All Chapters of The Stranger He Became: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
143 Chapters
Chapter 111
Max was beyond furious. What the heck was actually going on? Had the whole trip to Abu Dhabi been some perfect hoax to get the both of them to be all alone to themselves? “No,” he knew Chloe to be smarter than that. She didn’t show any signs of having anything to do with Kylian after the way their relationship had ended.Could Kincaid have been that foolish to trail her all the way from one end of the world to the other? He knew that Kylian could be obsessed with having things go his way, but never knew him to be that desperate over anything. It all went on to prove the profound effect that Chloe had on him.He had hung up as he couldn’t bear the unruly sight of the both of them together. He got up from bed as he tried dialing her number again, but he just couldn’t get through to her. Was this karma coming back at him for almost falling for Debby’s histrionics? If it was, he deemed it unfair, as it had come at him rather too quickly.A split second of reconsideration and some resili
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Chapter 112
“No…no way…” Emma trembled, clenching her phone to her chest and shaking in abject fright, as she sat up on her bed, her bare feet on the rug-covered floor, all alone at home, and all alone with her demons. They seemed to come in numerous droves.The consequences of her desperation seemed to take their toll rather too soon. She rapidly tried to dial his line again, but he left her hanging. She was immersed in an awful sort of frightful type of confusion.She was at a loss of who else to call, as the last of her so-called allies had suddenly turned on her. She frantically dialed her mother’s number, at least she knew that she would be on her side, even if she couldn’t do anything to help.“Hello,” she had probably roused her mother from sleep, as her voice sounded weak and faint.“Mom, I’m in trouble,” Emma said panicking, with her breath shaking along with her trembling body.“What is it Em?” her mother’s tone rose to a sharp vibrant one, void of any signs of fatigue or sleep, “Are yo
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Chapter 113
"What's the meaning of this Debby?" His inner instincts had told him it had all been a setup from the start, but his much stronger lustful intent had led him on to walk right into her trap in broad daylight.He vented out the seething furnace within him into voicemail as she hadn't picked up any of his calls. Just how many things were bound to go wrong that morning? First, it was Kylian showing up at Chloe's doorstep. Now it was Debby sending him a pic of the both of them sharing a seemingly romantic moment from the previous day.Max still wondered how she had gotten those pics. Had she been that desperate to get it done, even to the point of having someone to take the pictures in the background while she did her thing?It wasn't all coming out well. He had planned a peaceful weekend of rest, all alone in his home before prepping for his trip to Abu Dhabi the next day. Now he was thrown into an awful frenzy that he couldn't just shake off. For each moment those pics were with Debby, h
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Chapter 114
Sofia awoke, feeling guilty that she had let herself fall asleep in Diego’s room. Again.He hadn’t slept beside her, he hadn’t even been in the room all through the night. She couldn’t help but be suspicious about whatever move he made, still having in mind what he had done the day before. She had let her guard down and was paying a price that she wasn’t willing to pay again.She was still covered with the clothing he had put on her, and she was still nude under the covers- that made her awfully uncomfortable. Fortunately, she turned to her side to see a new set of clothes to replace the one he had ripped off her body in the heat of his sexual fervor.Beside her was a black gown which was a bit body-fitted, with some underwear. She couldn’t help but wonder why he preferred giving her gowns instead of other possible female wears- perhaps it could have been to give him easy access to her body whenever he wanted. That was the only possible reason that she could think of.Having no other
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Chapter 115
Kylian was soon lost as he realized that the Warner Bros. World had actually been a world of its own, which had him wondering how in the world he would be able to find Maya in such a park. He had heard a lot about the place but hadn’t thought it would live up to the hype as much as it was doing at the moment- he was literally overwhelmed.He wished he had some sort of tour guide to take him through the cold lonely world he found himself in. The air conditioners made it a literal cold world. He wished Omar could have been there to ride him through this one. He had already become that fond of him within their brief conversation. They had exchanged contacts before they parted ways.The memory of losing Chloe to Max forever was slowly creeping in again as he found himself all alone, watching families and couples troop in and out of different parts of the park. Her words and her gestures were soon replaying in his mind. “Oh come on…not now,” he hated having to sulk over anything that could
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Chapter 116
The new week had begun with Max being on the plane. Everything in the weekend had just happened too fast over the weekend, and it all seemed like some sort of bad dream that he was going to wake up from real soon, but the thought of Debby’s blackmailing pictures in his phone kept him in touch with the harsh reality he was living at the moment.Touchdown had already been announced, and it was only a matter of moments before he would be breathing Middle Eastern, Abu Dhabi air. The grueling twelve-hour flight had been the worst he’d had in a while, as he had been forced to fly the economy section, due to his last-minute appointment with Kent. The first class section had been oddly filled, forcing him to stay at the very tightest of spots in the flight. At that point, he could barely feel his knees and everything below it.But he felt lucky to have had twelve hours to prepare himself to face Chloe. He had kept a lot from her and it weighed continually on his conscience. The partnership be
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Chapter 117
“Remember, play it cool.” Hilda’s voice on the line made it all seem much more uncomplicated than it was. “Don’t make it too obvious,” she went on, “She’s as smart as her father. If not smarter.”“Jeez! You’re making me more tense than I should be right now,” Ollie said, feeling all the pressure of the moment. She could imagine Helen sitting comfortably on a sofa as she comfortably gave out the orders for the almost impossible plan she had suggested during the weekend.“Am I?” she asked, chuckling over the line, “ Well don’t screw this up, or you could kiss your fairy tale with Anthony goodbye. Forever.”“Alright, that’s enough,” Ollie said, about to hang up, “I’ll let you know how it goes.”“Good luck.”Ollie was finally left alone in a world of her own. She had gone over the first phase of the simple plan to get Helen to mess up things between her and Anthony.The first day of the week had gone awfully fast at work. She was going to spend her lunch break at Helen’s school, hoping t
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Chapter 118
Carlos’ heart couldn’t help but thump in unreasonable fright as he made for the balcony in Alejandro’s hotel room. Making his way through the room, he felt a bit suffocated by the pungent smell of marijuana and used condoms. The coalition of the two contrasting odors were beyond repulsive and it made him want to leave in a hurry- just like he wanted to leave Abu Dhabi .His stay at Yas Island which he had expected to be nothing but soothing and a perfect chance to get away from the wear and tear of New York’s elbow grease. But then it had been just the same damn thing every day like he was in a disguised New York on the Eastern side of the world, instead of the Eastern side of America. He was still going about all of Alejandro’s business even though it was meant to be a summer holiday getaway for everyone, but then, it had been for everyone but him.Predicaments as such made him regret joining the life crime, but he was already knee-deep in. His unforgiving boss made it all the more d
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Chapter 119
Emma felt a renewed confidence as she drove from the hospital to the home she would soon be referring to as one of the places where she’d once lived.She felt in charge. She felt like she had finally had a say in what her life was going to turn out to be. Her mother’s plan gave her a kind of confidence that she couldn’t quite explain. It felt like she had been suffering all the while for nothing.Looking at the city flying by her window through her shades gave her a vague sense of exhilaration. It had been a while since she had enjoyed a simple decent ride in the city. It felt like she had been missing out a lot being with Kylian.Her phone buzzed. She was pleased to see that it was her mum. “Hello, Mom,” she said, leaving it on loudspeaker.“Hello Emma,” she said. “How did the trip to the hospital go? How’s our baby?”“Our baby’s doing just fine, the scan showed that it’s still intact. Nothing to fear.”“You better take care of yourself and our little one. You are literally carrying
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Chapter 120
"Rise and shine sleepyhead," Chloe teased as she put down the tray on the bedside stool, "You've been sleeping a lot lately."Max's eyelids slowly cracked open, as he took in the early morning sun rays which made him forget about his worries for the moment. He just wished that the morning would continue going on for however long."Breakfast is already here," Chloe announced, running her hand through his muscular chin, "Get up and dig in. I bet you already had your fill of sleep in the weekend."That single statement floored him back into the hard slab of the reality that he was living in. He'd been levitating from his worries up until then. The weekend had been one he wished to forget as quickly as he could. Remembering the incriminating pictures in his phone, made his appetite vanish, though he could perceive the delicacies on the tray— delicacies which he would kill and die for on any given day. Breakfast seemed to just bring memories of his ordeal with Debby that Saturday morning.
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