All Chapters of Hate at First Sight : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
30 Chapters
Chapter- 11
"What are you suggesting?"Ryan stands his ground, and he stands tall, his voice erupting with conviction. He brings his truth to the room, "Profile pictures should not be a necessity. Instead, we should conduct confidential background checks on users, just of their relevant information, to verify their real identities. Only the most trustworthy LOVESICK employees should handle this process to ensure proper verification."The older man arches his brow, intrigued, "And how exactly will this benefit us?""Pardon me, but this is not about us, it has never been," Ryan inhales deeply, his heart racing…from the depths of his soul, "It is about love. It has always been about love. Love is too sacred to be reduced to a mere physical appearance. We cannot compromise on love. Not now, not ever.""Hmm," the ravenette gentleman scoots forward, eyes flashing with curiosity, "Without profile pictures, how will they match, though?"The brunette youth looks thoughtful, his gaze distant— he had always,
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Chapter- 12 (Day 2)
Dark. Whether it had always been scary, or had always been soothing…depended. Ryan, however, was more into the amalgamation of dark and strands of scattered light. He says it is calming. Ryan, stationed by a wide open window, with a desk placed directly in front, finds himself seated in a chaotic display of scattered papers. In the aftermath of the chaos that unfolded at The Raven's Meal, Ethan's security personnel proved their reliability, resulting in the CEO granting the brunette a well deserved break.Ever since that fateful first day as Ethan Smith's assistant, Ryan has been tirelessly toiling away, devising strategies to compensate for the losses incurred. If Ryan were to be completely honest, he views LOVESICK as an application designed to mend broken souls— as per its name claims; it is supposed to heal sick souls with…love, albeit in a manner distinct from his boss's explanation…"those who are in love, are sick," the brunette remembers word for word oh so well!In Ryan's perc
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Chapter- 13
In certain instances, Ryan's superior can display a great deal of true unpredictability, causing Ryan to question, stammering, "Wh- what's the matter?""Please excuse me," the older individual retrieves his device, indicating, "I must take care of something immediately first."Ryan takes a few steps backwards, distancing from the chairs, "Calm down," Ethan appears to be guarding a secret, not wanting anyone else to discover it, whatever it may be, but concealing it nonetheless. Further, Ryan adds, "I've learned how to operate desktops and laptops while in school, so rest assured that I won't accidentally delete any of your important files. In any case, I believe that you have backups.""That's not the real issue…" Ethan hastily clicks away at the keyboard, keeping whatever he is working on out of sight from the another pair of eyes towering. "I also don't have the habit of snooping around," Ryan's face breaks into an embarrassed pulp, "Just thought I would mention it.""Can you pleas
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Chapter- 14
"Mr. Haughty…"Bathing the room in a radiance, the morning beams softly trickle through Ethan's majestic floor-to-ceiling windows. Every movement is agonisingly deliberate; Ryan's fingers were trembling when they reached out towards the ornate handle. In Ethan's mind, the brunette's path to the teapot is fraught with danger, unbeknownst to him. But Ethan, ever vigilant or maybe…apprehensive more than 'watchful', senses an impending catastrophe. With one sudden surge of concern, he darts towards Ryan, his long limbs encircling the assistant in a cautious fervour, creating a fortress of warmth and safety— their bodies meld together, their faces impossibly close…again, last time it didn't end well. A single heartbeat echoes like thunder resonating in the wind, within the cage of Ryan's ribs, he is enveloped in Ethan's sturdy embrace. Time stretches out, each second a labyrinth of anticipation. Their eyes lock… and an immutable connection. Strange. In Ethan's arms, Ryan finds solace? A
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Chapter- 15
"HOW DO YOU ASSUME TO REGARD ME?"Uncanny— the CEO's thunderous roar slices through air, reaching unimaginable heights. A decibel so unimaginable, that it can be called uncanny. Ryan staggers, clutching his chest, relieved that he miraculously didn't plummet somehow over the balcony railings, shattering his bones on impact. The jolt rattles the brunette to his core, an uncomfortable stream of intensity shaking him."What on earth has he gotten himself into this time?" The thought prowess only for a split glimpse before the possessor of the doubts dismisses it, convinced that venturing into the lion's den of his boss's affair is not really too much of a wise choice, it will only label him as nosy. A flicker of concern crosses Ryan's face. Should he risk being labelled as an intrusive busybody, meddling in the affairs of others? "No. It's best if I don't," he weighs the potential consequences, conflicting thoughts racing at the back of his mind. But in the fullness of time, Ryan's compas
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Chapter- 16
"So you're just like everyone else, Mr. Miller…"The relentless echoes of words resonate through the walls, each syllable penetrating Ryan's resolve like a thousand knives. And still, the brunette presses on, his feet carrying him forward— at the end of the day, he is a 'good-for-nothing.'But Ryan wouldn't falter. Gracing his fist around the cold steel knob, he refuses to turn back. He refuses to be labelled as just another mediocre soul, destined for insignificance. No, not this time. Not when his heart burns with a fire that no insult could extinguish; from infancy Ryan had learned how to stand straight without letting anyone bend his back.The rhythm of the latter's footsteps quicken, matching the raided heartbeats that thrum in his chest. He could practically taste the displeasure seeping from Ethan's very core, "Go. Just go!" The man seethe, a desperate plea blanketed in a poisonous command.Ryan releases his hand on the doorknob, his body shifting ever so slightly, imperceptible
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Chapter- 17
"And what if he really is my assistant, Sarah?"Gut wrenched, two of the heads cork towards the owner of the speaker— Ethan Smith himself is shoving an ID card to the receptionist, that reads,Name: Ryan Miller Age: 19 yrsDOB: 01/01/20xxSex: maleGender: malePosition: Personal Assistant Address:Contact info: 9176xxxxA chaos brewing in Ryan's heart reaches its tempest tossed crescendo. Doubt and panic titillate his every fibre, rendering him immobile— how the hell did Ethan show up? Ryan is stuck in an agonising limbo. Web of assumptions entangle Ryan's thoughts. Could it be that Taylor, his supposed confidante, betrayed him, snitched on him? Or worse yet, had Ethan, his employer, caught onto the intricate net of deceit he had spun? Followed Ryan because the ravenette doesn't trust his assistant an inch? And if Sarah was playing any treacherous game, the receptionist with secrets concealed beneath her deceptively pretty, innocent face? The infinite possibilities stretch out; poss
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Chapter- 18
Ah, the intriguing enigma that is Ryan. Our tale begins with the cryptic utterance of those words, "I was waiting for you, Ryan."Oh, how now the brunette must be wrestling with Cameron's existential riddle that lies within! What heads or tails is meant by dear Cameron by a proclamation similar to that? How does one usually respond when someone says something like this?With a smirk that could rival the prettiest of art pieces, mocking Ryan's confusion, "Just… you're quite an interesting personality," words drip with honeyed garnishing— the tantalising bait which dangles before our protagonist. And how does Ethan, ever the guardian of propriety, react? With a touch of rudeness of course, barging into their conversation, with what to him seems like righteous indignation, "May I have the pleasure to know why exactly would someone like you be waiting for someone you haven't even known? For MY assistant?" He wants, practically oozing with scepticism up until. Cameron, ever the master of
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Chapter- 19 (Day 3)
"I asked him to come a little late today, I don't want him to find out. You told me you will take care of it, did you?" Ethan steadily paces back and forth, clearly riddled with distraught, his mind a tornado of anxiety accompanying frustration. Heavy scent of mahogany permeates in the air, mingling with a rich aroma of caffeine wafting from the untouched cup on his desk, drowning only by a melodious cacophony of faintly chirping birds coming from outside— lines of worry etch themselves deep into Ethan's forehead. "How did Cameron become privy to our visit to the beanery?" An undercurrent of fear rushes through the CEO. Only one explanation remains— the dreaded realisation that Cameron had stumbled upon the publicly shared social media posts when those were yet to be expunged. It was an act of carelessness, a mistake of folly on Ethan's part, and now they are here paying the price. "I'm well aware that it was you who posted the threat on your profile," his voice hushed, Ethan finds h
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Chapter- 20
"Are you, by any chance, single, Ryan?" Jack Bennett asks, "I'm Jack Bennett by the way, you can call me Jack."With bated breath, Ryan had primed himself for what he had thought to be a mundane conversation centred around work, resolving doubts, defending mechanisms. Never did he expect a seemingly innocent inquiry would penetrate the brittle walls of his personal life. Ryan's heartbeats quicken, a forced smile dancing on the dais of Ryan's shivering lips. This unimaginative snooping into Ryan's boundaries had caught him off guard, unsure of how to answer to that. Nervously, his fingers scratch at the transparent top, a futile attempt to ease the dryness that plague his throat. The jug of water sits untouched, a spotlight on Ryan's discomfort— he is self-conscious even when it comes to the simplest jobs like drinking water, if it's to be done in front of everyone."Jack!!" Ethan's voice slices through like a blade. LOVESICK'S strict policy of safeguarding their employees' confidential
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