All Chapters of Howls of war: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
40 Chapters
In your hands
The group of warriors was wounded and defeated, but they were still alive, and above all, eager to continue with their purpose. Therefore, the first battle could not be tough enough to make the warriors give up. Only a threat or a large-scale tragedy could put an end to the justice spirit of these good warriors! Although they wanted to keep fighting, the wounds of this battle left them badly injured, enough so that they had to rest and heal these wounds.It was a risky situation, considering that they still needed to stay on guard in this arid and unreliable forest. So Alexander and the other warriors decided to take Lyra, who was still unconscious, to a deeper part of the forest, away from the path they needed to follow to reach the castle."We must heal her immediately. If she continues like this, she will lose her life," says Marcus, who is with the other warriors surrounding the injured Lyra."Her wounds are deep, but she has me. I am the best healer that the tribe could have, so
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inside the castle.
"Well, you're trustworthy. I hope that when we get to the castle, the plan you have in mind will serve to protect us," exclaimed Alexander."Yes, don't worry, everything is more than planned. In the worst case, you guys run away and I sacrifice myself," said Lyra."What!?" said Alexander.The group of five warriors were already about to reach the castle. They had to cross through the small village ruled by the kingdom, but in no way would they be stopped by any adversity. These warriors were prepared for whatever came their way. And so the story of this unparalleled group continued, facing the worst to achieve the best.The group of five warriors were already on the bridge that connected the forest to the castle. They had it in front of them, which meant they were getting closer to the end of their destination. They began to cross it until they reached the gate of the castle.The guards who guarded this castle were distracted talking to people from the village. This was a perfect mome
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Last breath
They are completely subdued by the incredible strength of the kingdom's security. The five warriors still don't know what to expect from all of this, or if they will have any salvation. But Lyra remained calm, not expecting it to turn out this way, but also not fearing the outcome that may occur.They approached the formidable castle, which in some way was overwhelming due to its great immensity. The warriors looked up at it before turning to the main gate, which began to open to receive them.The warriors entered the castle, handcuffed and subdued, where they were greeted by someone. This was Lyra's sister, Rose, who had another group of guards around her as she looked at them with a superior gaze.Lyra was surprised, not expecting to see her sister yet, so when Rose stood in front of her, they looked at each other very threateningly, as if they had things to say and grudges to settle."Dear sister, so you had the courage to come. That will be the stupidest decision you've made since
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A greater interest.
The power of the king stopped the guillotine from executing Lyra, surprising everyone as it was thought she would die. Lyra calms down and her fangs retract, indicating she was back to normal. "Yes, I have valuable information for the king, not just me, but my group is also valuable, so you have to let us speak with him! After that, we'll see if my sentence will be under the guillotine," says Lyra. "Your sentence has already been decided, don't think you can come here and play with us like you've done before. So dear king, don't let this confuse you, they're traitors who simply..." says Rose, but is interrupted by the king's voice. "Yes! It's unbearable to consider that we've been humiliated by these half-breed creatures, but there are interesting things that must be resolved. So bring me my dear Lyra, and the others will be held in the dungeon until further notice," says the king, then entering the castle. The soldiers obeyed the king's orders, taking Lyra from her sentencing plac
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loyalty to the king.
"Lyra is surprised by what the king said, although it was something he had to mention, everything turned very dark for her, as she thought her fate was death and she was willing to accept it, but apparently she found the king's critical point. "The prism? He must refer to the one I mentioned before you stopped the guillotine," Lyra says calmly."Of course he refers to that," Rose says in an aggressive tone."Calm down, Rose. That same one, the one that has so much power that those who acquired it, by chance, can absorb the power of the moon and become werewolves, it is necessary that it be under the jurisdiction of the castle," the king says, laughing a little."Of course, your Majesty, but it wasn't by chance that tribe has a responsibility with that prism that has belonged to them since time immemorial. It's part of them and it always will be," Lyra says."You seem to know them very well, and that's admirable, but we can't let impure-blooded beings have the prism for any longer. The
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in the forest.
Broken branches and sounds of an agitated voice echo through the forest because of this girl. But she can't stop, if she does, she'll die, so she must keep running with all her might if she wants to survive. She looks back to see if she's being followed, and to her bad luck, she hasn't been able to shake off her pursuer yet. He jumps from branch to branch and moves through the forest with great agility trying to catch up with the girl, but she's faster, so he can't catch her.That frustrates the creature, causing it to pull out a kind of detonator that was on its skin and throw it towards where the girl was. "You won't escape alive!" says the creature before throwing the bomb towards her. That explosion generated a great shock wave, causing the trees to lose their leaves, and the creature to lose sight of the girl as she flew away due to the explosion. The creature gets agitated but thinks for a moment and decides to use its sense of smell to track her down. After a few exhalations, i
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The next day, the main warriors of the tribe, including Lyra, were a bit nervous because the community's problems were increasing sharply. They were facing a crisis that was affecting everyone's well-being, so they couldn't afford to continue ignoring it."Well, let's take stock of what we need right now," Lyra said to the other warriors.The warriors were in the middle of the village, which could be called the central square, but since the tribe was not very large, they could see almost all the houses there. That's why they decided to make important decisions in that place."Well, there aren't many houses, but we have our own water supply. That's something good," said the village sage in a friendly and optimistic tone.When he said that, the mill structure that made the water flow to the tribe collapsed inconveniently, making it impossible to have any more water flow, which further increased the problem."Oh... I didn't expect that. Now we don't have water," the sage said, laughing n
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A debt.
The rebels were surprised by this event, they didn't know who had done this, so they looked from one side to the other, the enemy was lurking around! And it was necessary to find him! But it didn't take long for the enemy to show himself, his walk made the leaves rustle and that made the rebels turn to look in that direction, where an angry being was. "Hey, stop!" Ronnie shouts at the girl who is causing this. She looks at the rebels with hostility, as if she was analyzing each one. When she hears Ronnie approaching her, she turns to look at him and then attacks him with her peculiar powers. "I can't allow this to happen," says the girl, and then throws Ronnie to another side just as she did with the other rebel. With a cold look, the girl confronts the other rebels and now there was no one to stop her, it was as if anger was controlling her and reason was something no one could understand. One by one, the rebels were thrown by the force of this girl and her ability to make them fly
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the reason is the forest.
The rebels lifted the woman who was causing harm and took her to a cabin to detain her while she woke up. The elixir that the great sage had used was made exclusively to detain or overcome nymphs. It was one of the great sage's abilities, knowledgeable of hundreds of spells and indescribable powers. Now they had the nymph detained and wanted an explanation, but they had to wait for her to wake up because that was not something the great sage could do.While the warriors patiently waited for her to wake up, the rebel Ronnie was outside the hut trying to visualize in some way what was going on. He was a little worried about that being that had caused him harm, but that did not mean he held any grudges against her."Hey Ronnie, weren't you supposed to have that girl under control?" a rebel who appeared out of nowhere said to Ronnie."Well, I didn't know she could do that, and she escaped pretty quickly. I couldn't stop her," Ronnie said, a little disappointed."Friend, that girl was craz
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a small offering
The nymph observes her for a moment. "I see tenacity in you, you're not lying to me. But I cannot allow you to continue damaging the forest in this way. The forest itself must give the order to give you what it has, so that you can use it for your benefit," says the nymph."What do you mean? I don't understand," says Lyra. "Well...maybe because you can't talk to the forest," replies the nymph. "You can talk to it, right? You should tell it that we need its help to protect it," says Lyra resignedly."I don't speak with it directly, but I could make the effort, although I don't trust you," replies the nymph."We would like to show you that we are not beings who want to disrupt the natural course of life. We want things to change, so keep in mind the following, Miss Nymph: if you can help us, we will not disturb the forest. We will eradicate evil! But if, on the other hand, you go against us, you should know that we are not afraid to let our instincts control us. We will make you a part
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