All Chapters of The Alpha's Fragile Luna: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
124 Chapters
ALPHA BARON’S POVIt was beginning to get dark so I decided to head back to the palace since there was nothing else to do for the day at the office anymore. I stared at the pieces of the scattered tracking device that still remained on the floor and i gave it a death stare, forgetting that it was already destroyed thanks to me before i made my way out of the office and Alysha was still at her desk, in her glasses that she always wore whenever she was about to work. That was one of the things that made me get attracted to her in the first place that made her one of my play things that kept me busy or distracted anytime I was beginning to get bored.“Are you leaving for the palace now alpha?” She asked me when she looked up to see me walking toward her with my bag in hand after I had locked the door to my office as she stood up from her seat and I stopped right in front of her, not bothering to answer the question because I could choose to answer or not.“Have you notified the guards ab
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JENNY’S POVI woke up with a gasp escaping from my lips for no reason and as I looked around my room to see if there was possibly any reason for why I woke up so suddenly, there was nothing unusual to see or notice so I tried to steady my fast beating heart before I made my way down from my bed and walked to the bathroom to have a rinse of my face.I dried up my face with a towel before I made my way back into the room and I turned on my phone to see what the time said. It was time for lunch… almost time for lunch so I could tell that Rita would be here soon to call me and take me down along with her for lunch. So quickly, I rushed to the mirror and took the hair brush. I was about to brush through my hair when a sharp pain passed through my arm and I winced, forgetting that the spot where the tracker was pulled out would still hurt and I had to be careful with whatever I used it to do so it won’t hurt too much and would heal fast.Quickly, I passed the brush to my other hand and bru
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JENNY’S POVTime for dinner came around soon and I felt someone's hand snake up my arm while I was still asleep on Alpha Damon’s bed in his room. I was suddenly alert even though my eyes were still closed and I quickly grabbed the hand that was on my arm tightly before bending the fingers to render the person powerless from the pain in my hands.The person began to howl in pain and that was when I opened my eyes to face the person that tried to attack me and I quickly let the hand go when I came face to face with alpha Damon and he was nursing his fingers that I almost broke. I quickly sat in the bed and went on my knees, still on the bed while staring at him with remorse and embarrassment on my face.I had forgotten that i was in his room before falling asleep and what was even more embarrassing was the fact that i was the one who wanted to stay with him, so how could i forget such an important detail right before falling asleep and then i had to almost break his hand when he wanted
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JENNY’S POVI sat for a while before I heard footsteps and when I turned to look, it was Alpha Damon who was coming out of the closet and he was shirtless. It wasn’t my first time seeing him shirtless but the effect it had on me never ceased to make me feel flushed and breathless all over my body. Then he had to have water dripping all over his body since he just had a shower and it just made him look more edible… I wanted to eat him so bad.I was still staring at his body very shamelessly without veering my gaze from him when he looked at me as he used a towel to dry up his hair then he cleared his throat to get my attention and my eyes went up to meet his and he smiled at me slyly to let me know that he knew what i was thinking and i blushed. The man certainly knew how to make me feel shy or embarrassed for no reason.“Aren’t you going to have a shower?” He asked me and I looked down at my body, realizing that I was supposed to have a bath before I looked back at him and I shrugged.
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JENNY’S POVRita didn’t say a word to me as we entered my room and I could tell that it wasn’t a moment to joke around about anything. Her brother was busy facing off the man that treated me so horribly for months while holding me captive so it was understandable that she wasn’t in the mood to try and lighten the atmosphere. I was scared too but it wasn’t even a fear of Alpha Baron, I was scared for Damon instead because I didn’t know what I would do if he got hurt by Alpha Baron… the man was pure evil so he was very capable of doing that. Maybe he had a plan up his sleeve.Quickly, I took my bath and got dressed in a plain black dress before I held my dried up hair up in a loose ponytail so it wouldn’t get in my face, then I joined Rita in my room once again and she took my hands when I approached her. She gave me a small genuine looking smile and I was instantly relieved to see that she wasn’t mad at me because I thought she was when she wouldn’t speak to me.“You don’t have to be s
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Chapter Ninety Six
JENNY’S POVBlood. That was the first thing I tasted and my senses could pick up once I regained consciousness. I tried to move but then realized that I was tied and it just made me confused about what was going on. I couldn’t remember what led to me being tied up so I tried to recall what had happened and what led to me being tied up on my wrists and ankles but I felt disoriented and my nose hurt so badly.I tried harder to remember what happened and after a while, it all slowly began to come back to me like after a snap of a finger, I could recall it all.How there was a new moon festival that was going on smoothly for everyone including me who was having a really good time after finally meeting alpha Damon’s parents and knowing that they liked me.How we had all sat down to have the love feast with every member of the pack. How alpha Damon had stood up to give his speech and how he was suddenly shot in the chest, followed by the multiple bullets that passed through him nonstop unti
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JENNY’S POV“You don’t scare me so don’t think you do,” I said to her so she wouldn’t get the impression that I was scared of her, and that only made her snicker the more as she came closer to me and I inched back from her. Letting her get too close to me while I was tied up was going to be a disadvantage to me.“And what makes you think I would believe whatever you say? You’re the one who is tied up so I’m obviously the one in charge here and you should be scared of me!” she yelled at me and I saw that I was getting to her with what I just said because she was gradually losing her cool.“Just because I’m tied up doesn't make you in charge here. The alpha is going to rip you apart if you touch me because he likes to torture his captives himself… doesn’t he?” I retorted and she growled at me while letting out her claws and I looked at her hand in panic while hoping that she wouldn’t use those long werewolf claws on me. I really didn’t want to get hurt.“You think the alpha wants you? J
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JENNY’S POVWe walked for a while with no destination in mind and my feet began to hurt but I didn’t pay any mind to it. All I thought of was how to get out of the forest and get help from any neighboring pack that would be kind enough to help.We didn’t even know where we were. I had never seen this place before and it was totally different from where I had met Alpha Damon on the day that I escaped.I and Rita trudged on in silence and I could bet that we felt the same way. We were both scared. We weren’t so far from where Alysha’s dead body lay and I was sure that we were both hoping that Alpha Baron wouldn’t find out that we had escaped soon so he wouldn’t send a search party out for us and find us. That was going to be really bad because I was sure that he was going to make us pay for killing his secretary.Soon it was hours since we had been walking on and on and yet there was nothing in sight yet. The pain in my feet was getting unbearable and it was becoming a struggle to walk
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JENNY’S POVI and Rita silently made our way to the stream along with Kira and she wouldn’t stop telling me about how excited and happy she was to see me after such a long time of thinking I was dead. I was glad to see her too, and I wished I could share the excitement with her but that had to be another time because, at the moment, all I could think about was Alpha Dammon. I had to know if he was fine. If he was going to recover from the gunshot and even the scariest part of it all… I wondered if he was alive.I looked at Rita who stuck to my side with our new clothes and towels held in our hands and she was watching me too. She could tell that I was deep in thoughts and filled with worry and I could see that she felt the same way too. She was worried about her brother and I was worried about my mate… it was obvious that we both dearly wished he would still be alive.“Jenny, are you okay?” Kira’s voice suddenly broke through my thoughts and II looked at her as she watched me closely
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JENNY’S POVMy head was plunged deep into cold water and I began to get my consciousness back slowly. I suddenly couldn’t breathe and I opened my eyes to see I was getting my head drowned in a huge bowl filled with water. I began to struggle to get my head out when I felt my lungs tightening but there was a hand on the back of my head and the person kept pushing my head back into the water.The last of the air in me was let out and I began to close my eyes, thinking this was the end and I was just going to die that way. Then my head was suddenly ripped out of the bowl of water and I gasped when the air hit my face. I opened my eyes as I breathed hard to catch my breath back while water dripped from my face and wet the dress that I wore. The dress that Kira gave me. Then I remembered everything that happened when Alpha Baron found us and I began to look around, hoping I would find Kira and Rita because I was scared that Alpha Baron may have hurt them.“Are you looking for your fellow c
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