All Chapters of Stuck in the middle of two billonaires: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
117 Chapters
Pamela:After the sentimental moment with Charles, he left to take a bath when my phone beeped. When I checked the caller it was Royal calling because his father had just died."I need you here," he said.I felt a slight tingle in my heart and my heart ached badly. No one should go through something like this. I would lose it if I got a call like this about my mom, and I understood perfectly what he was going through, so I made up my mind to see him.Pacing around the room, I thought of how to say it to Charles. I couldn't tell him it was Royal, but somehow I needed to go.The door to the room was pulled open, and Charles walked in. He was all dressed up for work, and for the first time in a long time I could look at his beautiful face, and see how cute he really looked."Privacy, Charles," I said, and a smirk formed on his face."Sorry, I brought you a change of clothes. I'll get you some change of clothes when I go out," he said to me.I took the clothes from him, and tossed it on t
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Ending things with Chloe
Charles:Sometimes I felt like I was deaming because I couldn't believe Pamela, and I were finally working something out. I didn't care if anyone viewed me as a simp, I loved that woman so much and pretending I didn't was only hurting me, and really not doing much.When I got to work, I was met by Stella at the entrance of the building."Good morning sir," she said to me."Good morning," I replied, and then I made my way towards the elevator while she followed me."Sir.. we have some reports from the marketing team, and…""Review it, you'd be my secretary for today," I said to her, clicking the button of the elevator."Sir, what about Pamela, she is…""Not coming to work today. She has a few days office, and I would need you to do that right now," I said to her.Getting into the elevator, I saw her face scrunched up but I didn't care.There were rumours that Stella had a thing for me. She was averagely pretty but I wouldn't even look her way because I already had enough going on in my
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Keep it a secret
Pamela:I hoped to get back on time before Charles would be back but even if I didn't make it, I couldn't care less. Royal needed me and I wasn't going to be an asshole about it.The taxi I took was very fast, because I got to Royal's house in no time. I got out, and paid the guy then I walked to the gate, and I gave it a light tap. It was pulled open immediately, and the man at the gate greeted me."Good day ma'am," he said, and I smiled at him. Then I made my way to the front door.I took out my phone, and called Royal but he didn't pick my call. He was probably angry, and it was okay for him to be. I would be angry too if someone treated my mother's departure this way.Walking into the house, I made my way to the stairs. I saw a helper on my way. She mouthed a greeting, and I smiled then I made my way to Royals room. I pulled the door open to meet an empty room. I was about to protest on the fact that the man at the gate didn't bother informing me, then I remembered I used to live
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Healing sex
Pamela:I didn't know if I was doing the right thing, but then he needed something to take his mind off this and I figured that offering him sex might help. We had a short time, and that was all I could think of."Sure," he said.With my hands clasped around my chest, I walked into the shower. As the droplets of water crashed on my shoulder, Royal pushed me to the wall. Then he leaned forward, and pressed his lips on mined. He turned off the shower immediately.I came undone in his hands at once. Then I grabbed him, and wrapped my hands around his neck. He kissed my lips roughly, bitting on my lower lips for permission, and I opened up for him. Then he slid his tongue inside. The taste of his tongue while it clashed against mine sent untold emotions around my body, and I wanted him more. I pressed my body more into his, and I tried to take my tiny hands around his huge body.After a while, he pulled away, breathing heavily."You .. don't have to do this," he said to me, and then I chu
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Shopping for Pamela
Charles:Ending things with Chloe hurt, and I wouldn't even sugar coat it but then I was glad that I wouldn't live the rest of my life feeling like a liar. I had come clean and it was better than allowing her to build her hopes on nothing.After work, I drove to a clothing store to get Pamela some clothes."What would you like, sir?" The lady at the counter asked."Some female clothes, but I don't know which to choose. I need casual clothes, and maybe a few corporate wears," I said to her."Right this way sir," she said.She brought a lot of clothes and as I had said earlier, I found it hard to choose so I ended up picking almost everything she showed me.I was given some shoes. I still knew Pamela's shoe size, so I was able to get her a few foot wear.When I was done, I paid at the counter then I headed home. A part of me definitely felt like I was doing too much for Pamela but I decided to shrug it off. Nothing was too much for a woman that you love, or a person that you love, no m
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Black mail
Pamela:"Why did you do that?" I asked with my eyes wide open.I couldn't believe he took such a step. He would definitely kill me when he finds out about Royal, that was so low of him to abandon a woman who helped him, because she loved him so much."It's better than leading her on forever. I don't care if things doesn't work out between you and I. I just want Chloe to be happy, because I love her and I think she deserves better," he said, holding my hands.Well he was right. It was better it hurt now than later on."The food is finished, I should go to bed now so that I can wake up on time," he said, and then he stood up to leave.A part of me didn't want him to leave. I wanted him here with me, but I didn't know how it would come off. I didn't want sex just a little cuddle and kisses."I do not want to spend the night alone," I said before he reached the door.He paused for a moment, and then I continued."Please spend the night with me, and on the bed," I said to him.He turned ar
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A fight
Pamela:After Chloe demanded for five million. Charles stood up casually, and kissed my lips."I need to get ready for work," he said, and then he was about to leave when I decided to speak about the money.If he knew that Royal already knew he was spying then he wouldn't pay a dime."Don't you think five million is a lot?" I asked, and then he chuckled."It is a lot but then I'm not giving it to her because I don't want her to divulge my secret to Royal. I'm giving it to her because she has had my back for a long time," he said and then he left.That made sense a little bit.As soon as Charles left, my phone began to ring. I checked it to see that Royal was the caller."Hey," he said in his thick and sexy morning voice."Good morning," I replied, almost smiling like he was present with me.Did he need me today? Or he was calling to check on me?"The burial has been fixed tomorrow, and I need you to be there," he said. I swallowed hard when I heard this. I wanted to be there too but
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The burial
Pamela:Today was the day of Mr. Markinson's burial. I woke up feeling weird, because I wondered what this ceremony had in store for me, and the guys. I could only hope that it wouldn't be as bad as I imagined it would be.Royal was born into a Catholic home, and the burial was going to be done in the traditional Catholic style. I got into the shower, and after I was done, I put on a black gown, black hat, black shoes, and I topped it up with black lipstick.After that, I sat down quietly on my bed waiting for Charles. The service was meant to start by nine in the morning and it was quarter to nine.Charles appeared after a while. He was all dressed in black too."You look stunning," he said to me, and a smile crept up my lips.Then I stood up and he kissed my cheek."Thank you," I replied.He took my hand in his, and he walked me out of the room. When we got to the stairs, he carried me up in bridal style, then he took me downstairs, and put me down at the foot of the stairs. With m
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Liam has been found
Charles:Pamela was taking longer than expected, so I decided to excuse myself from the discussion I was having. Then I went up stairs to look for her. As soon as I got to the landing of the first floor, I saw her at the end of the hallway.She looked at me with a plain face, and she rushed up to me. I noticed she had her shoes in her hands."I want to go home," she said to me, and I looked at her confused.Why did she suddenly want to leave?"I didn't know there was an after party, and I don't think I want to be here anymore," she said.She held onto my hand and stared into my eyes. Suddenly I was under her charm, and I agreed instantly."Sure, let's go," I said to her.Before we turned to leave, I saw Royal come out of the hallway. He gave me a cold stare, and I returned it. Then I thought of sending my condolences since I was invited."Why aren't we going yet?" Pamela asked, and then she turned around. "Oh," she mouthed.I waited until Royal got close to us."Hey," I said, stretchi
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Torturing Liam
Royal:FLASH BACK:while I cringed from blurting out my feelings to Pamela, and her running off. I got a call from one of my men."We've found him. He was trying to escape through a ship, and we nabbed him before he could,""Good, take him to my house and wait there for me," I said to them, and then I ended the call.Walking out of the room and to the hallway, I saw Charles and Pamela standing. This fueled my rage. I greeted Charles briefly, and I left without saying a word to Pamela.END OF FLASHBACKWhen I got home, and I set my eyes on Liam, I texted Pamela to get back to the apartment. Her stalker was in custody so she had no excuse to be in Charles' house at the moment."Bring him," I said to my boys as I stared down at Liam's body that was bundled together with a sack over his face.They did as I had asked, and they lifted him, and followed me. I got into a room at the end of the hallway downstairs. It looked like a normal bedroom but beneath it was my torture room, and Liam was
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