hitmen grinned viciously. They wanted to see the fear and despair on Andrius’ face when he died. However, to their surprise, Andrius stood there with his arms crossed and ignored their threats. How could Andrius be so confident and arrogant at a time like this? None of the hitmen could bear his attitude. Right before they pulled their trigger… Vroom! Vroooooom! Loud noises of a motorcade, consisting of expensive cars, came closer. The leading car was a Rolls-Royce Phantom and the number 8 on the car plate caught much attention. “Stop!” an aged but dignified voice thundered. All the hitmen were surprised. They looked at Randal, waiting for his next order. Randal looked at the Rolls-Royce Phantasm. He raised his hand, signaling his hitmen to stop. However, the guns were still pointed at Andrius. Screech! Seconds la
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Chapter 92
“Young Master Hanshu, can I ask you to leave for now? For my sake?” Anthony spoke softly but his words held weight. When it entered everyone’s ears, it shocked them. The Crestfalls felt like a heavy burden lifted. With someone as influential as Anthony Henderson speaking on their behalf, they would be able to overcome the crisis easily. Randal’s face started to twitch. A sudden thought rushed into his mind and he realized what was going on. No wonder Andrius was so arrogant! It was because he knew the richest man in Sumeria! On top of that, things had gotten so far out of hand that Anthony himself came here. No matter how aggrieved Randal was, he had to accept it. Not even he, Randal Hanshu, could get on the bad side of the Hendersons. “Since you’ve mentioned it, I’ll respect your request.” Randal forced a bitter smile on his face and then waved at his hitmen. “Let’s go.” With that, the hitmen dragged their fellow hitmen’s bodies and left the Crestfalls’ estate. W
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Chapter 93
As a matter of fact, after Randal left, Harry, Master Crestfall, and the others wanted to speak to Anthony, but they dared not approach him due to his overwhelming aura. They stood on the spot and listened to the conversation from afar. They were able to make out the words ‘debt’ and ‘gratitude’ from the conversation between Suletta and Andrius. What could those words possibly mean? Could the Hendersons owe Andrius a debt of gratitude? Harry mustered up enough courage and went up to them. He cautiously asked, “Ms. Henderson, I wonder what you mean when you refer to ‘debt’ and ‘gratitude’?” Suletta glanced at Harry but did not take him seriously. However, when she noticed that the Crestfalls were looking at her with a longing gaze, her eyes fluttered and she came up with a way to mess with Andrius. She said, “A few days ago, Andrius Moonshade saved my grandfather.” The words shocked everyone in the Crestfalls, and their gaze turned eager. After all, it was a great opportun
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Chapter 94
“Fools grow without water.” Even Harry said, “Andrius, why are you so greedy? Not only did you lose five billion, but you got nothing in return.” He was already prejudiced against Andrius, and now he completely disregarded him.“Enough.” Master Crestfall looked at his sons and said, “If Andrius had taken the money, how could we have dealt with Randal Hanshu?” His words silenced the others immediately, but they were not overly concerned. With five billion, they would have been able to come up with a way to deal with Randal. Now, everything was just talk. They lost the five billion and the debt of gratitude to the Hendersons, and made an enemy out of the Hanshus. Everyone sighed and returned home. Luna brought Andrius back to Dream’s Waterfront. On the way back, she said, “Andrius, can you just stop being so stubborn for a while? If the Hendersons hadn’t come to save us, you would have dragged our entire family down.” Andrius simply said, “You can’t say that for sure.”
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Chapter 95
Noir chuckled in surprise and said, “If you like it, I’ll perform something for you right now.” As soon as his words subsided, several minivans stopped in front of his garage. Seven to eight men came out from each minivan and immediately surrounded Noir and Andrius. Armed with lethal weapons, they were the Dark Night, the hitmen from earlier. They had been waiting outside the Crestfalls’ estate. After Anthony left, they spotted Andrius in Luna’s car, so they tailed him to this garage. “Andrius Moonshade!” The Dark Night leader stepped up and grinned wickedly, seeming like he had the situation under control. “I supposed Anthony Henderson can’t save you twice.” “What’s wrong? Where’s your arrogance now?” “It’s time to pay for what you did.” The hitmen approached them with vicious and ridiculing expressions. When they were five meters away from Noir and Andrius, the leader of the Dark Night bellowed, “Andrius Moonshade, with Anthony Henderson involved, our Young Master H
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Chapter 96
Noir did as he was told. Meanwhile, at the Hanshus, Randal was drinking with a beautiful woman in his arms. However, he still could not get rid of the stench of his own urine in his throat; not even the wine could wash it away. As a matter of fact, it was just his own nightmare haunting him because the doctor had washed all the urine out of his body on the first day. Unfortunately, he had been traumatized and could not overcome the horror. “Damn it! Why isn’t the Dark Night replying to my message?” Randal picked up his phone and wanted to call the leader. Suddenly, a frosty voice came from outside the door. “You don’t need to call them. They are already here.” Why did the voice sound like Andrius? Randal jumped to his feet as fear shrouded his face. A round object crashed through the door and flew towards Randal. Shocked, Randal jumped onto the couch to avoid the incoming projectile. Thunk! The round object fell on the table and bounced twice before stopping.
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Chapter 97
“Y-You…A-Andrius Moonshade, y-you can’t kill me!” The strong suffocation tightened Randal’s jaw muscles to the point that he could not even speak a proper sentence. He was just a Trust Fund Kid, a playboy. He was but an empty vessel. When he faced death, he was no different from other normal human beings. In fact, he was more horrified and looked even more wretched than others. Everyone was equal in front of death. “Oh?” Andrius looked at Randal and asked, “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you.” Then, he started to tighten his grip on Randal’s neck. Randal felt his hold tightening and was more terrified than ever. Not only did he wet his pants, but he sh*t his pants as well. As he struggled between life and death, he came up with a reason. “I-it’s illegal to kill people!” Andrius cackled with laughter. He laughed so hard that he lost his voice. He had killed more people at the border than Randal had seen in his entire life, and Randal was telling him t
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Chapter 98
After hearing the woman, Waymen’s eyes overflowed with rage. He grabbed the fruit knife on the table and stabbed it into the woman’s heart. “My son has become an idiot, so there’s no point for you to live anymore.” She widened her eyes in shock and disbelief before she lost all signs of life. Ten minutes later at Centro Hospital, after the specialist checked on Randal, he came out with a regretful expression and said to Wayman, “Mr. Hanshu, I’m sorry… Your son has suffered tremendous shock, and it messed up his mind. His central nervous system is damaged. That’s why he’s acting like a mindless child. There’s nothing we can do. You have to find someone else to treat him.” Bang! Wayman punched the wall, leaving a dent in it. He was furious. “Andrius Moonshade!” The name was squeezed out from his gritted teeth, and he was drowning in his own rage. “You made Randal like this… I will skin you alive and rip you apart, or I am not a Hanshu!” “Let’s go!” Wayman and his men br
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Chapter 99
On the second day, while Andrius was still asleep, hurried knocks on his door woke him up. “Andrius! Wake up! Open the door! Something happened! Wake up!” Andrius opened the door and saw Halle. “What? What happened?” He could barely open his eyes. “Sumeria…is messed up!” Halle looked serious as if the sky of Sumeria had collapsed. Andrius yawned. “Is it that serious?” “It is. It’s as you said the other day.” Halle looked at Andrius with a complicated look on her face. “Last night, Axel Cloverfield and his father, Richard, transferred everything under their company’s name out from the country. A total of fifteen billion assets have disappeared just like that! “The company is just empty now. The shareholders, the people who bought their shares recently, everyone went crazy. From the moment the news got out, which was just an hour ago, there have already been more than a dozen suicide cases.” Then, Halle’s phone rang. “Tsk. Another one down the drain. Someone just jumped
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Chapter 100
Harry then pulled his phone out. “People have already run away with our money. Why are you still calling him? What good will it do?” “Are you dreaming? Are you still hoping that the money will come back?” “All you know is to daydream!” George, Dick, and their families criticized Harry’s actions harshly. Harry knew it was stupid and that the chances of reaching Axel were slim, but it was the only way he could think of. To his surprise, the call got through. Harry was delighted. He said gushingly, “Hello? Axel? You’ve always had feelings for Luna, right? You two are made for each other. When are you coming to our place to talk about the engagement…” Before he could finish, Axel sneered, “Harry Crestfall, are you stupid, or are you taking me as a fool? You want me to go to your place and get engaged? Are you dumb?” Harry’s expression changed as soon as he heard Axel’s mockery. Before he could say a word, the call ended abruptly. Axel had hung up on him. “Harry, you’r
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