All Chapters of The Healer: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
88 Chapters
Chapter 68
Colton POVI was pacing around my office, waiting for my guard to arrive. I had sent him on an errand, and he was due back any minute. While waiting, I stood by the window, looking out into the night. I noticed a few couples hurrying across the courtyard, trying to make it inside before curfew. I had recently realized that I was losing control of the pack, as too many members were wandering around with nosy eyes. Therefore, I had placed a curfew on them, so that everyone would be home by eleven o'clock at night unless they had my permission to be out. I was too close to achieving my goal and didn't need anyone to mess it up.I recently learned some fascinating news about Alpha Merrick. This news was something I could use to my advantage in achieving my goal. The Alpha had taken a chosen mate and would announce her as Luna. This was another bargaining chip for me to use since he had cast aside his omega play toy. It had turned out that the omega was useful in other ways, but she was to
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Chapter 69
Luna Daria POV“Please be careful, Ronin. I love you. See you soon.”“Love you too Mom. See you soon.”After hanging up with Ronin, I found myself pacing the room, feeling the weight of the responsibility I had taken on. Ronin had agreed to come to Mystic Moon to discuss the possibility of an alliance with Alpha Merrick, but we needed to keep his visit a secret. If Colton found out, he would surely retaliate, and innocent lives would be lost. I knew that we needed to find a peaceful solution to our conflict, and I was hopeful that the elders would see the truth in Ronin's heart and support him as the rightful heir to the alpha position.However, Ronin was insistent on coming to the pack immediately, and I had to ask Alpha Merrick for permission for him to enter. Alphas were notoriously protective of their land, and I wasn't sure how he would react. But I knew that we had to take a chance and try to make this alliance work, for the sake of both of our packs. So, I took a deep breath an
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Chapter 70
Rick POVWell, shit.I lowered myself back onto my chair, pressing my head into my palms. The last thing I wanted was for Tori to feel isolated and lonely here. I wanted her to be embraced by everyone and treated as one of our own. Every person in this room had already become that to her, but this was exactly what I had feared. I knew that once it became public knowledge that I had found my daughter, my enemies would come from far and wide to take her and use her as a bargaining chip against me. My pack was the envy of many due to our vast number of highly skilled and lethal warriors. Eric and Victor were masters in their stations, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. However, all of that meant nothing if I didn't have my little girl here with me. She was my successor and would eventually become the leader of the pack, or at the very least, its Luna. Her mate would then become the Alpha since the council did not allow women in pack leadership positions. I found that to be incredibl
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Chapter 71
Victor POV“What the fuck just happened?” I yelled at nobody in the office. They all looked at me after the Alpha ran out of the room to find Tori. “Ryder!”“Yes, Beta?” He jumped to attention with his head bowed.“Follow her, find her, and do not leave her side until she is home here safe!”“Beta?” He looked up in confusion.“You gave her your warrior’s oath, yes?” I gritted between my teeth, trying not to lose my control.“Yes, Beta!” He stated loudly and proudly.“Bring her home safe” He bowed his head. “Take Jeremy with you.” The two men started for the door, but Tammy piped up making them halt.“Wait just a damn minute!” I slowly turned to face her, not liking her attitude or disrespect. Ivan flashed his eyes warning her of her miscalculation in judgment.“What did you just say?” She took a deep breath, gathering her courage, and did not falter. Ryder and Jeremy stood quiet and still and observed the confrontation. Eric tried to pull her back, but she punched him in the chest and
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Chapter 72
Victor POVI confirmed that our guests were comfortably settled in their rooms for the night and instructed them to be ready by 8 the next morning for an omega to escort them to the dining hall. They said their good nights and locked their doors. I told Eric he could turn in for the night and be with his mate, who was still quite upset. I linked the Alpha, but he had a block up. I caught his scent leading from the kitchen to his room along with Teaghan’s. I assumed they were in for the night as well. The house was quiet now that it was after midnight, but my heart was hurting, and my mind was unsettled. I needed to find Tori and try to explain things to her.‘Ryder, have you found Tori?’ After a few moments, he answered as if whispering.‘Yes, Beta. She is at the hospital visiting Corinne.’ What? Not what I was expecting.‘Is Corinne awake?’‘No, Beta. She is still sleeping. Doctor says she may not wake for a few days.’‘Okay, I’ll be heading your way shortly.’‘Okay’I returned to my
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Chapter 73
Rick POVI sat on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands as Teaghan kneeled behind me, rubbing my shoulders. I could hear her sniffling as she breathed.“Baby, she’ll come around. It’s a lot for her to take in and she needs to process it.” She whispered to me and kissed my neck. I leaned into her touch and listened to her heartbeat to calm myself and my wolf down.“I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought she'd be safe if I could keep her away from the bad people out there. If I could get her to stay at the packhouse and become a pack member, she’d be safe. I just wanted her to stay here, with me, and safe from everything.” I shook my head and sighed as I sat up and pulled Teaghan onto my lap. She wrapped her arms around my neck and ran her fingers through my hair. “I can’t lose her again. I just can’t!” I mumbled into Teaghan’s neck.“Rick, honey. She’s been through so much in her life. She’s used to people lying to her and treating her unkindly that she expects it now.
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Chapter 74
Colton POVIt was one in the morning, and I was pacing a hole in my office rug. That piece of sh*t was supposed to call me an hour ago to give me an update on whether or not he completed his task. All he had to do was wait at the house, grab her before she walked in, and bring her to me. How hard is that? She’s a puny little human!I tried to relax and sit down behind my desk, but the last couple of hours I spent with Stephanie was quite the workout and I was starting to feel the soreness from it. I stood once again and paced the room. I was coming to the end of my patience and was ready to go find him when my phone rang.“Hello, Alpha” A sultry she-wolf voice came from the other end of the line.“Where is Edgar?” I questioned harshly.“Oh, come now, Alpha. Don’t you trust us?” She cooed softly.“No. I don’t.” I heard a small huff from her before she answered.“Well, that’s your problem. You said take her and bring her to you, so that’s what he’s doing. He should be calling you shortl
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Chapter 75
Victor POVI stared down at the dead man lying on the forest floor. I didn’t recognize him. I inspected the wounds on his face and neck and the fatal blow to his chest. I saw three claw marks drawn across his neck and down his chest. I guess that she severed his carotid artery, and he bled out from that. All in all, Tori did some damage to him before killing him. Scratches and bruises were covering his neck and shoulders, his face had deep scratches that began to heal, and his mouth and nose had blood oozing from it.I ran over to Tori and knelt beside her. I grabbed her hand and squeezed as I did my best to hold back my tears threatening to fall.“Tori, baby, we have help coming. They’ll be here soon. Don’t try to talk.” I tried to calm her down as well as myself otherwise I’d panic and go wild. I was having a hard enough time keeping Ivan from shifting and tearing apart the body of the man who attacked her. She was staring into my eyes as she gasped for breath. There was blood flowi
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Chapter 76
Victor POVI stood in shock as Ryder purposely stalked up to Tori’s bed and leaned over to look her dead in the eyes. Tori was terrified at who she thought was her friend, now baring down on her with so much anger that you could feel the tension in the room like a brick wall.“Ryder! What is the meaning of this?” He continued to stare at Tori without even flinching at my command.“Little Miss Tori. Daughter of our illustrious Alpha Merrick Romanski.” Ryder stands tall, crosses his arms over his chest, and looks down at her.“Poor little girl can’t understand anything! You have a brain in that head of yours, figure it out!” Ryder begins to pace the floor by the bed occasionally glancing at Tori.“What is wrong with you?” Tori shouts at him in anger. He suddenly stops and jumps to the bed and hovers over her.“Ryder!” I shouted but he ignored me and focused on Tori.“Me!? What is wrong with you?” He shouts. “Take a look around you woman! Do you realize where you are?” He stands up and g
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Chapter 77
Tori POV“Then what the hell happened? Who healed me?!” I looked from Victor to Eric and settled on Tammy.“Mimi, who healed me?!” I all but screamed at Tammy a she came running over and wrapped her arms around me.“It’s okay sweetie, we’ll find out what’s going on, okay? Maybe you have self-healing strength that does not use your powers? It’s okay. You are going to be fine.” Tammy hugged me tighter, ran her hand down my hair and kissed my forehead. As she cooed soft comforting words to me, my tears flowed heavily down my cheeks, and I could see Victor speaking with Eric.“I have no idea. I need to notify the Alpha and let him know…” Before he could finish, I bolted upright in bed and yelled at him.“You will not notify the Alpha!” I felt a wave similar to a shock go through me and into the room. Victor and Eric stared agape at each other and then turned to me.“What the hell!” Eric whispered.“Did you just…?” I wiped my face and glanced between the two men.“What?” Tammy leaned back
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