All Chapters of My Father's Luna is My Mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
50 Chapters
Chapter 11 : The New Patient
**Aria POV"Aria!" Atlas's voice boomed over the phone. "Where have you been? Just cause you were banned from the Scarlet Moon doesn't mean I can't get you work!"I groaned as I propped myself against the pillows and rubbed my eyes. Waking up had become a chore. Since I was not accustomed to comfortable beds, I really had to stir up the willpower to start the day. Not even Atlas's echoing voice injected enough urgency into me."Sorry Atlas," I answered with a yawn. "Things have gotten…really crazy these past few weeks.""I thought you were dead, Aria," Atlas said softly. "You of all people should know what silence means in our neck of the woods."A lump in my throat formed. I knew all too well what silence meant."I'll be livelier and louder in the future," I promised. "Now to what do I owe the pleasure of being roused by you so early in the morning?""Well the only reason I'd be calling is cause I have a job for you, Aria," Atlas said, back to his usual upbeat tone. "
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Chapter 12 : Between Two Alphas
**Aria POV"Just one more session and you should be good as new," I said cheerfully.I had just finished giving Chris another dose of aconite and redressing his wound, which seemed to be healing nicely."Thank you, I really appreciate all your help," Chris said with a smile. "You've saved my life.""It's my job," I reminded him. "You paid me, remember?""True," Chris said with a chuckle, "but I get the sense that you're not just doing this for the money. You find purpose in saving lives, and it brings you joy and relief knowing that you do."I didn't reply as I packed up my things. The way Chris looked at me so intently made me feel as though he was looking into my very soul and reading all of its contents.I did not want to linger for too long. Luckily, I didn't have to travel all the way to the lower city for the appointment this time. I had met up with Chris at an apartment building in the middle district. It was not as affluent as the upper city, but it was much mo
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Chapter 13 : Who Are You Really?
**Aria POV"I think I'm going to need some time to think about your offer," I told Chris. "Everything you told me is a lot to process."I decided that not giving him a definitive answer was the best way to safely leave the situation. I would have to lay low for a while to avoid unwanted attention from the Hansens."I was hoping for an answer today," Chris said with a shrug, "But it is understandable that you properly want to weigh the options. But just so you know, my Alpha looks after those in his pack. Under his protection, you wouldn't have to worry about money ever again."Chris paid for the meal and the two of us left the diner.Walking next to him in the street, my mind wandered foolishly. Was this what a real date was supposed to be like? Besides the business deals and warring packs, of course.I briefly touched the wedding ring that I had hidden in my pocket, the illusion spell of my new identity tied to it, and wondered if I would have the time to leisurely walk th
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Chapter 14 : On the Desk
**Aria POV"Tony?" Noah said, enraged. "You ran into that little scoundrel today and you said nothing to me or anyone in the pack! How the hell am I supposed to trust you if you're hiding information like that?""Hey, I'm not part of your little pack war, alright?" I fumed. "And I don't work for you, I work for Henry! Stop thinking that you can order me around."I was getting tired of this. Healers were not supposed to entangle themselves in pack politics; we were just supposed to heal the injured and sick without getting caught up in social issues. But now I was in the thick of it, all because I wanted a fast track out of the slums."Just one problem, 'Arianna,' you're officially the Luna to the Bergmann pack whether your marriage to my father is a sham or not!" Noah exclaimed angrily. "You can't play the middle ground and change your role as you please! If they call you again, you either ignore it or you tell me where they are.""You don't control me, Noah!" I snapped at hi
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Chapter 15 : Do You Despise Me?
**Aria POVFeeling as though I would throw up, I violently pushed Noah away from me, knocking him into the wall.Noah looked at me in shock. A look of hurt crossed his face at the realization that I had just rejected him after tempting him, after I had kissed him back and encouraged him. A look of confusion was there as well—confusion that I shared."I'm sorry!" I managed to get out before needing to contain another wave of nausea."Sorry?" Noah echoed. "Just being sorry is not going to cut it when I am constantly being pulled toward you and then pushed away! Do you want me or not? Do you desire me, or do you despise me? Because I am having a hard time deciphering which is which."I didn't know the answer. It had been clear to me only moments ago, but now every inch of my body wanted to be as far away from Noah as possible. It was the complete opposite of how my body had been responding to him ever since we met.When I didn't give him an answer, Noah advanced on me again
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Chapter 16 : Laying A Trap
**Aria POV"It's unprofessional to contact me directly," I said calmly into the phone, keeping my tone as neutral and businesslike as possible. "We work through brokers for a reason.""I know, I know," Chris's voice chimed though, charming and playful as usual. "I just thought that you and I were practically friends now, so a personal call wouldn't do much harm.""Still," I said, "it's not what I'm used to. But if we're talking now, to what do I owe the pleasure?""Well, my wound is healed completely but there's still a dull ache that's rather bothersome," he explained. "I could go to a clinic, but…I must say I've rather fallen in love with your workmanship."He wanted to discuss the offer he made me in person, luring me in under the pretense of healing him. I knew it was a trick…but why was I so tempted to say yes? I should tell Noah about this. Keeping it from him would only strain things between us again."I'll have to get back to you on that, Chris," I deflected. "I
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Chapter 17 : A Tempting Offer
**Aria POVTen million credits!He had to be joking; there was no way he'd offer a joining fee like that to someone from the slums. I'd been around the block enough to see that the look in his eye and his entire demeanor just screamed 'scheming type.'But strangely enough, a part of me wanted so badly to trust him—no—was begging me to trust him, to go along with whatever he suggested simply because it would make him happy.What the hell was wrong with me?"That is a tempting offer," I said, clearing my throat, "but where I'm from, an offer like that is not without a catch."Chris chuckled. "Yes, I have noticed that residents of the lower city districts are far more skeptical than the folk you'll find up here," he said jovially."But believe me when I say that there is no catch; I see your potential membership as an invaluable asset to my pack, not to mention that you'll be able to practice without fear of the law.""But I still won't be licensed, because then you can't
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Chapter 18 : Through the Fire
**Noah POVLeaping from the roof of the mansion, I landed on my feet and dashed toward the woods. It was the weak point in the estate's defenses, so it was the place that Chris and his pack had chosen to attack from.Howls and screams echoed as the Hansen wolves walked straight into the traps we had placed all throughout the forest.My fellow pack members joined me at the treeline. There were ninety of us present at the moment; the others had been stationed all around the estate, as well as with my father down in the tunnels.The wolves with me were itching to transform and attack the intruders."Hold the line!" I yelled. "Don't engage until we see them! If you run in there blind you could head into a trap or an ambush!"More howls echoed through the woods, screams both of pain and rage followed by growls as the enemy transformed. The thundering of a hundred wolf paws could be heard hurtling across the forest floor."Hold!" I yelled.They were getting closer."Hold
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Chapter 19 : How Bad Is It?
I stared in awe and fear at the sight before me.Chris Hansen, whose skin was charred beyond recognition, whose blood now oozed out of the dark cracks, whose scent was lost beneath the stench of burnt flesh, was walking towards us and talking as though being burned to a crisp was merely an inconvenience.Noah pushed me behind him and growled at the walking corpse before us. Even Tony looked shocked at the sight of his brother."What the hell is this?" Noah growled. "How are you still alive?""Whatever do you mean?" Chris asked with mock sincerity. "Was I in some sort of accident?""Get out of here, quickly!" Noah hissed at me."I'm not going anywhere without you!" I said firmly, taking my place beside him. "Answer the question!" I directed at Chris. "Nothing should have survived that blast."Chris's eyes, now freshly reformed, narrowed in on me. Recognition entered his eyes and he laughed."Oh, I should have known," he exclaimed. "The esteemed Arianna Lupa Avaroux and t
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Chapter 20 : Communion with Shadows
**Aria POVThe Hansens' raid on the Bergmann estate had been thwarted. We had suffered very few casualties and those with major injuries were being treated at high care medical facilities. The damage to the estate was being repaired and the forest restored.Everything was going back to a semblance of normality. The house staff had returned and were going about their duties as usual.Yet for some reason, it felt like the victory was hollow. We were left with more worries and concerns, and the thought of Chris being a more dangerous adversary than anticipated kept me awake at night.He knew who I was now; how long before he discovered Henry's illness? How long before he exposed me as impersonating an aristocrat and practicing medicine illegally?And somehow he was unable to die. Some power had kept him alive, and I felt lost in the dark trying to figure out what it was.Most wolves were magically inclined to some degree, but the magic we could perform was limited to healing a
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