All Chapters of Sweet Revenge For The Cruel Alpha: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
123 Chapters
Chapter 91
 Amara's POV The only way to make sure that things were going according to plan was to make sure that we moved closer to Anita. Since we had not confronted her about her atrocities, she relaxed and felt complacent. Little did she know that there was a storm brewing and she would need more than a waterproof to not get drenched. "Get me the women that have not been toeing the line lately." Anita said, and I quickly ran to fetch them. Diana walked in at the same moment. I didn't know the reason for her presence, and I didn't look at her so as not to arouse suspicion from Anita about our friendship. When I returned, I met Diana and Anita having a face-off. "Who do you think you are?" She asked Anita. This statement got Anita angry, and she raised a hand to strike Diana on the cheek. Diana dodged the slap, and Anita's eyes widened. "How dare you speak to me i
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Chapter 92
Anita held her breath as she arrived at the bank of the river. She let out a exhale as she collapsed on the sand, panting hard. The adrenaline wore off, and she took a deep breath to calm herself. She was grateful for the swimming lessons that she took. For, she wouldn't know what to do if she didn't possess that skill.Ten minutes later, she heard footsteps approaching. It must be the guards, she guessed. Lo they approached. Two guards came into sight. They recognised her. "Welcome Alpha." one of them said, and assisted her to stand on her feet. " Thank yiu." she replied, really famished and tired. " Let's go to the house." The same man repeated. As the approached the house, she was grateful to see her friend come out. Alpha Derek. He was one of the few Alphas that she had not fallen out with. "Alpha Anita." He greeted in surprise. Derek came out with the intention to see the trespasser the guards found at the shores. Only to find out that it was Anita. "Hello, Alpha Derek.
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Chapter 93
Anita's POV The naked shock on their faces was delightful to watch."I can see that absence was not missed," I said, looking directly at Conan."Welcome, Baroness." Elder Matthew was the first to recover. The rest of them muttered a greeting."They can't get rid of me just yet," I replied. The last six days have been the most enjoyable days of my life. Every morning, I was served good food, and Derek and I even spent time catching up. It had been almost twenty years since we last spoke physically to each other."We are pleased to have you back," Conan said though I saw the look in his eyes. I am back! There was nothing anyone could do about that.I smiled at them and took charge of the meeting."We should partner with the northern pack because they are very industrious and also have a wide range of visitors."Elder Matthew suggested. I began to notice him. He might be good for my plans."I think that's a great idea," I replied. Conan was quiet throughout the meeting. I noticed his co
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Chapter 94
AUTHOR'S POV Anita felt like a prisoner.The men had taken the sachet of coke. She was confined to her room. If that wasn't the case, she would have looked for a means of escape. If this leaked out, it would cost her a lot.She paced about on her balcony. Until she heard a knock."I have not seen you for some time." One of the men said She didn't know that she was going to be monitored closely."I was on the balcony." She replied, feeling very depressed that she, of all people, would be given house arrest."Please stay inside." The mother replied politely, but Anita remained embarrassed.She closed the windows and the balcony door.After a few minutes of pacing about, she heard another knock, which interrupted her thoughts again.This time around, it was Conan who came in."What is going on?" She asked; she needed to know what was happening in the pack because staying indoors since morning while Conan was ruling did something to her mental health."People have not started asking yet.
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Chapter 95
AUTHOR'S POV Anita hid at the back of a stall. The guards returned to their positions. Imagine how she was sneaking like a criminal. She waited till a guard was alone. she heard something along the lines of him taking a piss.A twig snapped, and the guard turned. He didn't see anyone. He unsheathed his sword and took his torch walking in Anita's direction to inspect the cause of that noise. He swung immediately he saw a shadow."It's me," Anita spoke, dodging the blade, and he bowed immediately." I didn't know it was you." He replied, dropping his sword.He wondered what the Baroness was doing in the bush at this time of the night, but he dared not ask." I need you to send a letter to someone." She whispered and brought out another letter from her pocket. The guard found it odd that she was whispering when everyone knew that her voice could send the greatest wolves running." Give this to Alpha Derek, and don't tell anyone you saw me," she instructed "Yes, ma'am." He replied.An
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Chapter 96
Author's POV " Let's get him to the healer!" Amara said as people helped her lift Rocky, and rush him to the healer's place. It had been a long the healer had seen Amara, and she heard that she was now working directly with Anita."Lay him on the couch. Remove his clothes." She instructed, and her assistant brought out a cloth and a bowl half filled with water. " I'll like the crowd to reduce a bit." She said it was getting heated in here from the influx of fellow drivers.They left one after the other, and she mopped his chest, with the damp cloth. " What is wrong with him?" Amara inquired, her face in a state of panic. Her hands were getting clammy, and she paced around. " He will be fine." The healer replied, in her years of experience, she found out that a lot of relatives didn't like to hear what was wrong with their loved ones, and all they needed at such time was assurance that the sick person was not going to die.Amara heaved a sigh of relief as she watched color return t
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Chapter 97
 Amara's POV  " How is he feeling?" Conan asked when he came to visit Rocky in his room. " Better," I replied, and he stared at Rocky who was still sleeping. After he got to his room, he went out as a light.  " I was worried when I didn't see you last night." He said, and I smiled and squeezed his hand. "I know right, immediately I heard, I left," I explained, and he nodded in understanding.  " I'll come back when he is better." He said and returned to his room. " Would you like to eat anything?" I inquired immediately Rocky opened his eyes. He wasn't sleeping. I deduced. "Anything you give me, as long as it's with love." He said. I noticed that he had been mentioning love since yesterday, and behaving quite endearingly. " Pancakes are the only thing I was able to get," I said, dropping the
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Chapter 98
AUTHOR'S POV Though Alpha Derek found it quite difficult to believe the news, after seeing the letter he believed. After hearing the news about Anita's illegal crime for killing Amara's father. Alpha Derek decided to help them. In his opinion, a murderer shouldn't be allowed to go scot free. Amara, Rocky and Conan, have been working on bringing her to the book."While we still have time, let's do some thing quick about this." Conan suggested. "We can't let Anita go free just like that."Amara was proud of Conan and how he had taken things too far for her sake. She knew she could trust him and Rocky to bring justice for her father's death."What are we to do?" Rocky asked. "Any plan yet?""Not yet." Conan looked thoughtful for a brief moment, then he nodded his head like he had grabbed the best idea ever."Tell me you've got the best plan to do." Amara said, patiently interested to know what it is he had thought of."Well, in the meantime, I think we need to get enough prove of her.
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Chapter 99
AUTHOR'S POVMeanwhile, Sylvia has been an ally to Anita all these while. She with a guard had helped Anita escape the mansion without getting noticed. "I know of a place you should go for the meantime. It's a safer place, and I can assure you that no one will ever find you there." Sylvia told her."What place?" She asked, concerned."It's an island pack, that's the only pack I've got in mind for you. The only way to get there is through a boat. But you don't have to worry about crossing the river, I know of some one who can help you cross over the river.""Who is that?" Anita asked."I'll talk to him for your sake." Sylvia replied."You don't have to worry about it, I can swim." Sylvia raised an eyebrow at her. "Yes, I can swim. I'll swim my way across and get to the pack." Anita replied. "You can't swim through that large water! That's like asking for a death wish."Anita rolled her eyes. "Oh please, Sylvia, I've been swimming since I was twelve.""Just keep a low profile so you
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Chapter 100
AUTHOR'S POV Amara was a little deflated at the turn out of things. " Who is Alpha Marcus?" She asked, from their expressions, he seemed like a powerful man."He is the Alpha of the Red Wick Pack." Rocky replied. " Known for his dangerous ability to kill people at the snap of his fingers. He is rumored to be involved in dirty businesses, but no one has gotten proof of it." He added." That's a lot, I mean if he is so dangerous, why did Anita go there?" Amara asked." That we have to find out." Rocky said. The next day, a search party was led by Daniel, on how to successful enter the Red Wicks pack.They went bearing letters. When they arrived at the shore, the guards there came out with their guns in their hands. " We are from the council." Daniel spoke and raised the letter. " Take this." He said, handing the guard the letter." Let them in." The guard said. When they reached the pack house." Wait, only one person can come in." He said and Rocky walked in briskly." What are you
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