All Chapters of THE TYCOON'S HIRED LOVE : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
76 Chapters
It was another Saturday and Grace was awoken by the sound of her phone ringing. She groaned and felt her hand across the bedside table to pick it up.Without bothering to check the caller information, Grace answered the call with, "hello, good morning.""Spare me those foolish greetings, what is it that's wrong with you?" Came Camila's husky voice."What is it?" Grace frowned.She wondered how it was possible for her to start her day with another of Camila's nagging."Why haven't you got the money I asked you to get from Enrique? You are being very stupid and you need to know that. You already have the man wrapped around your little finger, so why the hell is it so difficult for you to get money from him. He's a fucking billionaire for God's sake!" Camila yelled."I understand, Camila. I'll get the money," Grace sighed."You had better get it before tomorrow," Camila warned and the line went dead.Grace got up from her bed and groaned. Since the day Enrique celebrated Grace's birthday
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"This is lovely, how did you organize all this?" Grace asked Enrique, pointing at the tent, pretending like she wasn't the one behind all the planning."My assistant was of great help, she assured me you were going to love this, I'm glad I took her advice," Enrique smiled.They had spent the entire day hiking and afterwards picnicked at a park. Now, Enrique had driven them to a private camping ground. Though Grace was very tired, she was grateful for such an amazing opportunity to be with Enrique."Well, she was indeed right. I absolutely love everything we've done together today. Thank you so much, who knew someone with such great looks, money and came like you would be such a romantic," Grace teased."I plan to do a lot more for you, so don't be so thankful all the time," Enrique blushed."Are you blushing right now?" Grace laughed."What? I don't blush," Enrique frowned, covering his cheeks."If you say so, I'll leave it at that. So, what's for dinner?" She smiled."You?" Enrique w
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"I feel like you're going to look even more beautiful without all that makeup on," Enrique told Grace.After waiting for over an hour for Grace to finish with her makeup, Enrique had finally decided to join her in her hotel room to wait. It was finally Sophia and Cesare's wedding. The past few days since they had gone camping had been spent with preparations towards Sophia's big day.The wedding ceremony had been intimate and lovely, Enrique had shed tears while watching his sister say her vows and finally get married to the man she loved.They wedding party was starting in an hour at the very same hotel, David Stone's father owned.Enrique and Grace had been almost inseparable except for when they had to use the bathroom and eventually go back to their different houses to sleep."You think so?" Grace smiled at Enrique through the mirror."Of course, you are very beautiful," Enrique replied stooping to kiss the crown of her head."Thanks," she said in a low voice, knowing that she cou
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"Did you have fun tonight?" Enrique asked Grace later that night when they were driving back to her house."Yeah, so much fun," Grace forced a laugh.Enrique was in the backseat with her while his chauffeur was driving because they had both had too much champagne to drink."I'm glad, you seemed a bit off after catching the bouquet. I was worried you weren't having fun. You didn't seem happy to have caught it," Enrique slurred.Grace smiled at him before resting her head on his chest, she had never seen Enrique out of control before, but now even while drunk, he was still able to point out the fact that she had been acting weird."I was just thinking of how much work I have to do from tomorrow," she replied. She didn't want to talk to him about how she had been cornered once again by Margot in the restroom area.Grace hadn't been expecting that the blonde supermodel would be in attendance, given the fact that Sophia clearly disliked her, so she was very much shocked to see her at the r
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"Grace, what's up? Why are you back so late?" Penny asked when Grace got upstairs.She was curled up under a blanket with a laptop on her lap and typing furiously on it."Enrique was sick, I had to take him to the hospital. What's the point of being so wealthy if you won't even take good care of yourself? Where did you get that, Penny?" Grace frowned."David Stone gave it to me. It's the latest version from Howard Tech's biggest rivals. I've always wanted something like this, it makes writing much easier," Penny smiled."No, you will return that laptop to him," Grace said, her hands akimbo, making her sister know she was being serious."What do you mean by that? Why should I have to return this gift to David. He gave it to me because he would like me to work more efficiently with it," Penny frowned."Don't argue with me, Penelope. You will package that laptop and return it to David or I will do that, myself," Grace threatened."What is wrong with you? Why can't I keep this?""David is
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It was Saturday and Grace was working at the cafe. She had learnt how to brew and make extremely great coffee from the George, the barista she had employed. The cafe was full, there were coffee drinkers, those who needed to borrow or buy a book, those who wanted to meet up with someone and also some regulars who simply insisted on having their coffee at her cafe.She was just smiling at a satisfied customer when she heard the bell ring and in walked Enrique.Grace quickly ducked behind the counter and crawled out the backdoor and upstairs into the house. As Lila, she had been avoiding Enrique since the night she spent at his house.Ten days had passed since that Wednesday when she had snuck out of his house. Even at work, she had been extremely distant with him.Grace felt stupid for assuming that Enrique was going to lose interest in her so quickly simply because she had rejected all his calls and made sure to be absent whenever he showed up at the cafe. She had also made sure she d
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"Enrique proposed? Oh my God, that's huge!" Janet squealed."I caught them making out, which proves their burning passion for each other, but I definitely wasn't expecting him to get her a ring," Penny said, excitedly.During that week, Grace and Penny had been able to reconcile their differences with lots of tears and emotional words. Penny was now signed with a famous publishing house with her book to be published in two months time. It was all thanks to David Stone who had made sure everything was in place for Penny's success.Grace was still unsure of David's intentions towards her younger sister, but she was glad Penny was happy."This ring is huge! I still can't wrap my head around this," Janet said, turning the ring around in her hand for a proper assessment."I also feel the same. When Enrique asked me to marry him I almost had to pinch myself to confirm I wasn't dreaming," Grace smiled.They were at her book cafe. Janet had driven them both from work that Monday to join Penny
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Grace sat with Enrique in his private lounge at home, watching the latest episode of his cooking show. It was a Saturday morning and they both decided to have breakfast together after which Enrique suggested they watch his show."You look so great on camera," Enrique said, kissing the top of her head."Do I? I think you look way better, I'm sure a good number of your female viewers watch this show because of your looks," Grace laughed."So, you're saying my show is not good, hence they only watch it because I'm goodlooking?" Enrique teased."No, I didn't mean it that way," she said."I'm just teasing you. I requested a meeting with your boss, Camila. I think it's high time we disconnected you from any sort of relationship with she and Stunning Agency. You will be attending the meeting with me," Enrique informed her seriously."You don't have to pay her off for my sake. I've been saving up some money, I'm going to take care of whatever debts I have," Grace said, standing up.Enrique st
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"Lila! Why did you leave like that?" Enrique asked, walking into Grace's office at the cafe."What? Why should I wait for that witch to keep insulting me?" Grace fumed."I'm sorry about that. I promise whatever Margot is saying is not true," Enrique said."Really? Why then did you suddenly need me as your fake girlfriend?""I've told you already about that and besides my reasons aren't important anymore because we are now together for real." Enrique stared at the woman he loved, he was really offended with Margot for ruining their date. He had just blacklisted her from any of his restaurants, but he regretted not doing it earlier.News of their encounter with his ex was already circulating on social media and Enrique was sure that Lila had seen it already."I'm sorry, but I can't help, but feel like you might still have some lingering feelings for Margot. I mean she's such a beauty and—"Enrique put his arms around her and hugged her tightly, kissing the crown of her head. "I don't l
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"Grace, are you sure you're not bothered by what the people online are saying?" Janet asked.It was a Wednesday afternoon and Janet was visiting the cafe after work. It was George, the barista and Mrs Watson, the cashier's day off, so Penny was handling the cashier seat and Grace was responsible for the coffee.Candy was wiping the counters, something she did no matter the fact that the counter tops were sparkling clean almost all the time."Why would I be? They are just talking trash. I know what I have with Enrique," she replied."Everyone seems to be taking Margot's side due to her fame. They all think you're just Enrique's rebound and that he would get back to Margot as soon as possible," Penny said."That is nonsense. Ricky has absolutely nothing to do with that witch anymore," Grace said."How would you know that? You are so smitten, what did you just call Mr Black?" Janet teased."Ricky," she laughed before continuing with, "I was on a video call with Sophia and his parents. Th
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