All Chapters of The Luna's Family Secret: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
113 Chapters
Chapter 70: Communication
RIEKA Jolting awake and sitting up, I glance around the dark bedroom. I was home, Aleksandr asleep beside me, but beginning to stir. The absence of light let me know that it was still very early. I glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table. 3:21 AM I began to relax until I remembered what was going on. I fell asleep, but I didn’t dream, and more importantly, I didn’t get to talk with Jacinda and explain our plan. Although I’m not sure how well the plan will work now, in light of the mate bond between Jacinda and Emmett. Aleksandr was waking up and I felt terrible for disturbing his sleep, but I’m certain he could feel my panic through the mate bond. “What time is it?” his voice was rough with grogginess. “Almost 3:30,” I whispered, “but I didn’t dream.” Aleksandr sat up beside me and rubbed the palms of his hand over his face to wipe the sleep away. “Not at all?” I shook my head, knowing he could see me clearly, even in this darkness. “Should I go try and speak wi
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Chapter 71: Change of Plans
RIEKA I could feel Jacinda emotions washing over me like a tidal wave. She was in pain, not just emotionally, but physically too. For several agonizing seconds he didn’t speak, and it was as if all the air had been sucked out of the room. I was certain that Jacinda would be the first one to suffocate. Emmett finally spoke, but his voice was rough and gravelly. “Could we please have the room, Alpha?” Aleksandr nodded and took my hand to gently pull be back towards the door. I could feel Jacinda’s fear, and I knew that no matter what happened once I was on the other side, I would still feel it. We passed Emmett, and he stared straight ahead past us, but his eyes still refused to land on his mate. As the door clicked closed, I could still feel Jacinda on the other side, and her panic continued to rise, so I prayed. ----- EMMETT I was unable to sleep all night. I stayed up trying not to think about her, but that was impossible. Her soft white hair that reminded me of the wi
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Chapter 72: What the Hell?!?
RIEKA When we all exited the room Aleksandr and I waited just outside the door, but Dustin kept moving towards the hallway to ensure privacy and security. The last thing we needed was the spy knowing too much about Emmett and Jacinda’s mate bond and ruining our chances of flushing them out. Meanwhile, Jacinda was in full-blown panic. Even from the other side of the door I could feel her emotions just as strongly as if she was standing next to me. The longer we waited, however, her emotions gradually began to calm. After about 45 minutes I felt the shift from panic to hopeful. Aleksandr and I were pacing the room when suddenly Jacinda was filled with bliss, and I knew that feeling, without a doubt. “Emmett accepted her,” I whispered to Aleksandr as tears pooled in my eyes, blurring my vision. He looked at me with surprise but didn’t question my claim. We waited a while longer, but Emmett did not appear to be leaving the room any time soon. As impatient as I was to solve the
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Chapter 73: What Now?
RIEKA We rush over to where Dustin is lying flat on his back in the grass. His eyes are open and vacant, but at least he’s still breathing. Jacinda must have done something to him so they could escape. I just couldn’t figure out why. She knew we trusted her, and she had to assume that we had a plan. Emmett has always been loyal, and he knew the plan. He was the one who questioned us about whether or not she could really be trusted. Didn’t they know that we would figure this out. Aleksandr is shaking Dustin by the shoulders and lightly slapping his face trying to break him out of whatever trance he’s in, but it doesn’t appear to be working. Within minutes, some patrols rush over and begin lifting Dustin’s massive body to carry him back to the pack house while my mate paced back and forth cursing under his breath. “Aleksandr, talk to me.” He stopped pacing but didn’t turn to face me. His knuckles were white from clenching his fists so tightly, and I could see the tension in
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Chapter 74: Expanding the Circle
RIEKA I could feel the tension rolling off Aleksandr in waves. I’ve never seen him this stressed out or unsure of himself. “Any word on Dustin’s condition?” I asked as I turned my attention back to Lis. “He’s stable but showing no signs of waking up. He’s definitely under some sort of spell.” Aleksandr growled as he began pacing again. Although I had a plan, I knew that he was in no position to fully grasp it at the moment. “I think we should put out an order to the warriors to watch for Emmett and let them know that he betrayed the pack.” My mate stopped pacing and stared at me like he was waiting for the punchline. “I’m serious,” I continued, “he was their leader and they trust him. Since he rejected the pack and left without telling us anything, we have to assume that he can’t be trusted. That means the warriors need to know. What if he shows up before some of them giving orders and they don’t know not to obey him?” Aleksandr was grinding his teeth to suppress a growl
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Chapter 75: Bringing Them into the Fold
RIEKA I was excited to bring Jericho and Gina into this. I knew without a doubt that they could be trusted, and I knew that Gina, especially, had a skillset that would benefit us in the current situation. The guilt about not telling Aleksandr exactly what I was thinking and what my plan was, niggled at the back of my mind, but I also knew that he had too much on his plate right now. It was finally my turn to protect him, and I would make sure that I did it the best I could. It took about 40 minutes before Jericho and Gina arrived to Aleksandr’s office. “Sorry it took us so long to get here,” Jericho apologized as he ducked his head in submission. Gina was holding his hand, trailing slightly behind him, but she smiled at me as she entered the room with her mate. Our friendship had really grown over the last several months and I was overjoyed to see her again. Even though we were friends, she knew to respect my position in the pack at a time like this. She remained quiet and al
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Chapter 76: Caring for the Alpha pt. 1
RIEKAI know a migraine when I see one. I’ve had plenty in my life, but judging by Aleksandr’s behavior, he’s never experienced this before. Knowing exactly what to do, I head out to gather supplies and make sure that everyone knows not to disturb him unless absolutely necessary.Fear began to creep up in my mind as well. Werewolves rarely get sick and usually don’t suffer from things like migraine headaches. I just wish I knew what was bringing this on for my mate.I found Lucy in the kitchen and asked her to link Lis for me to get her to come to the kitchen. Then I went searching for ice packs and heating pads. I should have known that with the fast healing of werewolves, they wouldn’t have those sorts of supplies just lying around.Lis showed up while I was making coffee.“Luna, I got the message from Lucy that you needed me.”Quickly spinning to face her, she must have seen the concern in my expression. “What’s going on?” she asked more urgently.“It’s Aleksandr,” I grimace
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Chapter 77: Caring for the Alpha pt. 2
ALEKSANDR The pack doctor didn’t want to wait to run the additional tests. Rieka was panicking and I wanted to comfort her, but my head hurt so badly that I could barely focus. “Let’s do whatever we need to do to make this stop,” I said through grit teeth as I pushed myself up to my feet. Rieka gasps and jumps up beside me. “Please be careful, Aleksandr. You have to keep your heart rate down or you’ll make it worse.” “I’ll link Luna Vasilisa and ask her to pull a car around,” the doctor replied. I wanted to growl at both of them not to baby me, but then I realized that standing alone had increased the pain. I started to wince and stopped myself because I didn’t want to further worry my mate. Instead, I gave a faint smile and took a few cautious steps towards the door. Rieka walked by my side with her arm around my waist as if she was helping to maneuver my body. The idea would have made me chuckle if I wasn’t in so much pain, but by the time we made it to the front of the pa
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Chapter 78: Expanding
ALEKSANDR The second the sunlight hit my skin; my eyes squeezed even tighter closed as my pounding headache intensified into a sharp pain. It felt like someone had just slid a long sharp object straight through my head. Rieka’s touch on my arm was the only comfort I had. In a few short seconds we were inside the dark cool car, and without opening my eyes, I leaned back against the seat, reaching my hands up to massage my temples, but Rieka’s delicate touch beat me to it. The moment her fingertips touched my head, I was filled with a rush of warmth, and the pain began to subside slightly. The car remained silent as I felt the movement of us pulling away from the hospital. As my mate began gently massaging my temples the warmth slowly grew until it felt like a raging fire. Most people would say that a burning sensation was not good, and I’d usually be inclined to agree with them, but this was a welcomed change from the migraine I’d been experiencing and somehow was not actually
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Chapter 79: Growing Power
RIEKA My jaw almost hit the floor when I heard voices other than Aleksandr’s in my mind. ‘This is amazing! But how is it possible?’ ‘I’m not sure how it happened, but after resting for a short while, my head suddenly began to feel better,’ Aleksandr explained. ‘Not just from the headache going away, but my mind felt clearer and somehow bigger, more open, than it ever has before.’ ‘So, you created a group mind-link that includes me and the others?’ I questioned. ‘How did you know you could do it? Do you think you could have done it before, or do you think this is a new ability you’ve somehow acquired?’ ‘I don’t think I could have done it before but when my mind cleared, it was like I suddenly knew what to do and how to do it.’ I could hear the satisfaction in my mate’s tone. ‘However this became possible, it’s definitely going to make communication with the Luna much easier,’ Gina beamed as she winked at me. ‘Now that we can all communicate, and the alpha is feeling better,
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