All Chapters of ONE NIGHT WITH MY HUSBAND’S BROTHER : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
147 Chapters
Symbol of their passion
Mackenzie pulled the duvet over her daughter's body and leaned in to kiss her forehead. She found herself squeezing the part of the wooden bed her hands could touch. Chase was just behind her, and she could feel his stare burn through the skin of her neck. She had felt as though she had been walking on eggshells since he arrived, yet there was a part of her overjoyed to have him there, to have him with her kids, and with her. She turned to look at him and found him staring at her, his hands tucked into his pocket. He did not wear a smile on his face, but there was something relaxed about him, an air of joy she had not sensed before. "There, they are both asleep." She spoke, a nervous chuckle escaped her lips, and he smiled as he watched them. Heavens! He was so…charming. "Yeah, they both needed it. It's been a long day." Mackenzie nodded, saying nothing. The next thirty seconds was spent in silence. Mackenzie locked her fingers together behind her back. She was suddenly aware o
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Do You Believe In Miracles?
Chase Axford turned to look at the door behind him one last time, before he picked out his phone from his pocket. The cold night breeze swept past his face with force, causing him to sneeze. He dialed his father's number immediately. Chase tapped his right foot on the ground absentmindedly, until his father answered the call. "Chase my boy!" He sighed wigh relief once he heard his father's voice. "How are you doing dad?" "Nothing much, my boy. Just getting prepared for the big surgery." An easy laugh escaped his throat. "The doctor says I'll be able to do it at midnight. I can't exactly say I'm looking forward to it, but I just want this to be over."Chase clutched his phone in his right hand. "Midnight? I'll be on my way dad, I…" "No, no. Go home and rest, Chase. You really need the rest. Today has been way too much for anyone, I'll be fine." He narrowed his eyes on his vehicle. He wanted to believe all that his father had said, but he was too worried to do so. "Are you
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Dearest Mackenzie
Chase Axford made sure to drag himself to work the next morning, even though he had not initially planned to be there. He climbed down from his Tesla and strolled into the building with all the positive energy he could muster - every iota that flowed through his veins. There was a new and different glow about him, he could feel it, he could see it, and he sure as hell wasn't the only one. He noticed the stares from the doormen, and even the receptionist as they greeted him. He nodded in response, not with a smile, but he was certain they could tell he was more energetic than ever before. Chase smiled to himself and shook his head as the elevator doors opened up and he took the first step into his office corridor, tucking both hands into the pockets of his army green suit pants. He had barely gotten to his office door when his personal assistant, Nora, ran up to him. The sight of the young female running in stiletto heels while trying to keep her glasses on her nose bridge made him
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Evidence of Infidelity
Eleanor pushed her son's door open with one swift kick. The sound of glasswares crashing against the marble tiles was powerful enough to draw her attention. Once the door was open, she caught Jeffrey swinging a bat against the screen of his LED TV. Eleanor flinched once the glass screen shattered into pieces all over the floor. Jeffrey clenched the bat in his fists, shoulders trembling and sweat pouring from his head to his bare chest as he shivered. It wasn't from the cold temperature, but from the boiling anger that brewed within him. The muscles of his back threatened to tear his skin open. Eleanor's lips thinned in disgust. She held the door open and stepped into his room. Her right foot stepped on shard of glass and she groaned in frustration. His room was a total mess. He had thrown his books and shelves to the ground. His sheets and pillowcases were in shambles. His TV screen was shattered, all his favorite sculptures he collected to show off his father’s wealth were nothin
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The News
"Hey, hey, baby." Mackenzie called out to her baby girl, squatting before her and patting the back of her head. Calista's tear filled eyes looked up at her, and Mackenzie swallowed hard. They had just finished breakfast, and Mackenzie was only half done with clearing the dishes when Calista began asking for her father. "You don't have to cry, baby." She kissed Calista's right cheek, but it did not seem to be enough. The little girl continued to stare at her with sad eyes. "I had a dream last night, and I saw daddy. Did I really see my daddy yesterday?" Mackenzie's heart twisted in her chest, a sharp and painful twist. She cupped Calista's cheeks and smiled sweetly at her. "Of course baby, you saw your daddy. He spent the whole day with you and Cameron, and even tucked you to sleep." "But he didn't sleep on Cameron's bed, so where is he?" Calista replied, stubbornly. Mackenzie heaved a sigh, and looked around the small dining room before she said anything. "Don't worry baby, o
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By Your Side
Mackenzie squeezed the collar of her shirt and tore her apron off her in the process. She needed to breathe. Charlotte, on the other hand, moved to the littke girl. She lowered her body in a squat and cupped Calista's cheeks. "What's wrong, sweety? You were supposed to be watching cartoons with Cameron. Did something happen?" Calista shook her head, a silent sign for no. She raised her eyes to spare her mother a short glance, but Charlotte remained in front of her, patiently waiting for an explanation. "Cameron changed channels by accident, aunt Charlotte, and the news came up. Mummy, you need to see this! Our new grandpa is on TV mummy!" Calista cried out again. This time, she walked past Charlotte and held her mother's right leg firmly, pulling and urging Mackenzie to go with her. Mackenzie's heart skipped ten beats at once. At the mention of Richard, Chase's father, she sprang up from her stool and picked Calista up from the ground. She held her daughter in her arms and rushe
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Last Laugh
The bartender poured her drink into a glass, picked up the glass with a professional delicacy and delivered it to her side of the table. Selene did not so much as look at him, not even to commend his effort. She reached for the glass and drowned the sour liquid down her throat with one swift gulp. She dropped the empty glass on the table before she glanced at the gold customized Rolex wristwatch that adorned her left wrist. Forty-five minutes, she hissed. Tapping her right foot on the ground, visibly restless, she continued to look at the door of the bar, then around her, just to see if the silly man had crawled into the bar while she was looking away from the door, and was currently searching for her. There were only a few people in the exquisite lounge, so he shouldn't have been so hard to find. The fact that he was, only meant he had not arrived yet, and Selene's patience was currently hanging on a thin thread, which five more minutes of his absense was sure to snap. Selene tor
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At The Hospital
Mackenzie had both her children dressed in thick black coats - a small preparation for the cold outside - by the time the security details arrived at her front door. It had been warm for a few days, but the weather that afternoon could almost be described as freezing. Calista wore around her neck, a red and black printed muffler, the red matching the color of the frame of her glasses. Cameron loved the dark blue color, so his muffler was dark blue. Tucked under Calista's right arm was a painting, specially done by her, of the sun and the garden they had met. She was certain her grandfather was going to love it. The security details helped put Cameron and Calista in the back seat of the car with Mackenzie. The driver turned on the car's heater before he started the engine. They started the journey to the hospital. The car came to a halt at the hospital's exit door. Chase had stationed himself at the hospital's exit, making sure it was well guarded. His most trusted guards, yet you
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Chase and Mackenzie strolled out of Richard's ward into the quiet hospital corridor. As they walked, Mackenzie found herself tucking her fingers into her coat at seconds intervals. The weather on its own was cold, but being close to Chase seemed to heat her up, causing all the cold to rush to the tip of her fingers. "Uhh. Why don't we just order a coffee?" She asked. There was a nervous edge to her voice, one she hoped Chase wouldn't notice. He did. He looked down at her and managed a small smile. Mackenzie knew she should have looked away in that moment, from his eyes that always threatened to suck her in, but she didn't. It wouldn't hurt once to let her guard down and be completely drowned in his gaze, would it? "I just wanted time alone with you." Mackenzie's eyes widened, sparkling with delight. Her stomach churned from thousands of butterflies. She turned away immediately, chuckling from the shivers that rushed down her spine. "I guess that much." She replied, digging her
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Mackenzie and Chase returned to the Richard's ward, laughing with a cup of hot chocolate in each hand. As Chase moved to push the door open, Mackenzie started to walk in, still laughing. Her laughter came to an abrupt halt immediately she caught sight of Eleanor in the room. She was seated on the bed, beside Richard, running her fingers through Calista's blonde hair. Eleanor smiled as Calista continued to playfully pinch Richard's bearded chin. Mackenzie stared at Eleanor, her blood drained from her face, and her limbs lacked the ability to move. She hated seeing her daughter with the old and conniving woman. Innocent Calista was not aware of how callous the woman was. She turned and smiled at her innocently as they chatted on. "The shareholders are thinking of revolting, Richard. The stock prices are plummeting, what are you going to do about it?" When Richard remained silent, Eleanor made sure to continue. "The company needs a better leader, Richard. Listen, I know Chase is the
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