All Chapters of Selena And The Ruthless Billionaire : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
97 Chapters
Chapter 31
Selena stared at her breakfast of eggs and bacon which has been left on touched, the staring has been going on for a few minutes. Her mouth felt bitter and the last thing she wanted to do was feed her stomach when her dear brother was lying cold in the morgue. Melissa watched her worriedly, she had lost words of comfort to say to her. She is hurting as well but it won't stop her from feeding so she could get the strength to cry when the need arises. "Hey sel" Selena looked up and managed a smile, "Is there a problem? " Melissa smiled back," You are not eating. Even if you are not hungry, try and force a little into your stomach. You need your strength and besides, mom asked me to make sure you are fed so start eating now."Selena smiled weakly as she pushed the plate away from herself "I am not hungry"Melissa looked hurt, " You do know that Andrew will be sad with you for starving yourself""He is not here anymore so I don't need to worry about how he feels. If I
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Chapter 32
Pain exploded on the side of his head, Caleb didn't even hear the shattering of the cup because of the excruciating pain. Blood rushed to his face as his eyes widened in shock, not believing what just happened. Blood streamed from his forehead and ran down his forehead along the left side of his jaw, down his cheek and the smell of his own blood filled the air and he felt dizzy."Oh my God! Oh my God!! Oh my God!!!"Maria was panicking, she was shaking and her hands were trembling. She was scared. In her anger, she had injured him and she is lost with what to make out of the situation. Will he drag her by the hair and lock her up, will he get a severe head injury? What happens if he suffers memory loss because of the hit? She was panicking and so questions she has no answers to, gathered in her head as her body shivered violently from fear. Not minding the pain, Caleb stood up and charged towards Maria. Maria, lost in her thoughts, did not notice him until he was
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Chapter 33
Selena stood before the Fin Mansion, staring blankly at it. Though she knows that Robert Fin is rich but has no idea that he is this rich. She was finding it hard to believe that the mansion she was seeing belonged to just a man and his family. Some people are damned lucky in life. She thought to herself. The mansion was beautiful like something out of a magazine. She never saw a mansion as big as this and on top of that, it was magnificent. She sighed and stepped closer to the gate and to her surprise, the big iron gate opened. No one was in sight, she didn't know whether to proceed or just stand there until some sort of maid or guard comes by. "Take a step, baby girl." She told herself as she clutched the big bag of money. That's why she was at the Fin Mansion, to return the money and see if her deal with Mr. Robert will be canceled, she doubted so. It will really gladden her heart if she gets rid of the money before her brother's funeral in the evening. There were a lot of th
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Chapter 34
Without desiring to look at her, he turned his back on her, " Go bury your brother and get your a*s here in two days, if I find you myself, you will hate yourself forever. Don't say I didn't warn you.""But Mr. Fin-"He interrupted her mid-sentence and turned around to stare daggers at her, "Just go."Selena took a deep breath to control her anger but she was not listening to him."Didn't you say I am not your type of woman, why don't you collect the money and let me go?" Robert smirked and tilted his head sideways to look at her, "I did say you are not my type but I also mentioned if you are groomed you will become my type. In case you don't know, you are indebted to me and you will pay for every damned money in that back until your services are not needed. Don't let me add a severe punishment to what you have to do for me, being a stubborn brat won't help you."Selena bit her lip and stared at him, his smile made her stomach churn. She hated him right there for making her go thr
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Chapter 35
Maria stood still for five seconds, not understanding what he meant. Like was he being for real? Was he really letting her go after everything she had done to him? She looked at him confused, "you are telling me I cannot stay?""No... You cannot."She frowned and asked him again."Why not?""Because I want to heal from you and to do that, I don't need to be seeing you. Got it? Pick everything you have here with you and wait outside, the driver will take you to town." Whatever Caleb said was unlike him, Maria still finds it hard to believe he would let her go after he made it clear that she is not leaving there until he was satisfied with her stay. Or maybe he is satisfied with her stay or her presence now irritates him or maybe he hates her so much that he can't bear to see her face. Either way, she was leaving and she should be happy because soon enough she will see her best friend but that was not the case, Maria wanted them to settle whatever dispute they have with each other.
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Chapter 36
Maria's world suddenly stopped moving, she stood blankly, staring at Selena. Her mind was empty yet it was buzzing like a swarm of bees inside her head."Andrew...?" Maria whispered, her voice shaking.Selena nodded, tears pricking at her eye. "How is that possible?" She whispered and stared at Selena in confusion. Like nothing in the world will make her believe Selena's words. Had she not left Andrew yesterday? It was just yesterday.Her mind was racing and she felt dizzy, with little grits in her throat, she leaned against the wall as tears flowed seamlessly down her face. Andrew's smiling face appeared in her mind and her sniffing seemed to intensify. Selena was done crying and she couldn't help her friend, all she did was watch her best friend as she cried her heart out with a gloomy look on her face. All she felt was numbness, it has reached the stage where she cares less about anything. Going to Mr. Fin to return the money and see if he could terminate her contract wi
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Chapter 37
TWO DAYS LATER....... The early hour of day outside Selena's apartment, an old blue car that has it bump almost falling out, parked with the occupant barely seen. It's been parked for hours and from all indications, the occupant was waiting for someone. It was almost six and from the movement from inside the car, the man in black hood checked his time and as time passed, he ignited the car and drove off, at the same time Selena woke up groaning. She had nothing on, just panties and some piece of cloth, covering her cleavages. The headache seemed to intensify every passing minute as she tried to get up from the cold floor. The room was dark and reeking of alcohol. There way empty bottles of beer and smoked cigarettes littered on the floor. She tried standing up but fell down instantly. She cursed silently and laid down again feeling like throwing up, a sudden pain on her stomach was enough to remind her of how miserable she has been. With the help of the wall, she slowly sto
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Chapter 38
Selena held her cheeks as she stared blankly at the lady in front of her. A lot of questions run through her mind. From the look of things, the lady seemed related to her nightmare, Robert Fin, and for that, Selena didn't want to cause more trouble. Whatever business she has in the Fin Mansion will be for two to three weeks and she would want these weeks to go unproblematic. Selena smiled softly at the Lady, "sorry I wasn't watching where I was going," she bowed politely and stepped aside.But the lady was not having any of her apologies. She was Infuriated that the lowlife in front of her could stand there without fear and say sorry. She really doesn't know who she is, Victoria Greystone. "Is that how you apologize, you this bitch!" Victoria yelled. Her afternoon was ruined already, all because of the lady in front of her. She was in a pretty bad mood because Robert had ignored her after her arrival. He didn't even bat an eye nor did he acknowledge her. She had thought that
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Chapter 39
Selena slowly turned to see Kyle, the little boy who had looked at her scornfully the last time she was there with a disgusted look on his face. She wondered what she has done to the little boy to warrant him hating her without getting to know her. What's there to know when she is dressed poorly compared to how Kyle was dressed?She fuffed a breath and smiled at him, "hi, I'm Selena." Kyle rolled his eyes and threw his face away, "who cares what you are called." He took two steps further and looked at her from hair to toe, "I don't like you and I hate the fact that you are the first person I am seeing after a hectic day at school." His words caught Selena's attention, she just realized he was in a school uniform. She looked closely and realized he was wearing khakis and a black polo shirt under a maroon blazer. His dark hair and brown skin were accentuated by the simple but expensive uniform he wore and he was definitely handsome...very attractive she added inwardly. Kyle noticed her
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Chapter 40
Selena swallowed thickly, "excuse me?"Robert's lips twisted into a smirk, "take off your clothes and strip, you heard me. Now!" He ordered. Selena furrowed her brows and tilted her head slightly to the side. Then she realized what he meant; Robert wants her to remove her clothing while he watches her. She had a very difficult time concealing the anger in her eyes. Selena felt like screaming obscenities at the man but decided to resist the urge. She didn't want to give him more than he deserves. But that will seemed like she is weak and can't defend herself. Though she is to satisfy him in any way he desires but not to humiliate her. She has got feelings and she is not his sexual slave, that she knows so she deserves some respect.She brought up her eyes to look straight into his eyes, "and why should I?"Robert smirked inwardly, "now that's what I am talking about. The more stubborn you become, the more I will enjoy you." He thought proudly and the next moment the smirk he had v
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