All Chapters of Betrothed To The Crown Prince, Wanted By His Brothers. : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
107 Chapters
Deadly plans.
BETTOTHED TO THE CROWN PRINCE...CHAPTER 51...AUTHORS POV.“What do you feel about yactching the plans today?” Axel sips from his juice and Alfred stares at him as if he is trying to comprehend what Axel was saying.“Really? Isn't today a bit close.” “Since when did you become concerned about the days?” Alfred carassed the nap of his neck, as though he was having another thought. “I just feel like with Amy by his side, we wouldn't be able to do a thing.” “We could always find a way to move her from there.” Alfred nods and sip from the same whine, they were both seated in Axel’s room, along side Leo, Alfred’s body guard. “Axel?” Alfred calls out.“Why do you not have a personal body guard?” He smiles at Alfred's question. “Because real gee can't be bodyguards, I can't trust a man underneath me, he doesn't have the ability.” His replies made Leo to groan silently, he scruntises him with his eyes silently, while Alfred just nods to him.He understands Axel’s point, but to him,
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Under the influence.
BETROTHED TO THE CROWN PRINCE...CHAPTER 52...AUTHORS POV...“Why the sudden change of plan?” Axel slumps himself into a chair, pressing the grin on his face, he took up a lighter and lit the cigarette on the table, he smokes from it and puffed out the smoke like he was making whispers, slowly and it surprised Alfred. Alfred stared at him, a little bit of shock, evident in his eyes. “You blunt?” he slides the cigarette from his mouth, his chest wildly open and Axel scoff. “Even Ace blunts. Look man, it's a normal thing to blunt okay?”Alfred stares at him like he was saying the impossible, he knew he hates Ace so much, but he really doesn't believe that Ace blunts, he looks too innocent for shit, but no one can be innocent. Now he knows why Axel didn't troll him around, cause he blunts also. “Back to the question I asked, why the sudden change of plans.” “Amy knocked me off with gigantic words and I just couldn't wait to erase that man from the surface of this earth.” Axel gri
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The black dungeon.
BETROTHED TO THE CROWN PRINCE...CHAPTER 53...AUTHORS POV...They all halted their legs as they heard the dominating voice of Axel. They turned, to face him, their body shaking as a result of fear, mostly not fear, Amy and Ryan were In pain. He was not that powerful to be feared, but right now, it looks more like he is in charge, and whatever he says might be the final say.Amy felt her heart sting as she felt waves of pain and fear surge into her. “So you all think you can run away from here huh?” a devilish smirk appeared at the corner of Axel’s lips while Alfred just stood staring at them, he allowed Axel to lead, because he didn't have all it takes neither is he trying to contest it. Ryan chuckles slightly stepping forward, he had informed all their arms about something like this, and he had told them all to be alerted, in case there is a need for war. He felt reassured yet Inassured. Amy walks forward, leaving all of them behind, her hair, messily laying on her face. “Wha
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Dangerous plan.
BETROTHED TO THE CROWN PRINCE...CHAPTER 54.AUTHORS POV. “Now that we have them locked up in the dungeon what will be our next move?”Axel stood close to the large desk in Alfred’s room, he reached out for his wine and sipped from it, slightly before dropping it back to the table, his eyes fixed on Alfred who was just smoking and puffing out smoke in different locations. “We are not done buying all of Ace’s soldiers, shouldn't that be our concern?” he raised his chin up, looking at Axel who seems to be giving his words a thought. Alfred was sitting on his regular couch, his clothes were buttoned-down, revealing all of his not-so-quantified arms. “That's the least of our worries Alfred, we should think of how to get a neighboring kingdom to side with us, at least till we buy Ace’s soldiers and have mr Audrey killed.” Alfred stares at Axel kingly, he likes that Axel is really intelligent and has lots of plans, but he also can't help but feel the urge to not trust Axel completely, a
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Chapter 55
BETROTHED TO THE CROWN PRINCE...CHAPTER 55...AUTHORS POV. Alfred walks down the hall that contained a vast amount of guards, all of them having their heads bowed to him, while he strides away, ignoring the greetings that came from them all, his both hands tied to the back. The great feeling of respect excited him and he couldn't help but wish for more of this experience, to be utterly in control of the entire kingdom, to have so many people now in terror at his presence. After a long walk, he finally pulled up at the front of the dungeon. The guards standing at the very gate of the dungeon bowed to him, while he just waves them off with a nod. He walks inside the dungeon his eyes scanning the old cemented place that injects in him so much fear. The darkness of the dungeon was as grave as that of the grave and he never wishes for anyone to be placed there, he might look in charge but Axel has a lot of say, and as much as he wants to let all these people out, cause the coldness
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BETROTHED TO THE CROWN PRINCE...CHAPTER 56...AUTHORS POV. Amy squeezes herself as she sees his action, changing the direction of her face while Alfred stares at her in awe. He pulled her in by the waist, and leaned in again to claim her lips, but she was quick to push him off her body. “Stop!” she yells out to him, and he sent his hands to his hair ruffling it roughly before turning to face her. “Why? Why do I need to stop Amy?” “Because I don't want you coming close to me, I don't.” her heart was throbbing severely from saying it. She hates him so much that she doesn't even want to ever lay her eyes on him. “I can't do that Amy, can't you see how much I love you?” he yells out to her his eyes red as the pain was evident in them. “Then fetch yourself a therapist.” she whispers deadly and his heart stiffness for a while, the sting in his heart utt to have vanished already. But no, they were there. “A therapist! No, I do not fucking need a therapist, it's you I need. I need my
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Attempted Rape.
BETROTHED TO THE CROWN PRINCE...CHAPTER 57...AUTHORS POV...“Strip!” that word came out of his mouth coldly, and Amy felt her heart skip for a minute. She really wants to believe that she didn't hear him say what he just said. She stares into his cold piercing eyes, and fear eloped her. “What did you say?” she manages to startle out. “I said strip.” his voice barely came out as a whisper, and they tore her really well. She stares into his crayon green eyes and all she could see was coldness upon coldness, which stole every bit of emotion from his face. Her heart was already throbbing really fast. Really fast as she felt his words hit her directly on the chest. She finally let out a loud scoff, trying to act like she was brave, but that only landed her in trouble. “Don't you dare say a word, Amy.” he began to take steady yet deadly steps toward her, his eyes boring holes into her body, while she replaces every step backward. Till she felt her back pressing hard against the w
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Price tag.
BETROTHED TO THE CROWN PRINCE...CHAPTER 58...AUTHORS POV.Amy stares at him as he groaned out in pain. Just like he was groaning in pain her heart was racing terribly well from pain to pain. She tries to get hold of a pin, but this time Alfred had recovered from the pain he was feeling in his jaw. He drags her roughly by the hair holding onto it roughly, while she yelps out in severe pain. Her scalp was burning from pain, really pain. She held onto it while he drag her to the bed, grunting in pain. Amy let out a loud whimper, tears rolling out of her eyes. “You really think you could put me in pain, huh? How dare you?” he yells out sending her to the bed while she twitches in pain. “Alfred!” she pleads.“Please Alfred don't rape me.” she cries out to him, while his other hands hold onto her two hands, and the other, trying to tear her pants away when the door suddenly opens reviling Axel. He stares at the scene in front of him, and his face drops in pain and anger. He had ru
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Death plan.
BETROTHED TO THE CROWN PRINCE...CHAPTER 59...AUTHORS POV. Alfred stares at Amy as she utters the statement in a swift motion, his hands brushed his hair back, in anger and he let out a light scoff, before teasing his nose, his mouth slightly open while the corner of his eyes tries to catch a glimpse of what Axel’s face looks like. It was incredibly unbelievable that she asked for something of such, even though they already know that she was going to as for that. “You must.” he tries to tell her after so many minutes of trying to calm his nerves, but his words were however cut short. “If that's what you want Amy, then we would grant it to you.” Axel’s voice tore through the atmosphere, cold, shutting Alfred up. Alfred turns to Axel, with a very questioning look, but Axel was quick to ignore that. “What do you even mean by yes, I haven't given my consent.” he pouts trying to comprehend why Axel was being that way. Axel let a deep breath then slipped his both hands into his pock
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Just a kiss.
BETROTHED TO THE CROWN PRINCE...CHAPTER 60...AUTHORS POV...It's been three days since Axel and Alfred left for the Asian dynasty. The journey was a long one as it seems like they wouldn't get there in soonest. While Amy on the other side has just been in her room, thinking about Ace. It was that regular day in the week like every other day and the thoughts of Ace has really clouded her head. She just wants to be with him, and no body else. She steps out of the bed and pulled the duvet into the bed. Fitting her legs into her slippers, she tied the rope of her robe and stride out of the room. “Where do you think you are going tho.” she heard the voice of the guards that has been placed at the front of her door and assigned by Axel to watch over her carefully. She took a huge breath as she stares back at the man whose face was looking really hard and rocky. For the past three days since Axel and Alfred left, they have been living like a slave being locked up in a room and cons
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