All Chapters of The Lycan's Rejected Mate: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
111 Chapters
Let's Make Rogan One of Us
Emily was restless as she lay in bed. She couldn't shake off the feeling of impending change that hung heavy in the air. Tonight was a full moon, and it was Rogan's first transformation. She knows how it feels on one's first shift and how werewolves reacted during their first full moon- the pain and agony were said to be unbearable, and she couldn't bear the thought of Rogan suffering. She got up from bed and walked to the window, staring out at the night sky. The full moon was bright, casting a dim light over the landscape. Emily sighed, knowing deep down that there was nothing she could do to prevent Rogan's transformation.Rogan was a kind and gentle soul, but the full moon had a way of unleashing a primal side of werewolves. She wondered what Rogan would be like during his first transformation. Would he become a monster? Would he hurt any one? Emily didn't know, but she hoped that Rogan remained himself.As the night dragged on, Emily tried to keep herself occupied. She persuaded
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Not the Crescent Wolves Again
Emily woke up the next day with a start, she quickly got up to prepare for school she surely didn't had a time to rest throughout the night, she's was reckless throughout, thinking of Rogan.She was thinking of the best and fastest way to inform Rogan about her new development and idea, she could've been more if not because of the discussion she had with Drago.Emily dressed up and was on her way to school, ignoring her breakfast which was already prepared and dressed on the dining table, she was so grateful that she met none of her parents on her way as she walked out of the house.When Emily got to school, her full focus was to meet up with Rogan and explain to him about how she came up with the new idea of wanting him to join her father's Park instead of the Crescent's but Emily was disappointed when she got to school and found out that Rogan was nowhere to be found. He doesn't seemed to be in the school yet. she searched through everywhere, inside the restroom, inside the lab room
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Drago is Taken
Emily stood up from the floor still in shock, she couldn't believe what she saw, she ran straight to Drago's classroom to bring out Drago and to ask him for help but as soon as she got to the classroom, she was stopped by the physics teacher."And what do you think you're trying to do?? You're trying to enter my class?? What audacity??" The teacher thundered."I'm sorry Mr, I'm not here for your class, I'm here to call a student, I really need his attention right now, please sir, we won't stay out for long." Emily pleaded almost in tears."Get out of my class right this moment before I change my mind and punish you instead!"Emily gaited away with a delusional mind, her thoughts were messed up and she had no choice whatsoever again than to mind link Drago.Emily mind linked Drago and updated him about the sudden appearance of that people from the Crescent pack."Drago we are doomed, Crescent pack is here and I still can't find Rogan, I'm so worried right now, what am I to do?? They mu
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It's Too Late to Decide
Rogan woke up in a strange room, he felt his back hurting him, he wanted to lift up his hand trying to ease the pain but he discovered that he can't lift it, his hand was chained."What the f***?? What's going on?? Why am I chained?? Where am I??" He questioned himself rhetorically.Rogan looked around the room. The place was strange, he looked up just to see where the chain started which was above his head. The chain traveled from above his head, down to his back to his hands and legs.He noticed that air was blowing on his chest and looked down at his body, he was dressed with only his trousers on, his top was removed and the upper part of his body was bare with nothing to cover up his upper nakedness.Rogan looked around and discovered that he was in a cell and he was a criminal at the moment, chained strongly to the wall which gave him no escape route. He sighed in defeat with his head bowed.Rogan was terrified and struggled with the chain, trying to break free from its bondage b
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24 Hours To Decide
Rogan was in the room for hours, he was so hungry and struggled with the chain again to see if his struggles would pay off at that time. He kept on dragging the chain, he would then released it and again he would drag and released it, he kept on repeating the process, making a loud and unpleasing noise with it. Rogan became week and tired, his strength had been weighed off him and all he was thinking at that moment was how to get it back. Rogan was feeling so empty and tired from within, he bowed his head in emptiness, contemplating on how to get his lost strength back. He was still contemplating when the door opened. At first, Rogan thought it was the young damsel who returned to answer the last question he asked her, he was so happy that she came back, happy that his hope was restored and he could be able to go back home to Emily and probably Drago.Rogan happily raised up his head, and his happiness turned to something else. Standing before him was the alpha himself, the alpha of
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Rogan sat still, thinking so hard about everything around him. He had never been so confused all his life, he thought he was going to get out of there when the young damsel left but then, the arrival of the alpha made him thought otherwise, he was simply sceptical about the alpha's words to him, his hope was lost and he remembered Emily's words to him.He didn't knew what to think for the only thing he knew was what he wanted which has nothing to do with the Crescent Park but then there was Emily, who always pleaded with him to join the park and it was for his own good.He remembered that Emily had told him or rather, pleaded with him to join the Crescent's pack but he had bluntly refused. But then he was reconsidering about joining the Crescent Park."It seems the only way to escape and be okay is to join the crescent pack as Emily had suggested but then there is me, who doesn't like anything about the park, their activities are strange and not appealing in sight. How can I be in som
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Siblings Misunderstanding
The tension between Drago and Emily hung thick in the air, suffocating their once close bond. Drago's pleas for forgiveness fell on deaf ears as Emily remained adamant that Rogan's safe return was the only path to reconciliation.Drago's relentless begging for forgiveness only fueled Emily's anger. She refused to give in to his pleas, her heart consumed by the pain of her brother's perceived betrayal. The silence between them persisted, growing more pronounced as they arrived home, each passing moment widening the rift that separated them.Silent animosity spread into every aspect of their lives. Even as they arrived home, their words were replaced by icy silence, their gazes avoiding each other's as if they were strangers inhabiting the same space. Their mutual silence spoke violence, echoing the depths of their hurts and disappointments.Luna Malfoy and Emma, keen observers of the family dynamics, perceptive to the emotional turmoil, watched with growing concern. They watched as Emi
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Emma decided to call Diego since he was the only one able to make them stop. Fortunately, he was just returning from a pack meeting looking stressed out. He was able to hear the voices of the kids from outside. Emma hurriedly explained to him that they had refused to stop shouting at each other, their argument escalating beyond control. When he arrived at the scene, just a word from the alpha made them stop, "quiet!!" their expressions turning solemn as they both became silent. The room restored it's silence back."Father!!" They whispered, staring at Diego in astonishment.Diego looked at his children, his eyes shifting from one to another. "Alright," he said, his voice firm but calm. "I want each of you to explain to me what happened, one at a time."The siblings glanced nervously at each other before Drago began recounting the events that led to the argument. "Emily here is accusing me of knowing about the capture of Rogan, who was......" Alpha Diego cut him short."Who is Rogan??"
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Rogan's Escape
.Alex, accompanied by the royal guard and a small group of trusted men, embarked on their mission to the Crescent Pack to find Rogan. The journey was filled with anticipation and worry. Emily prayed fervently that they would locate Rogan and that he would be in a good state.Meanwhile, back at the packhouse, Diego couldn't ignore the concern etched on Emily's face. He knew she needed reassurance and support during this challenging time. With a gentle knock on her door, he entered her room. His presence brought a sense of comfort, and he took a seat beside her on the bed.Diego looked at Emily, studying her expression. He understood the turmoil she was experiencing and decided to inquire about Rogan. With a tender tone, he began asking her a few questions, allowing her to share her thoughts and concerns. Emily opened up to him, describing Rogan's strength and determination, as well as her hopes for his well-being."Emily, my dear, how are you holding up??"She clutched her hands tightl
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A New Home For Rogan
As the alpha of the Crescent Pack approached the cell in a slight pace, he kept on asking himself why he was in such an hurry and he got no reply to the question till he got to the heart of the city where the cell was located.His heart sank at the sight of his guards sprawled on the ground. He rushed into the dungeon, finding it empty, and a growl escaped his throat."Where is he? Where can ha possibly ran to?? Find Rogan and bring him to me alive! Now!"The pack members, alerted by his roars, swiftly spread through the territory in search of the traitor. The search got prolonged from the evening till morning but there was no evidence to catch the one that rescued Rogan.The alpha of the Crescent Park was very vexed, he was determined to know who the person was, he wanted and needed Rogan in his park and he won't allow any other pack to have him. He then commanded his warriors to search beyond the territory to see if they can find anything, if they can catch any scent for them to tr
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