All Chapters of My Tinder Partner : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
137 Chapters
ALEXANDERI sat down for hours in my office still trying to come up with a solution as all that came to my mind was to involve the police but that was the last thing that should have come to mind. I picked up my phone on the desk letting out a deep sigh before calling the abductor's number to which he answered almost immediately."This is new, are you missing her already." He teased annoyingly but I wasn't in the mood to yell at him but instead strike a deal."I want us to talk," I told him while brushing my hair back with my fingers. I heard him snicker at the other end but wasn't fazed, I too was surprised that I was so desperate to call him just because of Aurora."And what is that if I may ask." He asked sarcastically as I frowned in disdain, I was never one to plead but here I am trying to negotiate and plead with this bastard yet I'm being laughed at."The deal, I can give you two percent of the shares and nothing more," I told him as there was a silent break between us and thun
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ALEXANDER‘’ How dare they?’’ the steam coming out of the king’s head was uncontrollable on his way to pick up Aurora and could not follow any traffic law.On getting to the spot where Aurora was dropped he saw her blindfolded, rolling on the floor due to her hands being tied behind her back crying and yelling for help. He got down from his car in a hurry running toward her with so much anger and concerned ‘’ Oh God Aurora, are you okay’’ he said making his way towards the office cable that was used in tying her hands together, he pulled her closed and took off the blindfold. ‘’ Don’t worry you're safe now’’ he whispered into her ears and pulled her into his arms while she was drooling in tears. ‘’ Thank you’’ Aurora said wiping her tears, she got up dusted off the dirt on them er, and left him where he knelt. He was surprised and upset but knowing how things were before she got kidnapped he got up and ran after her. ‘’You don’t plan on walking all the way home, do you?’’ king as
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“So Max was the one behind all after all” king said looking at the floor trying hard to not believe he got played by that son of a Gun.“Anyways please for the main time I suggest you stay at my place to we are sure you are better and safe and out of danger,” King said to Aurora“it's fine you don’t have to worry about me once the last of this drip flows into my vein I will be good as new and be able to go home” Aurora replied with a strange smile on her face.“I will have the guest room ready once you are done with your drip my driver will take you home so you can grab some of your things, Aurora I know you can handle yourself but as your boss, it is my duty to make sure you are safe and the moment those imbeciles called me for a negotiation you became my responsibility with that, Good night Aurora. He finished his statement without waiting for her reply and went to his room.“If that is what he wants then fine I’m staying “She giggled and went to bed.Leaving for work the next morni
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Getting to King’s house-made Mark realize that King has never actually invited anyone to his house for company dinner or sort not to talk of a meeting. “Whoever Knows this Max guy should advise him to quit before King finally loses it,” Mark said to himself making his way toward the bell. “Welcome Mark, I am so sorry I asked you to come over when you should be at home resting”. King apologized to Mark knowing fully well that what he was doing was mostly for his gain than that of the company. “It's fine Mr. King, so how did the recording go” Mark decided to change the topic. “One more person will be joining us, you can come out Aurora,” King said with his locked on Aurora who was waiting behind the door the whole time.Before Mark arrived, Aurora went towards King’s room to let him know dinner was finally ready she knows how stressed he was but most importantly she wanted to know how the meeting with Max went considering the mood he was ever since he heard Max was behind her kidn
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King grab his keys, left the house, and drove to his parent's residence only to meet Max at the dining table comfortably eating the food his mum made, smiling mischievously. “Hi, mu,m” the king s said with a forced smile still staring at Max who acted all cool like nothing was going on. “Come and have a sit, thanks to your friend I get to see your face and feed you,” his mum said, patting his back and leading me to his chair. King’s dad could tell something was up the moment Max came in, King never brought home friends when he was still living with them and he wouldn’t have sent his friend over all by himself with all the security he installed lately. “So Max, tell me how you and King met” King’s dad decided to play along, watching his son play. It's cool means there is so much to him just coming for dinner. “Well we met through work, King is a workaholic and so am I so we are more of the same specie,” Max said with a wide smile still eating the food before him without raisi
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AURORAOur lips touched and I quickly moved away from him, standing in silence was more awkward by the minute so I decided to continue what I was doing."That was awkward." Mr. King chuckled as I began to cut some onions not caring if I didn't know what I was doing. How could a grown-up woman not know how to make pasta? I felt disgraced as I felt his gaze on me."You know you shouldn't just stand and stare, do something." I pouted my lips as he glanced away and began helping me make the pasta."How can you not know how to make pasta?" He asked and I was almost shocked with my spit, I acted like I hadn't heard him as I chopped the veggies."You don't have a cook?" I asked randomly as I had noticed it."I cook myself." He answered and I smiled."That's cool." I commended."It's not nice that you don't know how to cook but I can teach you." He offered, I stared at him in shock at what he said, he didn't seem bothered about it as he put on his apron and I turned away hiding my blushing fa
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AURORAI got out of the car and walked to the door knocking and waiting for a response, I smiled to myself as joy gushed through my veins. I was more than happy to be here, I missed my family so much and feel guilty I haven't seen them in a long time. The door slowly opened and a head with gray hair poked out."Aurora?" My mom's eyes widened in surprise as she opened the door fully, letting herself out and engulfing me in a warm hug."I miss you very much." I cried hugging her back."Come in already." She said as she led me in, it was just the same way I had left it. I asked Mr. Smith to bring in the groceries as I got along with my mom. We talked for hours about everything and I was more than happy I had dropped by to visit. I left as soon as. As it was getting dark as o didn't want Mr. King to be worried about me staying out late. I walked into the house and met Mr. King pacing back and forth worriedly, he stopped immediately we licked eyes, and walked towards me in fuming anger."W
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AURORAI slowly rolled on the bed tired as my body ached in pain. The deeds of last night were quite evident on my body, it was close to impossible to get up but I mustered the strength to get up from the bed. I looked around the room but Mr. King was nowhere to be found, I noticed I was still naked and sticky down there which was irritating, I wrapped the sheets around me, taking my sprawled clothes on the floor, and made my way out Io my room, ensuring he didn't see me running like a whore. I took a shower and got ready for work as I still needed my job.I walked downstairs and was about to go out when I saw Mr. King waiting for me outside, I tried to hide the embarrassment I felt as I recalled myself screaming and moaning last night."Good morning sir." I greeted them once I was inside the car sitting beside him."Morning, did you sleep well?" He asked and I nodded so as not to blurt nonsense as my brain was not coordinating right now.U saw him smile at the corner of my eyes and I
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AURORAAs I walked back to the office, I received a message on my phone and quickly opened it without a second thought, it was from an unknown number which puzzled me, I decided to open the message immediately I gave Mr. King his coffee but I kept wondering what the message entailed, I entered the office and noticed Mr. King on a call with someone in his phone, I placed his coffee on his desk and walked over to mine, taking a sip of mine I quickly swiped up my phone and clicked on the instead message.I clicked on the photo almost immediately but as soon as I saw it, I won't the coffee out of my mouth I almost choked on it. Mr. King gave me a 'are you alright look' and I nodded, there was no way I could tell him what I just saw. How could this happen?I looked down at my phone and I felt like I got punched in the gut, I tried hard bit to believe it was me laying on the bed with another man…. Intimately.I don't even know who the man was neither have I ever met him so why are we?.... I
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Mr. King could tell something was odd about Aurora’s behavior even after telling him she was fine and nothing was wrong, he thought she was having a hard time dealing with the relationship scandal, not in his wildest dream would he have thought she was being blackmailed, instead of putting pressure on her to talk he decided to wait it out till she feels comfortable enough to tell him about it.Aurora could not bring herself to explain the nude picture, they are not in a relationship presently but no doubt her feelings for him is real. Things are about to get out of hand as the blackmailer keeps sending in more pictures with life-threatening messages. “How on earth do I want to explain these pictures?” Aurora thought to herself.King is extremely worried about Aurora as he kept calling her name from behind but with no response which led to him tapping her on her shoulders. “Oh Goodness” Aurora jumped from where she was with a sweaty palm.The reaction she made convinced Mr. King th
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