All Chapters of Offered to the Vampire Lord : From Tribute to Salvation: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
37 Chapters
She means nothing to him
Nina was flushed with anger. How on this earth, in this mansion, on the territory of the vampires, a human dares to answer and challenge her? It was inadmissible and she had to teach this thing a lesson otherwise, she will not be able to get rid of this humiliation. She looked around, seeing everyone watching her with interest. She could know what was on everyone's mind. "Is she going to let this vulgar human defy her and get away with it with impunity"? No, if she did that, she would lose face. She is not as important in this house as the head maids, but she is above all those present in this kitchen. So letting this trample on her honor would be like opening the door to the disdain of others. This bitch, she didn't appreciate her from the moment she saw her, she knew it, with her distressed princess look, she managed to fool their Lord and the three elders of this house with this false fragility. And now she's showing her true colors. How dare she look up in her presence?
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An insane man
Vladimir was lost. But not only that, there was deep inside him a feeling of anguish that he could not explain. Luxiana had run away in tears and he could imagine who was responsible for this situation. Since she has been in this mansion, he has done everything to avoid this kind of situation, especially with the belligerent nature of his servants. But this time he was careless. Usually, he makes sure that she is with one of the people who show her some respect in this mansion, despite his orders, the other servants are not ready to lie down in front of a human. He has understood this since time, which is why he did not point it out to them. But from there to hurting her in this way, he will not spare this woman. He looked at Nina, who had lowered her face trembling like a leaf. "When I come back, you'd better leave the mansion without it, I don't give much of your life" He passed in front of Nina without adding anything more while behind, Flavian looked amused. He looked a
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Not his real brother
Luxiana tried to push Flavian's embrace away as much as she could, but Flavian didn't seem to want to give in. This situation automatically sent a sense of dread through her as she wondered what this man was playing at. He still had that mean smile on his lips when the time was not right. Vladimir looked angry, his expression clearly said he wanted to kill someone. She didn't know why but she didn't want it to continue. She pushed Flavian away as hard as she could, hearing him snicker as she scowled. What was the problem with this twisted man? “Please send me down, Sir Flavian. I am fine now " The man looked at her amused as she could read an insane glint deep in his eyes. What was he playing? He was up to something and she was sure it would embarrass her. “Do you want me to let you go after I saved your life? » She looked at the man and looked at the other angry man. She didn't want Vladimir to know that she wanted to end her life out of love and desperation for him. I
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His ...
Vladimir saw red wanting to rip Flavian's head off. If it wasn't for his aunt, he would've killed that guy when they were kids. He always had this inclination to want to put shit everywhere he found the opportunity. It looked like a joke to him. To see people suffering and lamenting was like a sweetness to his heart and it disgusted him to the highest degree. This is why, despite being cousins ​​and Flavian's mother being so dear to Vladimir's father, he was never close to Flavian. He would much rather have him away from him. “Flavian, I ask to measure your words” "But Vlad…why are you making such a face? Did I say something wrong? I can often be unmindful, sorry but you know…despite my playfulness, everything I say has always been the truth." Flavian smiled happily at his shenanigans. Vladimir for his part wondered why he had to keep the promise his father made to his late sister. He had promised her to always watch over Flavian and not take his jokes into account. "Don'
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He still loves her
Vladimir sighed with satisfaction having heard what he wanted. He does not know where this possessiveness towards Luxiana comes from but he knows one thing, there is no way that she looks at another man than him. Whether she yearns for or has to have any relationship with him. He thinks he would go crazy, having to lose something that belongs to him. He has already paid the price, there is no longer any way that he will relive that. Once was too much. He put his nose on Luxiana's jugular and started to rub her butt. He could feel the pulsing of Luxiana's blood in her veins and the thirst he had managed to control all along awoke. Swallowing with envy, his heart began to race, every cell in his body aching to sink his fangs into that tender, alluring flesh. He was dying for it, it was so tempting. He opened his mouth, his fangs elongating as they brushed against Luxiana's skin. He felt the latter jump before tensing, she seemed both scared but also impatient. Sighing in aban
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A sinful man
Luxiana was aberrated, could this man have followed them into Vladimir's chambers and observed all their interactions? No, he wouldn't be so sinful, would he? She looked up at the man again and falling on his eccentric smile, she thought to herself, he sure is as perverted as he gives the image. But why is he acting like this? What is his goal? Since he arrived in this house, he has only played tricks and jokes in bad taste. Even if they were often tinged with truths. Like the fact that she is only an object at the disposal of her master. She sighed deeply remembering earlier. He can dispose of her body as he sees fit and claim it as his possession. In this, she finds no inconvenience because it is the reality. She is Vladimir's servant and if he wants to use her body, he doesn't have to ask her advice. But what makes her suffer the most in this situation are the feelings she ended up growing up with for the man and which are strengthening day by day without her being able
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I hate this woman
Lunchtime had started and already, a certain tension existed around this table. Vladimir could notice it, especially on Luxiana's side. He frowned especially at the fact that Flavian hadn't chosen a seat other than the one near Luxiana to sit down. She must be uncomfortable with him. Who would not be? This man has a very ill presence and anyone would feel some discomfort having him around. And soft and fragile as she is, it is obvious that his Luxiana would be influenced by it. And speaking of which, he still does not understand why Flavian is still there, let him know, he had already fired him. When he arrived in the dining room finding him, he wanted to choke. Why does Flavian take such pleasure in contesting his authority? Ah, why he hasn't the right to rip his head off? His aunty. He sighed before taking his place around the table commanding the start of lunch. But since it's done, Luxiana hasn't even taken a bite yet, she stares blankly at her dish as the sound of
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His most truthful person.
Luxiana was panicked, how to get out of this trap? She was so angry that she couldn't control herself and voiced her frustration out loud. Why did she have to lose Vladimir's love because of death? Since birth, her life has never been fair, but for once, just once, she wished she could have something of her own. And in this case, the heart of Vladimir. She wishes she could cure him of his pain as he did for her. To be able to erase all traces of this past and harmful love and that he loves her as much as he loved this woman if not more. She wanted so much, but she dreamed of color. The man didn't even seem to want to leave the past behind. And she? What place did she occupy by his side? She gritted her teeth throwing those thoughts away as there was a rather delicate situation that required her fullest attention. Vladimir asked a question, and he was the type to get what he wants. If she lies to him with a lame excuse, he's sure he won't take it. So what to do now? “I t
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Her role alongside Vladimir.
The mansion was in turmoil as Flavian, more agitated than she could imagine, ordered here and there. Luxiana wanted to help but she didn't know what to do. Vladimir had been in the room with the doctor for almost an hour and no one could tell her how the situation was evolving. Why did he have this discomfort? Is it serious? But given Flavian's face, it was obvious that Vladimir's condition was worrying. She bit her lip in worry clutching her hands in front of her chest as she stood outside Vladimir's door. She didn't know if she should come in, anyway, she hadn't been permitted to come in, just like she wasn't forbidden either. But at that moment, and certainly, the first time since she arrived in this mansion, she felt like a stranger to everything. The others were running around seeming to know what to do and she just stared at them. She has never had responsibilities as such before those which Vladimir has just entrusted to her. Apart from being by his side, she never
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Please, eat me.
Vladimir has finished drinking the tea, frowning at its peculiar taste. It's true that he is not a fan of tea, but has hibiscus tea ever been so good and tasty? He felt a real pleasure from it that he had never felt before, not to mention the fact that his body was starting to react strangely. He who felt weak and out of breath a few seconds ago was starting to get back on his feet. Flavian watched his brother's face grow brighter and the colors that had left his face return. For sure, this woman is special. He knows what she has done and the result far exceeds his expectations. How in this world could such an exceptional result happen? He needs to dig deep into her background. This old garbage told him that she was a princess raised to the rank of a saint, right? Do the humans who have unlocked the divine sacrament have a special power? He was never interested in humans and their cultures but this … woman managed to pique his interest. He must understand, it's true her
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