All Chapters of The Quarterback's Baby: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
50 Chapters
Chapter 41: Sebastian
I had wanted to spend the whole two weeks in the room. But I drew the curtains, grabbed my clothes and left. She was calling after me, screaming my name. I couldn't believe that she had been so selfish. All this time she had been keeping it quiet, because she was thinking of getting rid of it. This was our first official fight and I hated myself for behaving this way. After all, a woman has rights too, but what about the guys? I had millions in the bank. I could have hired someone to look after the baby if she wanted to go to work. So be it. I had never thought about being a dad until now, but the whole idea that I could potentially have been one and never known about it, made me fucking angry. "Don't go."I ignored her plea. I opened the door and left. I couldn't talk when I was angry; all the things would come out the wrong way. The best thing to do was to be on my own. I felt as if I was going to explode. I didn't make it far before she was behind me. I had just reached t
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Chapter 42: Epilogue, Part 1: Sebastian
We were walking down the tunnel from the locker room. It was the final game in the season. Just like Emma had said, nothing could go wrong. I was fit, and nothing was holding me back. The vacation was just what I had needed. Time away from here and to spend more time connecting with the one woman that I had loved practi-cally my whole life. She said that we had moved too fast; that we needed to take it slow, but love waited for no one and as I headed out into the bright lights of the field, I thought about her sitting in the stadium carrying our child. She was going to be a mom; the last few months had been hard for her. She was used to being a doctor. Worrying about her career and now she didn't know what was going to happen to that. I had kind of had an idea. She had been going to meetings, even conferences just to keep herself busy while I had been at games and practices. The idea of be-ing a stay-at-home mom felt too small for her. Something that she had never considered, but
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Chapter 43: Epilogue, Part 2: Mason
Two years later...It was still fucking daytime, but with all the cur-tains closed and windows covered, the room looked dark. Not that I gave a damn what time it was outside, because I didn't plan on leaving my home.There was a part of me that was angry for locking myself in, and feeling sorry for myself. I still wouldn't leave the house, though.I didn't have the courage to leave, after all. Not anymore."Fuck, this is boring," I grumbled, drinking the last of my beer, then crushed the can and tossed it in my trashcan. The can went in, and I smirked, but it quickly dropped with a sigh as my eyes turned back to the TV. "If they're gonna show this kind of play to people, they at least need better players."Like me, I thought, then cast that thought away, too. It was a dangerous thought to have for me recently, but sometimes, I couldn't keep myself from wishing.I was watching a football game, and it was already in its last quarter. I wasn't on either side, but the team on t
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Chapter 44: Epilogue, Part 3: Mason
It would be a lie to say I didn't mind. I wasn't in the mood to see anyone, but how long had it been since I left the hospital? I had been alone in all that time, and I'd been a people person before. I had a feeling being alone was only making me even more depressed, but I didn't feel like doing a thing about it, either. I had friends, and if none of them were going to reach out to me, in my current condition, I didn't have the confidence to be the one to reach out to them."Now I really need that beer," I grumbled to my-self, leaning forward, bracing my hands on the couch to push myself up.With a grunt, I rose to my feet. I stayed in place a little, but that was just because I'd been sitting too long. I'd moved to the couch with a six pack because I thought it would be enough for me. I'd been sitting since I woke up sometime mid-morning, and I hadn't moved much in the hours since then. My ass must have fallen asleep, because it ached a little, too, and I winced as I rubbed it and
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Chapter 45: Epilogue, Part 4: Sophia
I was a little intimidated by the glare Mason had aimed at me, but I wasn't going to back down. Besides, I knew he wasn't going to hurt me, anyway. Not just be-cause of our past, but because he wasn't the kind of guy that got off on beating other people up, even when they were annoying."I came to visit you," I said, tilting my chin up and giving him a stubborn frown. "Now move aside and let me in."He let out a little, sardonic laugh. "Aren't you a bit forward for someone that just came to visit?" he chal-lenged, not moving an inch. "Make me move, Sophia. It's the only way you're coming in here."I frowned at him. I hadn't forgotten he was about as stubborn as I was. It was the only reason I had left him alone this long when I knew he was doing something stupid. Too soon and he would just send me away again, too long and I might be late in providing any sort of help.I might have waited too long already, I thought to myself in worry.He didn't let me see a thing inside befor
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Chapter 46: Epilogue, Part 5: Sophia
He flattened his lips and looked away. I wasn't sure whether or not to be relieved. On the one hand, he wasn't trying to push me away, but on the other, he wasn't exactly inviting me in. Could I assume he was wavering? Or would it just make it easier for him to send me away when he wasn't looking at me?I sighed audibly, and he turned back to look at me. His expression wasn't any more inviting, though."Have you been eating okay?" I asked. "And I mean a real, homemade meal, Mason. I can cook you dinner?"It was the only thing I could bribe him with. I wouldn't make chef of the year, but my food was good, and Mason never had a problem with my food.He didn't answer immediately, raising my hopes.Then he killed them just as quickly when he shook his head. At least, until he spoke."I don't need you to cook for me, Sophia. I'm fine with what I have to eat right now.""Take out?" I guessed. "Frozen foods?"His gaze moved away at the latter, and I frowned at him. I was tempt
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Chapter 47: Epilogue, Part 6: Mason
Fuck.Sophia was one of the last people I wanted to see at the front of my door because I knew how stubborn she could be when she put her mind to it. I didn't want her there for a lot of reasons. I was embarrassed at how I'd let myself go, at how quickly I'd changed in such a short time. I also wasn't ready to face the world and people again, and I didn't know if I would ever be ready. Hell, I hadn't spoken to my own family yet, and I didn't see that happening any time soon.What do I do...?When I decided to lock myself away, I'd had a plan. And in this plan, once I felt I could pick myself up and give life a try again, I would reconnect with the peo-ple I was currently pushing away. If I had to be honest to myself, Sophia wasn't only on the list, but among one of the first people I would reach out to, besides my parents and even above my best friend. Sophia was Sebastian's sister, but if she really stopped talking to me, I knew that bastard wouldn't help me. No matter how
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Chapter 48: Epilogue, Part 7: Sophia
I slumped back against the door as I panted, trying to catch my breath. My legs felt weak, the one I had around Mason's hip trembling. I knew I couldn't keep the stance I had for long, but Mason wasn't moving, ei-ther, and he was still inside me, so I couldn't bring my-self to move."Are you going to move or what?" I huffed once I caught my breath, pushing lightly over his shoulder.Mason took a deep breath, then chuckled. "Yeah, I'm moving."Slowly, he pulled himself back. My breath I hitched as his softening cock spilled out of me, Mason letting out a hiss."Sensitive?" I guessed.He nodded, sighing as he reached down to tuck himself back into his pants."Are you gonna let me go, too, or...?" he teased, arching an amused eyebrow.I moved my leg from around his hips, holding on tightly to his shoulder as I put my foot on the ground. It was a good thing I was holding onto him because when I got both feet on the ground, my legs buckled."Shit."How long had it been sin
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Chapter 49: Epilogue, Part 8: Mason
With a groan, I rolled to the side, so I wasn't crushing Sophia, hissing when my soft, sensitive cock slipped out of her. I kept my arms around her, rolling her with me, holding her close to my chest.My whole body felt exhausted. My chest wanted to heave for every breath, but I controlled it, taking in slow deep breaths to get my lungs to stop screaming at me. I probably stopped breathing near the end there.Shit, I really did let myself go if I can't even do this without breathing hard. Maybe I really should be going to my physiotherapy sessions...?I sighed as my eyes slid closed, my body relaxing. I couldn't remember the last time I was this content. I slept just fine when I was alone, in fact, I was asleep more than I was awake these past weeks, but it was often fitful. I went to sleep in a bad mood and woke up in a bad mood, making myself more and more depressed eve-ry day. Besides, having a warm body close again to me felt amazing."Mason?"I heard Sophia call my name,
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Chapter 50: Epilogue, Part 9: Sophia
Four months la-ter...I woke up to an empty bed and pouted as I sat up, the sheets sliding off my naked body."Bastard," I grumbled, slipping off the bed. "You could have woken me up."I wasn't really annoyed with him, though. I knew he had an important game today or he wouldn't have woken up so early without me. I went to the bathroom for a shower, then hurried to get dressed. Picking clothes was becoming harder, though. For the moment, my dresses were still fine, but I knew I would have to buy some bigger clothes soon."You're growing really fast in there, aren't you," I murmured, rubbing my rounding belly.It had been a shock, finding out I was pregnant, for Mason and me both. It wasn't something we planned, we just got careless with me missing my contraception, but when the news came, I wasn't as against it as I would have thought. I had always felt uneasy at the thought of a little person growing inside me. Not so much because it would be uncomfortable or because I was w
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