All Chapters of 90 Days : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
148 Chapters
Grey Williams
“What?” Audrey asked with her eyes widening in shock.“What? Do you have a problem with it?”“You said you would let me go after ninety days are up.” “How about we wait until the last day? Then we will decide, we still have two months left.” He said and she nodded in response, she exhaled and smiled at him, Damien wondered why she is smiling at him and he gave her a questioning look. “Oh, it's nothing.” She replied biting her lip and he nodded. “You have to get ready, you are meeting the man an hour before the auction starts and you need to learn some things okay?” “But I don't want to do this, it's evil.” She whined and Damien frowned at her.“I mean, I will do it.” “Good, Chloe will be back by night to start getting you ready.”“Oh, she is going to sleep over?” She asked happily and Damien nodded in response.“I can't wait.” She replied and wrapped her arms around his neck, it's weird that she really can't stay mad at him no matter what he says to her.“Do you have a bottled wa
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Grey Williams 2
“What the fuck?” Clyde asked and Damien ruffled his hair.“Wait, who is Charles?” Derek asked.“Audrey’s ex-husband.” Chloe replied.“Oh, the one Damien stole her from, following.” Derek said and Damien glared at him.“Does his daughter know you?” Chloe asked.“No, I only met him once during a family dinner.” Audrey replied as she took a seat in a corner, eyes were starting to turn to her and she was feeling uncomfortable.“Just once? He might not recognize you.” Damien said.“Yeah, that’s right and even if he does, act like you don't know him” Clyde added and she breathed out.“This is what happens when you kidnap someone else's wife.” Derek muttered but Damien heard him and he chuckled.“So what? You are pained that I beat you to it?” Damien asked.“Guys, stop it.” Chloe warned as Derek was about to give Damien a reply.“Audrey, are you there?” Clyde asked.“Yes, he is looking at me.” She said nervously as the man looked in her direction.“Just stay calm baby.” Damien said and she b
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Sick Audrey
“What the fuck are you doing Audrey?” Clyde asked.“I am trying to get him to tell me the passcode.”“Really? By pleading with him?” Chloe asked.“Yes.”“I will never tell you the code.” Mr. Williams said groaning in pain as he tried to move his body.“See? Just squeeze his balls or something.” Chloe suggested and Audrey groaned, she slowly moved her hands to his balls and squeezed them, he groaned in pain and Audrey flinched.“Oh my God, I am so sorry.”“Stop apologizing.” Clyde snapped at her.“Hey, don't yell at her that way.” Damien warned Clyde and he rolled his eyes.After so much struggle and pain, he finally gave them the passcode and his thumbprint, she rushed out of the room, got out of the hotel and was glad to see Chloe’s car waiting already. She rushed in and breathed out.“You did a great job, don't worry. The boys will handle it from here.” Chloe said and Audrey nodded, she exhaled as Chloe drove, she drove to the museum and pulled over a distance from it. Chloe got do
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Crazy Damien
Damien walked into the room and sighed in relief seeing Audrey still asleep, it really took him a lot to stop her from crying and put her to sleep after taking her drugs. It was almost dusk and she still wasn't up yet. He walked to the bed and sat next to her, he placed his hand on her forehead and felt relieved she wasn't burning up again.She suddenly opened her eyes and he withdrew his hand from her forehead.“Hmmm, I... I didn't mean to wake you up.” He stammered and she stared at him without giving him a response.“Are you okay? Are you feeling any pain?” He asked and she shook her head in response. “Do you need anything? Are you hungry?” He asked and she nodded in response.“Words Audrey.” He ordered as he was starting to get annoyed by her muteness.“I’m sorry.” She mumbled and he sighed feeling bad.“No! I didn't mean it that way. Never mind, you can reply anyhow you want.” “Should I help you up?” He asked.“Yes, please.” She replied and helped her up, he placed a pillow be
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Do Your Worse!
“Don't worry, just act like this never happened and everything will be back to normal.” Damien chuckled and walked back to the file, he stared at it for a while and sighed before turning to Audrey.“I got a call from Clyde just now, he is coming over with Chloe, I told them you are sick so they are coming to check up on you.” He said and Audrey nodded in fear, Damien walked towards her and she whimpered on a spot.“Hey.” He called softly and creased her arms.“I am not as scary as you think, I just wanted you by all means and that was why I went through all that, you won't end up in rehab okay? I was just trying to scare you for going through my stuff.”“I... I wanted to help you with the work. You seemed so busy and you were still watching me.” She stuttered and Damien sighed.“You didn't have to worry about it, honestly you were actually a project but not anymore and I lied when I said I was checking the next phase of what t do to you. I was checking your medical report if you have
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Damien’s ex-girlfriend
“Damien.” Audrey called and he ignored her.“You are asking for a fight when he is willing to let this go even after what you did.” She said and Damien scoffed.“You seriously think he will let it go? He started this first and I retaliated.” “What?” Audrey asked turning to Derek and he scoffed.“At least I didn't kill anyone.” “What is wrong with both of you? You guys fight like a child all the time.” “Stay out of this.” They chorused and Audrey rolled her eyes. She walked away from them and walked into the building, she couldn't stand their childish behaviour anymore. A guard escorted her to Damien’s office and he bowed at her before walking out, she giggled seeing pizza and smoothies on the table and she rushed to it.She sat on his chair and picked a slice, she started to munch on it when she noticed one of Damien’s pills on the table, she picked it up as she ate and stared at the name.“Risperidone.” She muttered and sighed, she kept staring at it as she ate the pizza. The doo
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“Damien’s ex-girlfriend?” Audrey asked staring at her and Clyde nodded.“Well, what is she doing here?” Audrey asked and looked at Damien.“She...”“Shut up Clyde.” Damien said to him and turned to Audrey.“She just got back from rehab and she has nowhere to stay, I will get her a hotel where she can stay, you don't have to worry.” Damien told Audrey and she nodded, Audrey glanced at the girl and she looked so innocent.Was it Damien’s fault she went to rehab? “Take her to a hotel.” Damien ordered Clyde and he scoffed.“I should take her? She is your responsibility so do it, I already did you enough favour bringing her here.” Clyde responded and Audrey looked at him.“You were the one that brought her here?” “Yes, she came to my house crying and begging me to take her to Damien, she is too scared to come here alone.” Clyde replied and Audrey looked at the girl again, her head was bowed and she played with get fingers nervously. “Just tell Tyler to take her.” Audrey suggested not fe
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“Can we not talk about this?” Damien asked cupping her cheeks in his hands and he used his thumb to wipe her tears. “But... ““Please.” He added and she sighed, she nodded at him and he wrapped his arms around her waist.“Kyla isn't better than you, she is obedient and you are not.” He said and she smiled.“I am obedient, just in some cases.” She said and he smiled.“I will get the maids to bring you dinner.”“Okay.”*******THE NEXT DAYMORNINGAudrey walked into the dining and she froze seeing Kyla, Kyla looked up at her and Audrey smiled lightly.“Hi.” Kyla greeted and Audrey took a seat opposite her.“Hey, good morning.” Audrey greeted and the maids dished her food.“Morning. I am really sorry for terrifying... ““It's fine.” Audrey cut her off and she nodded with a smile.“Is he still at home?” Kyla asked and Audrey noticed how nervous she was asking the question.“Oh, you mean Damien?” “He... He lets you call him by his name?” Kyla asked surprised.“Yes, sure.”“Wow, you are s
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A Critical Condition
“Okay, so how many have we got our eyes on?” Damien asked Clyde as they were both sitting in his office going through their files.“Four.” Clyde replied staring at the papers.“That is okay, what about the... “ Damien trailed off as his phone rang and he glanced at it, he rolled his eyes seeing it was from the emergency line in his house.“Won't you pick up the call?” Clyde asked and he shook his head.“It's probably Audrey using the emergency line at home.”“So?”“She would want to come here and I can't say no, when she is here, I don't get to do anything, just stare at her.” “Oh.” Clyde muttered and the phone rang again.“I think you should pick it up, it could be an emergency.”“I am not picking up.” He replied and Clyde’s phone rang, he picked it up and looked at the caller.“Well now, Tyler is calling me.” Clyde said before picking up the call, he handed the phone to Damien and he rolled his eyes before placing it at his ear.“What is it Tyler?” Damien asked.“Mr. Robbin, Madam
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Who Is It?
After a while, Dr. Griffin walked out of the room and Chloe looked up at him, Damien remained in the same position and Chloe didn't let him go.“How is she?” Clyde asked and he smiled at them.“She is okay, she is in a normal state now and she will be awake in a few hours, she will be moved to the VIP ward in a few minutes so you can see her then.” He said and Chloe and Clyde sighed in relief.“Should I get Mr Robbin something to keep him calm?” The doctor asked and Chloe shook her head.“He is fine.” She replied and he bowed at them before walking away.“Did you hear that Damien? She is fine.” Chloe said as she stroked his hair.“Yeah.” He breathed out and hugged her, he buried his face in her chest and she creased his hair. Chloe has been a big part of his life, without her, he might have loosed his mind now.“Do you want us to keep counting?” She asked and he pulled away from her, he shook his head and ran his hands through his hair.“You okay buddy?” Clyde asked and he nodded. **
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