All Chapters of The Awakening of His Luna: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
55 Chapters
29. An insecure future and an uncertain past
Kemy “What is it, Henry?” I asked again.My stomach was churning and my blood was cold with dread. “They told me that if we don’t heal Ember soon, you will… we won’t be able to wake you up. If she dies, you will be lost forever in your dreams, Kemy. But we won’t let it happen,” he reassured me, cupping my face gently. My breath trembled and I sobbed, trying to swallow the lump that had just formed in my throat. My poor Ember. She couldn’t die. I couldn’t lose her. I couldn’t stay here caged forever in this soon-to-be nightmare completely alone. If I wouldn’t wake up anytime soon, I wouldn't want Henry to come, to have his heart broken and a life that was no reality, only an eternal suffocating dream. I couldn’t do it to him, he wanted a Luna, someone to rule alongside him, to live with him, and this dream-limbo was no life. I couldn’t drag him to my cursed life. I tried to push him away and sit up, but he only pulled me closer to his chest. After a few seconds, I snuggled up and
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30. The Clock is ticking
AlmaI saw Alev head to the door and followed him as fast as my belly allowed me to with Egan right behind me. We could hear Alev’s words and I felt the surge of angry testosterone lifting in the air. I could even smell it. It was even mixed with Axe body spray. Men, I shook my head.“Alev and Niki just arrived from their party trip and we still didn’t have the time to update them, Henry. And Alev, Henry is here because he kind of lives here now,” I told them and Alev turned around to look at me, without moving from the front of the door or letting Henry in.He had a huge frown, even bigger than Daniel’s on a bad day, and his eyes were gleaming in a gold shade. He really hated werewolves and having a tall, hot and tanned Australian werewolf flirting with Niki a few months ago, really didn’t help him to like wolves any more. They were really too much. “Enough, Alev! Don’t look at my wife like that!” Egan intervened calmly but firmly, placing his protective arms around me and pulling m
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31. Whisk me away
Henry  Alma’s words sank in heavily and deeply like a stab. We didn’t have time, only a couple of days. I was about to lose my mate or at least to be condemned to only have a ‘life’ with her in our dreams. Half a life, in which I couldn’t give her all she needed and deserved: our pack, our pups, a real life together. I laid beside my mate and pressed her against my chest, wrapping my arms around her and exhaling deeply. Gloom made my blood cold in my veins. Without her, life was cold, dry, a stupid struggle to survive in a pack calloused by silence, frost and blood. Kemy was what motivated me to claim my life and my pack. To fight to have a good life, and give a good life to the wolves of my pack. She didn’t have time and I didn’t know what to do. Not even the Golden Dragons’ powerful magical instruments and relics could help her now. No f*cking
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32. The Last Hope
Henry After laying in ‘my’ bed with Kemy, and cuddling with her, I could finally calm down and fall asleep to our dreams. I ran towards her as fast as I could and took her in my arms, pressing her against my chest like a desperate man. I was afraid as never before, afraid and pained for her, for me, for us. She deserved so much more than dreams, than this sleeping curse.“Henry, is everything okay?” her voice was muffled by my almost-crushing embrace. “Sorry,” I muttered, loosening my hold on her a little. My gaze was fixed on her worried eyes and I breathed deeply before I told her everything. I couldn’t keep it from Kemy, it was her life and her future and she needed to know it, “Alma said that Ember is almost dying, we only have a few days to wake you up. We can do it, I have an idea. It will work, it must work.” I babbled, without even stopping to breathe. “Henry,” she sighed deeply and gulped hard. “I’ve been thinking about it and concluded what must be the solution: mate
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33. Labours of Love
Daniel After breakfast, Mallory and I started our flight. It would be good for her. Besides gaining confidence, she would reconnect to her dragon in a way only shifting allowed. Plus, she could use the distraction. She seemed very hesitant at the beginning as Alessia moved her wings slowly, not wanting to leave the ground of the mansion’s ‘flight track’ we improvised at the back of the garden. Aelred nuzzled Alessia’s side gently encouraging her, and she released a sound of contentment, her light caramel eyes fixed on him. Alessia was a beautiful dragon, small and gracious. She was also a young dragon, around thirty-three years old, only a child in dragon age. “You can do it, Mallory. Just give Alessia’s complete control and let her instincts take over,” I mind-linked her. She only needed a sliver of confidence to start flying. Alessia whined in response and flapped her wings faster, took a few steps back to gain impulse and ran forward, gaining the skies. I smiled inwardly; she
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34. Golden Light
Mallory Alessia and Aelred woke up after a few hours and started nuzzling and kissing each other again. He enveloped her much smaller frame with his wings embracing her, as he covered her face with sweet licks, making her rumble happily. Suddenly, she did something she had never done before, pushing back and shifting to my form. What was this funny dragon doing? I shook my head and she only hummed in my mind in response as I stood there in front of Aelred. He was a very large dragon, even for a fully-grown adult male, and was towering over me. His gentle deep golden eyes were fixed on mine and he leaned down slowly nuzzling my shoulder and lowering his head for me to pat him. A smile formed on my face at his sweetness, and I laced my arms around his neck, planting a kiss on his cheek. “Aelred, you are so beautiful,” I beamed as he rubbed his head against my hand, almost purring like a cat. Maybe that was what Alessia wanted, for me to be close to Aelred, to bond with him as wel
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35. Heirs of Fire
Alma“My Love, everything is going well,” Egan’s voice filled my ears. He had a nervous smile on his face and a look of absolute love in his hazel and blue eyes.Marion was right behind him, a white bundle on her arms. “Alma, this is your son,” she beamed as tears of joy slid down her face. She brought the little bundle closer to me and an insanely huge smile formed on my face as I saw his little red one, his perfect little nose and his big open eyes looking intently at me. “I love you so much, my Ruby,” Egan pressed a couple of kisses on my head, and reached to take the baby from Marion’s arms to show our baby boy to me.As she was about to give the baby to Egan, even though I shouldn’t be feeling anything in my downtown area, I felt a scorching burning sensation that made me scream out loud. I was on fire, literally. I couldn’t really discern what was happening, everything was blurry and hazy. All at once, I heard yelling, sobs, baby cries, Doctor Emily saying something and Egan
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36. Saying Goodbye
Henry I looked at the magical instruments under my grasp, their power was calling for me. After taking them, I would be much more powerful than even my father ever dreamed of. I would overthrow him and make my pack the best and strongest one within the continent. I cursed under my breath, f*ck! I was thinking just like my father. I was becoming just like him. What would my Kemy think if she knew about what I was doing? I exhaled and looked around myself, I had to make a decision and fast, before someone caught me in the act. Soon, my scent cover would fade away and the dragons would be able to detect that I had been here when they noticed the missing runes and crystals. I was covering my scent with the few herbs I got from the witch shop before I came to the mansion on the day I thought Kemy was in the claws of her tormentors, the enemies, the Red Dragons. The enemies. Were the Gol
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37. When the sun sets
Henry  I swallowed hard and let my tears fall as never before, rubbing my hand in the air. My eyes opened wide in surprise as I suddenly heard a deep whine and a rumble.  “Ember! I can hear you! I can hear her, Kemy!” I looked between the air I was rubbing and my Kemy. Kemy’s gloomy expression was replaced by a beautiful smile, “You see girl, he can hear you,” she beamed, looking at her Ember. I heard another sweet whine and Kemy looked at me, “She said that you weren’t very communicative but she loves you and Knight anyway.”“Can you understand what she means that well?” I asked, astonished. “Yes. It has been just the both of us here for so long. Ember and I developed a very special bond and I can understand her pretty well, almost as if she was using words.” I inhaled deeply in frustr
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38. A Dream
Henry  I woke up with a jolt, sat up and placed my face into my hands, “F*ck! This can’t be happening!” I cursed under my breath as tears flooded my eyes. I couldn’t have left Kemy alone now, not when Ember was dying and she was left in darkness. My gaze moved to my mate laying beside me, she looked atypically pale, so I took her in my arms in an attempt to comfort her as much as I could. My normally warm spitfire was now cold and I was starting to panic. “Her breathing and heartbeat are normal, Henry, but we should call a healer now!” Knight barked out, he was howling and growling restlessly in my mind, every sound that left his mouth was deep with pain. We were no better than my father, we failed our mate. We should have found a way to save her, but we didn’t and on top of that, we’ve just left her alone and in the darkness of her dream-limbo.
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