All Chapters of My Boss Loves Me: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
140 Chapters
Chapter 88
"Which saying?" I was confused."Successor of Vlad's empires." Greg was the first to reply to my question. His tense pose is now more relaxed.My brows furrowed in confusion. "Didn't you say that Dostov and Alice wouldn't be his successors?"Greg laughed hoarsely. "That's right. But Vlad still has another bloodline successor. I would forgotten if I didn't hear what you said just now."A small ray of hope grew in my heart."So Vlad has other children?" Lana asked from next to me. His face had turned better than before. Finding backup options in our plans did lift our mood.Greg shook his head briefly. "Not his direct son. You could say that he's a distant relative? Even so, there's still a blood relation, even if it's slight, and most importantly, Vlad really like him. He even once wanted to set Alice up."Greg's words just now sounded familiar ... I think I've heard this story before.Lana, who was still curious, asked again. "Who is it?"Matchmaking with Alice? I'm trying to remembe
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I had an instant bad feeling when I caught Luke's gaze on Rosie. Nick also froze in place with a wary expression."What why?" I asked him. Luke turned his gaze to me, his expression suddenly turning doubtful. Alice walked past him into the center of the dining room which adjoined our kitchen. She sat down on one of the sofas and crossed her legs."Are you using Dostov's idea?" Alice's question was directed at Nick. All our eyes were now fixed on Alice. She looked at the expressions on our faces one by one before her eyes finally landed on Elliot who was still sitting in his high chair. Elliot, who realized he was being watched, stuck out his tongue and then blew his mouth so hard that his saliva flew around him.Alice replied to Elliot by raising one eyebrow upwards."If you mean Dostov's idea of ​​baiting Rosie then no, we didn't go through with that plan," Nick replied. I could tell he was trying to stay calm, but his expression was darkening rapidly, the expression on his face now
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Chapter 90
"You son of a bitch," I cursed suddenly, causing all eyes to fall on me again. "I will not let anyone take my daughter from me."Elliot confirmed what I had just said by saying a few sentences in a baby voice that didn't make any sense, then both of his hands wrapped around my neck. Maybe I would have laughed if the situation wasn't this serious."Eleanor, neither of us would ever let Vlad take Rosie from you," Luke said with a smile that reassured me. "Let's just take the positive side for now, at least we already know Vlad's plans, then we can prepare ourselves for the next step."Lana who had been silent for a while suddenly sighed loudly. "But it seems Vlad is always one step ahead of us."Greg stood up and walked over to her, his arms around Lana'swaist protectively. He whispered something in Lana's ear for a few seconds.Lana's words are true. "Can Vlad read minds or have that kind of power?" I asked in surprise.Alice and Nick shook their heads together.Greg snorted in disdain
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Chapter 91
Nick took Rosie who was not crying from Alice's lap"What did you communicate to her?" asked Nick suspiciously. His protective nature towards Rosie sometimes goes too far."I told her to be quiet" Alice answered curtly. Nick's eyes looked at her a bit angry but he didn't say anything else.They looked at each other for a few moments before Alice continued. "I agree with Eleanor's previous idea, for now it's better for you to join Dostov's clan, at least until Carleon realizes he has also been toyed with by Vlad."Her eyes followed Rosie who was now back in Nick's arms."Yesterday you asked me to accept Dostov as Elliot and Rosie's guardian, today you told me to join the damn clan, then what next Alice? Are you going to ask me to marry Rosie to Dostov?" he asked.We could feel the tension between Nick and Alice, even Luke looked at them with a wary expression. Their debate is likely not going to end if left like this continues. Nick may not realize it yet, but we really need Alice's su
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Chapter 122
(POV - Nicholas Shaw)To this day, I still don't know which is worse, entering Vlad's territory or Dostov's. From my previous experiences, both are equally despicable.I know what Alice said back then had some truth to it. Right now, our only options are to either fall into Vlad or Dostov's traps. And I know for sure that Dostov is also trying to trap us, he wouldn't pass up an opportunity like this.Eleanor can't see it because she's just met Dostov, and Dostov always shows his sweet mask to everyone. I myself needed almost eighty years to see what was really behind that mask.The problem is, I don't want to admit that being in Dostov's clan is better than being a member of Vlad's kingdom. Not because accepting it would hurt my pride, but I'm afraid Dostov would feel like he has control over our family.When he nominated himself as Elliot and Rosie's guardian, I could already tell he wouldn't stop at just being the guardian of my children. But Alice convinced me... I've known her for
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Chapter 123
It took a full half minute for my two eyes to explore the entire room from one end to the next. The entire wall of this room was covered with thick, blood-red velvet, the same as in the hallway earlier. But now that I realized its function, the upholstery was not just for decoration but for sound insulation in this room. If someone shouted then the sound of that scream would never be heard from outside this room.I remember Vlad once had a floor in his palace which was designed with the same function as this place. He used the rooms as a place for his lunch. Vlad's minions would usually bring selected humans into the room for the leader to enjoy, their screams could not be heard from outside the room.Why did Dosto use the same method to design this place... I don't want to know why. The ceiling of this room is filled with golden white carvings that match the color on the lobby floor. Several sets of moss green velvet sofas are placed around an antique fireplace. Thick Kapret also cov
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"My goal?" he repeated, laughing. "Right now my only goal is to commercialize the synthetic blood I'm developing-"I grabbed his neck with my left hand and pushed him against the glass door behind him. Of course I didn't try too hard, because I wouldn't be able to get out of this place alive if he was even slightly injured.I was slightly impressed when He didn't look the least bit surprised, instead a faint smile appeared on his face. "Hearing your explanation just now, it seems I shouldn't be the one to explain my next move, Nicholas...""What?" I replied with an angry hiss, I restrained myself from pressing his neck any further."Your next best move would be to join my clan, right?" he asked with a more obvious smile. I quickly pulled my hand from his neck, because in a split second I almost broke his neck."So you just pretended to be stupid and didn't understand since earlier.." I muttered. My gums started to itch as my two fangs wanted to come out. Fortunately my emotions are st
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(POV - Eleanor Shaw)Word of us joining the Dostov clan spread very quickly a few days later, even though we ourselves had not yet been formally accepted into the clan.Several of Nick and Greg's colleagues and friends contacted them to inquire about the news. Even two of their friends from San Francisco planned to visit after hearing the news about us joining. Nick says it seems Dostov deliberately spread the news so that everyone, especially Vlad, would know too.Of course I felt a little relieved because we finally had the clan's support and protection, but judging by the responses of the other Volders who immediately contacted them to inquire about the truth of the news, it seemed they were really surprised.I knew their relationship with Dostov was terrible, but it was only this time that I realized how bad it was. Before that I thought they were both a little over the top in hating Dostov, because in my eyes Dostov looked.. not evil.Today is Greg and Lana's moving schedule. At
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After that horrific night Nick installed CCTV cameras in the third floor hallway and the twins' bedroom.We still can't talk about it because it's obvious Nick doesn't believe my story and I'm still so pissed off that he doesn't believe me! But luckily Rosie's fever recovered the next morning. When Greg and Lana visited to have breakfast together and check on Rosie, I told them what had happened but of course no one believed me.I swear I'm the only one haunted in this house.Our acceptance ceremony as honorary members of the Dostov clan will take place this evening at seven. Originally the show was going to be at nine, Nick and Dostov had time to talk on the phone ... because the twins had to sleep in their cribs at nine at night. And in the end it was Dostov's side who gave in."I didn't think the first time Elliot and Rosie left the house would be for the Dostov clan ceremony," I muttered after we'd secured the twins into their baby car seats in the car. Nick was putting their dou
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No one answered his previous greeting. Dostov looked at us one by one with a smile, then the smile on his face faded when he landed on the last line."What is He doing here?" he asked someone."So what?" Luke said, a little confused."You are my Leech- Ah never mind," he muttered to himself in a resigned tone and then he stood up from the gold carved chair that now looked like his throne. Dostov ran a hand through his hair and glanced at the stroller with a disinterested glance.His four clan members stood behind and in front of us without saying much. Dostov himself stopped a few paces in front of us and looked slightly confused. "What should I say next..." he muttered in a very low voice but we could still hear him clearly."Starting tonight you have been made honorary members of this clan. I should have mentioned your names one by one, but because there are too many of you, let's do it all at once." Her casual remark contrasted with her solemn tone.I looked at him while parting my
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