All Chapters of The Stranger He Became: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
143 Chapters
Chapter 71
"The office is not responding to the email," Max muttered with frustration, stepping out of his house. The multitude of troubles seemed to be closing in on him, and now even the governor's wife had managed to find her way onto his growing list of worries."Thank you, Shirley. I'll take care of it myself," Max said, dismissing his assistant with a nod of gratitude.If he didn't have the concern of leaving Chloe alone at the gala, he wouldn't have been bothered by the governor's wife's sentiments towards him. But now, as he approached his car, the chauffeur opened the door, awaiting Max's instructions. Max slid into the plush comfort of the limo, finding a momentary respite from the chaotic world outside.He was certain Chloe wouldn't be at home. With the approaching fashion season and her tireless dedication to her designs, he had witnessed her staying up all night, pouring her heart into her work."Girly Lux," Max instructed his chauffeur, his voice filled with a mix of hope and appre
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Chapter 72
Kylian couldn't tear his eyes away as he watched Chloe gracefully interact with the reporters. She exuded an undeniable radiance, a reminder of the mistake he had made in letting her go. He felt a twinge of regret and a longing to be by her side, but he knew it was a futile desire now that she was in the spotlight once again.Emma, on the other hand, seethed with envy. Chloe's entrance had effortlessly stolen the attention that had previously been on her, and the few lingering gazes that remained were fixated on Kylian. What was it about Chloe that captivated everyone's interest?"I thought you had somewhere to be," Emma nudged Kylian, bringing him back to reality.Reluctantly letting go of Emma's hand, Kylian realized that they had posed enough for the cameras. It was time for him to mingle with the crowd and make his presence felt. He grabbed a drink from a passing server and made his way towards where Chloe was being bombarded with numerous interviews. The reporters seemed to have
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Chapter 73
Chloe found herself unable to escape from Max's captivating gaze. How could she when his eyes seemed to anchor her to her seat, and the entire room was fixated on their encounter? There was no hiding from him now.As Max approached, a wave of his irresistible charisma accompanied his every step. At that moment, Chloe momentarily forgot her anger and resentment toward him. She wished, even for a thousand miles away, to be closer to him. His eyes, filled with a mix of longing and remorse, locked onto hers, causing her heart to skip a beat. It was as if they were in their own private realm, where no one else existed, where their unspoken desires and emotions were laid bare.Chloe could feel the weight of their connection, the undeniable magic that still lingered between them. The remorse in Max's eyes mirrored the longing in her own. She was certain that her eyes revealed just how much she had missed him and how desperately she yearned for things to work out between them.Drawing closer,
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Chapter 74
Gray Stanford beamed with satisfaction as he presented his evidence to the couple. Chloe sat comfortably, nestled in Max's arms and concealed beneath a duvet that provided them with a sense of intimacy. Max's enclosed hand remained discreetly hidden, exploring the contours of Chloe's body.Chloe's gaze fixated on the photograph of the man before her. Although she didn't recognize him personally, the distinctive tattoo that adorned his neck, stretching down to his back, confirmed that he was the man they had been searching for. While all the evidence pointed towards Emma as the perpetrator, Chloe knew that without finding the tattooed man, she wouldn't be able to bring her down."How can we locate him?" she asked, her voice carrying a sense of urgency.Gray nodded, his expression focused. "I conducted extensive research on Diego. There's very little information available about him. I discovered that he served time for drug-related offenses and was on parole a few years ago. I managed t
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Chapter 75
Alejandro took a long drag from his cigarette pipe, his expression filled with disdain as Diego forcefully pushed Sofia to the floor."Estupido! You think you can escape from the mighty Alejandro Navarro?" he sneered, his voice laced with arrogance.Sofia trembled on the ground, fully aware of the terrible things Alejandro was capable of. Diego grabbed the bag beside him and tossed it at Alejandro's feet, informing him of Sofia's plan to run away to another country and start a new life.Alejandro disregarded the bag, as the gold held no significance to him. His focus was on the woman lying defenseless on the floor. She had made a fool out of him, and he intended to make an example out of her."Where is he? That wretched Carlos! It's his fault that my anger knows no bounds, and my anger is not to be trifled with."Carlos hurried into the room upon hearing his name, the scar from his previous encounter with Alejandro still visible on his face. When his eyes fell upon Sofia, a wave of sy
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Chapter 76
"...well, I think the suggestion you made at the clubhouse was a great one, Ollie, and we should start thinking of..."Chloe paused, her voice trailing off as she noticed Ollie's distracted state. There was a tension in Ollie's expression that hadn't been there before, and it concerned Chloe."Ollie?" Chloe said firmly, her hand coming down on the table with a sharp slap. Ollie jumped slightly, her attention fully brought back to the present."I was listening," Ollie responded, her voice a little flustered.Chloe studied Ollie's face, her eyes searching for the truth. She knew Ollie well enough to sense when something was bothering her."No, you were not," Chloe countered gently. "What's bothering you, Ollie? You know you can always tell me."Ollie hesitated, unsure if she should reveal the reason for her distraction. The encounter with Anthony, the man with a notorious reputation, still lingered in her mind."I...It's nothing, Chloe," Ollie replied, her voice wavering. "I didn't slee
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Chapter 77
Emma's head throbbed relentlessly, despite the painkillers she had taken. With each pulsating ache, her frustration and disappointment grew. She mustered the strength to drag herself onto the bed, collapsing onto the soft surface, desperate for relief.The absence of Kylian during her time of need only intensified her anguish. Clutching her head with trembling hands, she felt the pain sharpen, as if mocking her. Where was he when she needed his support the most? Wasn't he supposed to be her partner, her rock?She couldn't shake off the bitter realization that Kylian's devotion was reserved for Chloe. He would be furious when he discovered the state of his Bentley, left damaged in the compound. Emma had taken it for a joyride around town, struggling to maneuver a vehicle she had yet to master. And to compound her foolishness, she had even live-streamed the entire reckless escapade.Tossing aside the towel that had provided little relief, Emma confronted the harsh truth. Waiting for Kyl
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Chapter 78
Emma's tears continued to flow as she stepped out of the grand mansion, her heart heavy with the weight of her emotions. The mere thought of staying in the same space as Kylian felt suffocating, unbearable. She questioned whether Kylian would even leave the garage that night, consumed by his obsession with his precious Bentley.Emma pressed her foot on the accelerator, eager to distance herself from the painful reality she found herself in. As the tears blurred her vision, she wiped them away, a mixture of anger and sadness coursing through her veins. Kylian had made his priorities painfully clear, and Emma couldn't overlook the significance of his actions. How could he prioritize a car over his wife?How could he be so blind to her need for love and attention, especially during this challenging time?As Emma zoomed out of the compound, frustration surged within her. It was absurd to think that a mere car was more important to him. It felt like a betrayal, a cruel reminder that she wa
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Chapter 79
Chloe sat in front of the mirror, the rhythmic strokes of the brush through her hair bringing back cherished memories of her mother's tender care. She realized now that she had been mistaken to think she could let go of her parents' memory so easily. The longing to uncover the truth about that fateful day when they left the house and never returned had grown stronger within her. It was time to have a heartfelt conversation with Amelia, to seek answers and connect with her roots. Perhaps, by discovering more about her parents, she could also uncover the truth behind their mysterious disappearance.Gathering her luscious locks into a curly ponytail, Chloe admired herself in the mirror, a faint smile playing on her lips. She couldn't deny the resemblance she saw between herself and her mother. It was as if their spirits were intertwined, guiding her on this journey of self-discovery.Max had hinted that their outing would involve some walking, and Chloe contemplated putting on trousers f
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Chapter 80
The sun beat down relentlessly as they arrived at the park, drawing the attention of onlookers to Max's sleek grey Porsche. Max exuded an air of sophistication in his simple yet luxurious attire, and as Chloe joined him, the clicking of phone cameras captured their every move.Max held Chloe's hand with possessiveness, a silent declaration that she belonged to him.Chloe relished the leisurely walk, despite the scorching heat of the sun. The afternoon carried a pleasant breeze, making the temperature more bearable."I received a call from my secretary, Kayla, this morning," Chloe began, breaking the silence. "It seems my trip to Abu Dhabi is going to happen sooner than expected.""How soon? I would love to accompany you to Abu Dhabi, but my schedule is packed this week. If your trip falls within the next few days, I'm afraid I won't be able to make it," Max replied.Chloe wanted Max by her side when she explored Abu Dhabi. It would be her first time visiting the city, and she envision
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