All Chapters of My Boss Loves Me: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
140 Chapters
Chapter 47
(Eleanor's POV)"Should we catch up with them, Erik?" I asked while pacing around the fountain in front of Nicholas and Greg's house. Erik is standing not far from me. He hasn't changed his position at all for the last five hours. Even though Erik has asked me five times to wait inside, I can't just sit idly by and wait patiently as long as there is no news or certainty about Nick's fate."Alice asked me to make sure you weren't going anywhere until they returned, Miss Heather." Erik answered politely."But ... " I raised my hands to protest then dropped them again with a bit of resignation, "What if something happens-""Miss Heather, you know Mr. Shaw is the Volder who turned me into a Leech?"I replied with a small nod. A smile graced Erik's face before he continued, "If something happens to Mr. Shaw it will happen to me too.""You mean ... " I let my question hang in the air."If Mr. Shaw dies, I'm dead now too ... That's why Alice asked me to accompany you." he replied gently. Eri
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Chapter 48
When I woke up Nick was still by my side. I looked at his relaxed sleeping expression with a smile, a few strands of his hair fell to cover part of his face. Nick's hair had started to grow without me noticing it. Previously he had never been late for a haircut every two weeks. His jaw was also starting to darken due to the growing beard.My finger traced his thick eyebrows which were usually wrinkled seriously, slowly Nick's eyelids opened looking at me then a sleepy smile graced his handsome face. "Did you sleep well?" Nick asked in a hoarse voice then closed his eyes again."Yes." I replied while continuing to trace the outline of his face with my fingertips. Even though his eyes were closed, the smile on Nick's face widened even more. "Amused?" I asked, smiling too. This time the tip of my index finger traced his smiling lips.Suddenly his eyes opened wide and his hands grabbed my wrists and held them above my head, still bare chested Nick pushed me until my back was against the b
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Chapter 49
(Nicholas Shaw - POV)Never once in over 300 years of my life did I think I would find someone who was worth more than my own life. But here I am now, falling into heaven as well as the deepest hell from which there is no way out.Eleanor was still asleep when I returned from my morning chores, buying salmon and cream cheese bagels. Her innocent face looks so peaceful on the pillow that it makes me want to go back to join her under the covers. The smell of her hair, the taste of her lips, the warm feeling when they touched her skin, the sound of her laughter, every drop of her tears, her broken sighs, every second I spent with her was still not enough.It felt like my life before meeting her was just a waste of time. And now, I can't imagine life without her. I don't want to imagine it.But unfortunately, until now Alastair is still a problem. As long as Alastair's blood is still flowing in Eleanor's body, she is not completely mine. How dare a creature like him touch Eleanor, turn he
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Chapter 50
(Nicholas Shaw - POV)My body was moving before I knew it, my fangs extended and my fists clenched to beat Dostov. But Alice, who seemed to have been prepared earlier, moved faster than me to restrain me."Alice. Let go." I said with a loud growl."Nicholas, you haven't heard everything." She replied. I turned to her angrily "I've heard more than enough. Let go, I'll kill him."Dostov cleared his throat and got down from the table "I only want to be your child's guardian, not snatch him from you. Wouldn't it be great if he was under my protection? Let's just say I want to make amends to Alastair and my clan members ... "I replied with an angry grin, "Never. Never Touch My family."Dostov's Tosca blue eyes stared at me for a few moments with an odd blank look, as if he was dreaming of something. "Trust me, I just want to help you."Alice put her hand on my shoulder "Nick, Dostov has Valkyrie powers too."I slowly turned to him, "What?""Only me, Dostov, and Vlad know about it. He has
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Chapter 51
Several days had passed since Nick and Dostov's meeting. While Nick stubbornly pressed Alice to tell him about Dostov's vision, I spent the time calling Lana.At first I was worried about how to tell Lana about the pregnancy. Due to the recent situation with the Dostov clan I haven't had time to think about my best friend. Until now, I don't know how much of Lana's memory Nick erased during Greg's accident. But seeing how Lana and Greg's relationship is still the same as before, it seems Nick didn't erase too much of Lana's memory. I'll have to ask Nick later ...For nearly two weeks cooped up in the penthouse I spent my time eating bagels, drinking Nick's blood, and sleeping. I don't know why this pregnancy has been so hard on me, the only thing I want to do all the time is just curl up next to Nick and sleep. My stomach also looks bigger than I thought, now I have to walk more carefully than before.We plan to go back to Nick and Greg's house because it's wider than this penthouse,
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Chapter 52
(POV - Lana)For the second time I glanced at the Ballroom door while Mr. LeBlanc, Ella's new boss, spoke of her 'awe' for my best friend.This guy definitely likes Ella, I thought as I replied to what he was talking about with a polite response. For some reason Ella always attracts these types of men, first Oliver and now her own boss. ugh. And now she left me with her boss who was busy praising her."Are you waiting for something, Miss Morrel?" question LeBlanc made my head turn back at him."Ah, sorry. I have to go to the toilet, but it looks like the toilet inside here is full so I thought of going to the toilet outside." I answered with a polite smile. Even though I just wanted to find Ella who had disappeared into the toilet earlier."Please, Miss Morrel." he replied with a friendly smile. I nodded at him then fled towards the main door of the Ballroom. I don't really know much about this place, but luckily Christine is also Ella's co-worker so I have friends going to her wedding
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Chapter 53
His car moved toward the dark and lonely suburbs of Manhattan. We entered a well maintained warehouse complex, no security or anyone to be seen in this place. Even though Gregory took me to a suspicious place, strangely I never felt afraid when I am with him.He parked his car in front of one of the smaller warehouses. "Go out." he ordered me before getting out of the car. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car."I want to go back." I said to him again "We ... can talk tomorrow, I won't run away." Spending time alone with him until morning is dangerous for my heart.Gregory stopped walking towards the warehouse then turned and walked towards me "Why didn't you report me?" he repeated, his eyes even darker in the twilight."For what? No one will believe me." I hug myself as the cold night wind blows towards us.Gregory took off his navy coat and slung it over my shoulder. "Come on in, it's warmer inside." He grabbed my shoulder to walk with him.With a bit of panic I touched hi
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Chapter 54
"You and me?" I repeated with an uneasy feeling.Gregory stood up from his chair then pushed my back to sit in front of the breakfast he had prepared, "I've been waiting for you all this time, do you think just one night is enough to make up for it?" he asked, bending behind me."Isn't that your rule? Once for each woman?" I replied, swallowing hard because his hands gently squeezed my shoulders and then one of his hands pulled my chin until I looked back at him."No." he whispered while looking at my slightly parted lips "Lana, I want you all the time ... Do you know what it feels like?" Gregory kissed my lips slowly, sucking every inch of my lips until they become wet and slightly swollen."What if I don't want you?" I asked with a suppressed sigh, "Are you going to force me?""Of course not, but I'm very persuasive. And I usually always get what I want." he answered arrogantly before kissing the corners of my lips again. "Just give up. You can't run from me anymore, Lana."***Beca
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Chapter 55
(POV - Gregory Shaw)I can't remember the last time I could drink blood in peace ... A few weeks ago? A few months ago? Lately I've only been drinking blood from a bag of blood that's been heated briefly in the microwave because I don't have time. It tastes disgusting compared to the blood wine I'm used to drinking.Ever since his obsession with killing Alastair, which ultimately failed, Nick left all his work in the office to me. Besides that I also helped Nick track down Alastair, hide Eleanor, and save her when she was held by the Dostov clan ...Although none of them worked, tsk.I sip the dark red liquid in my Wine glass slowly, trying to enjoy the sweet taste on my tongue a little longer. And now, after everything is over I hope my life goes back to how it used to be.The only thing that hasn't changed is my routine of flying to San Francisco every weekend, even though I don't mind taking four hours to meet Lana but my life would be much easier if she lived near me. The closer t
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Chapter 56
A week afterI've given Lana time to 'run' for a week. Only Nick realized something was wrong with me when I came back from San Francisco earlier than usual. I should appreciate his efforts not to ask questions and interfere in my affairs.But ... his efforts only lasted for three days.Nick ... can be more annoying than usual when he's curious. I don't know how Ella can put up with a creature like Nick. If other normal people are curious, they will usually ask you directly.But Nick is not someone who can be put into the normal category.Maybe at first he doesn't seem to care, then after a while he starts bothering you with his questioning look, then his questioning look changes to an analytical look, then changes again to a suspicious look. Nick won't ask until he drives you crazy with his looks .Actually our life would be easier if he asked me directly.So after spending three days under his annoying analytical gaze, I told him about Lana. And he didn't look surprised to find out.
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