All Chapters of Rejected Lycan Mate: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
113 Chapters
Cassi pov I looked at him with incredulity running through my eyes trying to understand what he just said because it was not making any sense to me at all and I almost laughed if it wasn't for how serious his expression was on his face so I settled comfortably on the bed facing him completely with my entire body and asking him what he meant by that. "I know you are having an affair and I have evidence to back it up…" he said confidently looking back at me with a hurt expression on his face that was still balanced up with determination and stubbornness too I couldn't help but to be amused. I should have told him the truth from that moment but I had to admit to myself that seeing him jealous like this was a guilty pleasure of mine and I wasn't afraid to indulge in it just a little bit. I whipped my hair behind my ear and then asked him to show me the evidence that he was so badly hurt yourself and then he turned around shifting a little bit on the bed and picking up a boxer at the
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Groan in pains
Cassi pov An entire week had passed ever since the war, and honestly it felt like a dream before it was as if I was sinking into an abyss that will never end but somehow I have been able to dig out of it and find the light the high Court had been put in their Lane and they knew that they were not supposed to mess with me and I was able to get my husband back not only that but the people greatly approved of what I did. I mean they thought that the only reason why I was keeping him was just to embarrass him and to humiliate him as a war price, and if that was enough imagination to keep them sleeping well and waking up well and I was satisfied with that, the details of our relationship did not really matter that much to me and people who think whatever they wanted as long as it didn't change you how we felt about each other. I made sure that the warriors that have gone to war with me regularly war did for everything that they did and for the ones that have died I visited their familie
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What to think
Cassi pov Since I could not build up the courage to ask him directly I decided that I was going to find an indirect way of getting the truth out of him at this point he would have no reason to lie to me right? I believe that we are past the stages of lies and packing and we could finally be ourselves around each other or at least that's what I was hoping for because if we couldn't even have that then I couldn't imagine us having a future at all. So while we were having breakfast together I decided to pop the question. "I want us to get married again are you in?" He nearly almost choked on his omelette when I said that and the reaction on his face was almost too entertaining to feel regret but I felt so bad and I stood up and patted him on his back so that he could relax a little bit and he looked at me blinking his eyes rapidly as if he was trying to wrap his head around what I just said but I couldn't blame him since it was a lot and I should have probably waited till he didn't h
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Alder pov "Are you sure that you really want to go?" Cassi ask me for the millionth time and I told you to have with a smile on my face and assured her that I definitely wanted to come along with her, she seem to be very hesitant about bringing me along to this condolence trip even though she was the one that suggested it in the first place. I guess it was hard to figure out why maybe there was something that was discomforting how about this entire situation but I would have to find out later and that was if she told me if not I feel like I will be mostly left in the dark about everything we both got into the car that was going to take us to the bereaved families and I focused myself on her facial expressions she seem to glance to me from one time to another as if she was trying to catch me off-guard doing something that she did not expect and whenever she was unable to find anything she will look rather disappointed. I wasn't really sure how to really pin it down but it was str
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Had to keep it to myself
Alder pov The first family did not even want to look at us at all and their doors were locked short we had to wait for sometime before one of them finally came to the front door to answer us and then we soon came in they told us that we had initially not heard the knocking before and generally the mood in the place was very bad. It was like as if I was walking through a cemetery and the mood was just depressing as well, but my wife handled it very well as she interacted with the family and even told a few light-hearted jokes with them this was something that I loved about her a lot despite the fact that she was literally the queen of the entire Kingdom that did not make her to have a big head she still knew her value and they don't allow anyone to trample on her and I'll be same time she didn't see anyone as trash this was something that I should have probably learnt a long time ago and it would have saved me a lot of problems. But then as I was sitting there trying to interact
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Former trainer
Cassi pov We were able to visit most of the families that we had planned out that day but I could see that my husband was becoming drained and he seem to be deep in thought as well when I asked him about it as we returned to the car he told me it was nothing to worry about brandishing one of his charming smiles and the fact that he felt he needed me to relax in that moment made me to be even more suspicious but I decided to let it slide since there was no point in stressing it anymore. We were halfway back home when I got a call from my former personal trainer I had not heard from him recently after I had to settle matters with the high Court and then I answered the call and I asked him if there was a problem then with a soft tone he responded to me why he needed a problem to call his friend and he just wants to be checking up on me and how I was doing. "I tried visiting some of the killings…" My heart sank a little bit as I thought about the sadness that was in all of the homes
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I'm keeping something from you
Alder pov As we walked out of the car I pondered telling her more about my discovery but I didn't want to trouble her not to mention that if She had not noticed that somebody was betraying her at this point it was quite doubtful that telling her will make much of a difference. Well except for making her worry and suspect everyone that was around her. I believed that if somebody was acting suspiciously enough then she would definitely have brought the person out but whoever was planning this, whoever had gone behind her back was definitely somebody that was close to her and close enough that she would not even come down for a second that this person was responsible for all the killings. I got out of the car and then I opened up the other door for her so that she could step out while I tried not to get too overwhelmed in my thoughts today has been quite depressing going to all those bereaved families who didn't deserve to lose someone like that and it pains me to think that deep
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Cassi pov I became so nervous at that moment that I even begun to ration my breathing without realising it and I lived closer this was intentional even though I was already close to his to hear whatever he had to say there was this long awkward silence between the two of us as I waited with my heart in my throat for whatever he was going to say. But my mind was telling me that he was finally going to admit to his crimes maybe it was because of the families that we had visited that had finally pushed him to say the truth that was I was waiting for. Then when he lips finally parted he said something that I was not expecting at all."Have I told you how much I love you today?" The statement took me so off guard and my cheeks immediately went blazing red as I reached up my pants to cover them but it was already too late and he saw them I became so nervous that I even forgot the earlier question that I asked you as he pressed a kiss to my hair it was as if all the thoughts that I had i
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Slip out of his mouth
Cassi pov"Can we make this quick my husband is waiting for me?" I was surprised to get a text from Hanson or maybe I was just hoping that you would have to text so I could have avoided this conversation with him just a little bit more but then I decided that it was just pissed that we addressed the elephant in the room instead of ignoring it. And to get my good side he had even invited me to a restaurant that both of us often came to together because we both loved the food and usually when we were here we would laugh and smile however when I was looking at him now there was no smile on my face and I hope he know why. Unfortunately he seem mostly oblivious to the fact that I was in a bad mood and just smiled while we ordered our food then after eating I was hoping that we would get into the main issue but he started talking about random things that did not even have anything to do with what had cost him to interrupt me and my husband because I severely doubt that he had waited with
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Alder pov As I was waiting for my wife I began to reconsider my decision of telling her the truth or not cuz it's better to make her more aware instead of allowing her to suspect that I was keeping another secret from her because from the looks of things it would be natural for anyone to suspect that I was the one that had arranged to scale his but I was actually innocent meaning that I had to push the blame over to someone else not that I was actually responsible for any of the killings but even so I knew that she was probably troubled and wanted to ask me about this afternoon I seriously wanted from the way she showed affection to her people that she was just constantly sleeping with a man that could have possibly killed several of them as a petty attempt of getting back at her but I guess she was just keeping all of this to myself right now even though I was worried for her. someone was capable of doing something so horrible must have at least a good amount of resources at his or
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