All Chapters of REINCARNATED BRIDE: THE VAMPIRE HIGH LORD: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
129 Chapters
Chapter 61: Answers (2)
~ Raven's POV~Raven couldn't fathom how the man before her could claim to have been present at her birth. "How the hell is that possible. Surely I must have heard something about you in the past, plus you look…no offense…but you don’t look that old…” she said, glancing at his figure skeptically. In response, the man simply nodded and stated, “Yes, I don’t look that’d be surprised at my age if I told you though.”Despite the man's calm demeanor, Raven remained unconvinced. She couldn't wrap her head around the idea that this stranger could have been present during such a significant moment in her life. She had already found it difficult enough to believe that he was keeping an eye on her to determine whether or not she posed a threat.As she pondered his claims, Raven became increasingly agitated. She thought to herself that there was definitely no way the man was saying the truth. How could he possibly expect her to believe such a preposterous story? She couldn't help but
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Chapter 62: Is it possible?
~ Lumiére's POV~Lumiére let out an exasperated sigh as Lord Ramona began his umpteenth lecture on safety protocols. He had been stuck in this emergency meeting for two long, grueling nights and his patience was wearing thin. His mind began to wander as he tuned out the man's droning voice. He could feel himself slipping into a daze, his thoughts drifting off into the realm of sleep.To keep himself awake, Lumiére picked up the tablet that was lying in front of him and started scrolling through it. As he did, he couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration. Their investigative team had been working tirelessly to gather information about the religious cult that was causing havoc in the city, but so far they had come up empty-handed or with these little information.Lumiére couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. They had hoped to find some new leads or clues that could help them track down the elusive cult members. But it seemed like they were no closer to solving the case
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chapter 63: Sun
~ Lumiére's POV~As Lumiére looked around the room, it was clear that everyone was thinking the same thing. This was a game changer and they needed to come up with a plan to combat this new threat. Lord Hitter's question broke the silence, and everyone turned to him expectantly.“How are the victims identified?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. The man who had brought the news furrowed his brow in thought. “We saw burns on their body. What could burn a Vampire's body?” he replied, scanning the faces of those around the room.The question hung in the air, unanswered. Everyone knew what could burn a vampire's body. The group looked at each other, looking round the room. When no one spoke up, the man groaned in frustration. “C'mon people,” urging them to think harder.Lord Ramon’s second in command snorted at the man's question, "Were you expecting us to answer that question?" he asked, confused. The man shrugged nonchalantly and replied, "Kind of…" with a 'duh' tone.Lumiér
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Chapter 64 : You're a Night Watcher
~ Raven's POV ~Raven had been anticipating this moment for what felt like an eternity. She had barely slept the night before, consumed with the weight of what she had discovered. As the cab stopped in front of the nursing home, her heart was racing.Her decision to take a cab instead of driving herself was a wise one. The events of the past 24 hours had left her feeling disoriented and scattered. Raven knew that she couldn't trust herself behind the wheel in her current state of mind. She needed to focus on the task at hand - finding the answers she desperately sought.The cab ride had been a blur, her mind consumed with thoughts of what she might find inside the nursing home. The mark on her shoulder throbbed, a constant reminder of the reason why she was there. She couldn't shake the feeling that this was where she would find the answers she had been seeking.As she paid the driver and stepped out of the car, Raven took a deep breath and steeled herself for what was to come. She k
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Chapter 65: The truth
~ Raven's POV~Raven's eyes widened as she tried to take in the enormity of what her grandmother was telling her. She had always thought of her granny as just an old woman who loved to knit and bake, not a warrior fighting against evil creatures. She had so many questions swirling in her mind, but the biggest one was, "Why didn't you tell me about this before?"Granny sighed and looked away, "I didn't want you to get hurt, Raven. The world is a dangerous place, and I wanted to keep you safe. But now that you have the mark, there's no hiding it anymore. You need to embrace your destiny"Raven scoffed, so much for destiny. Everything sounded like a fairy tale from a book. She was a Night Watcher? Who fought vampires?. The only fucking thing she knew how to do was teaching, she was a professor for fucks sake." You died years ago after a battle against the Vampires…it just happened, I was there when they brought your body back to the clan. You were one of the best warriors we had, everyo
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Chapter 66: Noah's mess
~ Lumiére's POV~Lumiére's heart was pounding in his chest in anger as he tried to make sense of the chaotic scene before him. His living room, which was typically a haven of order and cleanliness, was now littered with papers and books.As he took in the disarray, Lumiére felt his frustration building. "What the hell is going on here!" he shouted, his voice echoing off the walls. Reagan, who had been lounging on the couch the whole time, finally spoke up. "Don't look at me," he said with a shrug. "I just got back and found him and the living room in this state." He said with a hint of amusement in his eyes. Noah, who was hunched over a pile of papers, didn't even seem to notice his outburst. It pissed him off the more. The guy was still reading whatever was in the paper he was reading.He took in two steady breaths and caught Reagan watching him, "is he deaf or something…?" He fired.Reagan chuckled, "Hey, I don't see what the big deal is. It's just a little mess. Noah's a genius,
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Chapter 67: Clean it or I'll kill you!
~ Lumiére's POV~Noah sighed for the umpteenth time that day, " I've promised this already, I'll still say it again… I won't be this reckless again…I promise…" he said in a solemn voice."I don't need your promises…I need you to stay where you're safe," Reagan repeated, snapping Lumiére back to the conversation at hand."You do know that I'm safe in my own home that's just one floor below the High Lord's and on your damn floor too. Reagan, I'm safe…" Noah's voice was strained, as if he had been arguing this point for hours.Reagan rolled his eyes, "We've been over this, Noah. I need to make sure you're protected. There's been too much unrest in the vampire community lately." He said.With the way Reagan was sounding, it seemed like he had been on this for days.he couldn't help but wonder what was really going on between Reagan and Noah. He had been so caught up in council meetings that he hadn't had the chance to catch up on what had been happening in his own home. Reagan's firm ins
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Chapter 68: Reagan questions Lumiére
~ Lumiére's POV~"So Arin told me that you're seeing someone..." Reagan started, without warning. He immediately noticed the shock on Lumiére's face after he had spoken. The High Lord had clearly not been expecting him to know about this or discuss it.Reagan could see the confusion in Lumiére's eyes, and he knew he had to explain how he found out. He recounted how after their outing the other day, Arin had called him and told him about a certain lady in Lumiére's life who he had no idea existed.Lumiére's expression turned to a frown as he arched a brow at Reagan. "Arin told you this? Why would he say something like that?" he asked in a low, careful voice.Reagan knew he had to be honest with Lumiére, so he replied, "Kind of... not exactly his words though."Lumiére nodded gently and swallowed before looking at Reagan. "I'm not seeing anyone, Reagan. I don't know where Arin got this idea from, but I assure you it's not true," he denied.A lie.Reagan sat on the edge of the bed and wa
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Chapter 69: end it!
~ Reagan's POV~Reagan smirked, good, he was getting on the guy’s nerves now. He needed to make sure that Lumiére knew what was at stake here.“ I just reminded you, because you seem to have forgotten. Now is not the time to be dating a human secretly Lumiére. It’s against the rules, it’s forbidden.” He said.Lumiére should know, he was the fucking High Lord.“ … I’ve said this earlier, I’m not seeing anyone or dating, Reagan… I know the rules… “ Lumiére spat.He sure hoped so, that what his cousin was saying was the truth. They had made this mistake before that had almost cost them the entire vampire race. Even though Lumiére couldn’t remember since his memory was wiped. Reagan could still remember.“ But there’s someone of interest… “ he continued, arching a brow. “ yes” Lumiére replied in a quiet voice, “ Yes, there is… “ he added, shifting on the bed.“ And nothing has transpired between you both… “ Reagan went further to ask.Lumiére sighed, rubbing his left brow again
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Chapter 70: The watchtower
~ Raven's POV~As Raven slowly opened her eyes, she couldn't help but feel a sense of disorientation. "Where am I?" she thought to herself. She had been bracing herself for the worst, expecting to be greeted by the sight of dank, musty walls and the cold metal of chains on her hands and legs. But instead, she found herself in a spacious room that looked almost luxurious compared to her own rooms in her house. The memories of the previous day came flooding back to her, causing her heart to race with a mix of fear and confusion. She was a Night Watcher, a fact that she still found difficult to wrap her head around. The idea that she had been reborn and had lived a previous life as a strong warrior and future leader of a sect seemed too fantastical to be true.Despite her doubts, Raven couldn't help but feel a small glimmer of hope when she looked down at her shoulder and saw the symbol still etched there. It was no longer throbbing with pain like it had been before, but the mere prese
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