All Chapters of The Alpha's Rejected Mute Mate : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
133 Chapters
 **Estelle's POV** "Someone is stalking us!"  My body stiffened at the realization. I felt it too, especially when the wind suddenly moved strangely. Dry leaves darted around like they were being dragged by something, and it only happened in a small spot, as someone had just passed by. "Calm down, Estelle!" My wolf tried to calm me down. But maybe it was the one who needed calming. "Now go find Doctor Gordon! Maybe he can help us."  Well, I didn't want to underestimate Doctor Gordon. But I was pessimistic that we could ask him for help. He was old! "Or the members assigned by Alpha Cedric to protect us!"  I nodded quickly. Alpha Cedric assigned four soldiers to guard me. They should be around here somewhere. Oh, there they were! Damn it! They were in the distance now, monitoring Alpha Cedric's journey. "Do they
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Restrain myself
**Estelle's POV**"Prince!" shouted my wolf. I rushed over to Prince who came out of the room covered in blood, especially his stomach. I whined without realizing it because I was too panicked and Doctor Gordon reminded me to restrain myself."Don't make any sound, Estelle! You're still on medication!" he said sternly.But how could I possibly do that? In this moment of urgency and distress? I saw someone I knew bleeding. Prince might have been dying. He was lying on the ground now, not even opening his eyes. I patted his cheek repeatedly, hoping it would wake him up. But it didn't work at all."Don't do anything! I'll ask my disciples for help!" he said."Don't involve the soldiers!" I reminded him."Did I say I'd ask them for help?"I glared and then he left.‘Oh, Prince, what happened to you? Why are you here? And why are you bleeding?’"Estelle! Observe the wound on Prince's body! Doesn't it look like a blister?" My wolf was very thorough. After I examined the wound on Prince's
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  **Estelle's POV**    Hybrid? What did Doctor Gordon mean? Prince examined the picture brought by Doctor Gordon and looked at it. "Yes, Doctor. But they are taller and more human-like." I peered at the picture shown by Doctor Gordon. It looked like a hybrid, except that its body was more hunched over and it looked more like a monster. The hybrids we encountered before were almost the same as humans, it was just their faces that looked strange.  "Estelle has seen them too," Prince pointed at me. I was especially confused when Doctor Gordon turned to me and squinted at me. It was like I was being accused of something I'd never done. "Is that true?" asked Doctor Gordon. I nodded doubtfully.  "I was on my way back to the pack. Then I smelled a strange scent around. I tried to
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  **Alpha Cedric's POV** "What do those hybrids want from you?" Doctor Gordon frowned as he searched his memory fragments. "Ah, is it about territory?"  "They have a conflict with my father." I ignored the confused Estelle. "They used to invade to seize my father's territory."  "Hm, I remember that time." Doctor Gordon seemed to want to pick up the history book he had written himself. Although he was a doctor, he was very good at filing. He would record any major events he heard and saw on a ledger neatly.  It was not known exactly why he did that. But now I realized its usefulness. Perhaps without his data, I'd have a hard time figuring out the exact reason for the situation I was in. "They were coming for your father and some other Alphas." Doctor Gordon sneered. "I think they're strange creatures who don't understand the hierarchy here.
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  **Estelle's POV** I heard a commotion outside.  "What's wrong?" asked my wolf.  I quickly finished my shower even though I wanted to cleanse my body longer. After successfully mastering some techniques to meditate better, my body was more relaxed and lighter. I wanted to soak longer, but damn it I couldn't do that right now.  Grabbing a towel, I dried my body quickly. After that, I walked out of Doctor Gordon's house and ignored my wolf's frantic babbling. "Estelle, stay inside!" Alpha Cedric snapped when he saw me almost out the door. Doctor Gordon was beside me at the time, almost coming out because he heard the commotion as well as I did. None of us were allowed out. I peeked through an opening in Doctor Gordon's house. I saw Alpha Cedric standing and preparing to attack something. A tall sold
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  **Estelle's POV** "Scarlett!" Prince said, making me jump in shock. My body was trembling with disbelief at what I had just heard. "Scarlett?" I repeated Prince's words, watching him nod.  "Yeah. I saw her in the forest today." I swallowed. I suddenly felt nervous. Why did he see Scarlett in the forest? I mean, she was supposed to stay in the pack. Only Alpha Cedric and his soldiers are allowed to come here. Why did Scarlett suddenly come along? "Is she the one who mobilized those hybrids to attack us this afternoon?" I was sure that was true and that was why the hybrids suddenly surrounded our house. After they injured Prince, they didn't bother this house. So, what made them suddenly mess up? "I'm not sure about that." Prince looked at me regretfully. "I saw her surrounded by the hybrids." 
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  **Estelle's POV** I liked Prince more than I thought I would. He was not only a close friend of mine, but a brother who loved me very much and took good care of me.  "Why do you look sad?" He smiled back. Whenever he saw me sad, he would always come to me. He even said that if he could drain my tears of sadness, he would. I shook my head. There was no way I was telling the truth. That would hurt him.  "Yeah, you'll hurt him if you say you're sad because you're worried about Alpha Cedric finding a replacement for you." My wolf sneered. I ignored it and went back to yoga, watching one of Doctor Gordon's students and following every move she made. Prince didn't press me to tell him what was bothering me, and I was glad of that. He always gave me the space to elaborate on the problems I was facing. But he
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**Alpha Cedric's POV**I was on Estelle as she lay in the bathtub. I whispered to her, "If I were to mark you now, what would you think?"That day I had therapy to cure my curse. Even though Doctor Gordon said he couldn't guarantee my recovery, I insisted on trying. He gave me some reasonable therapy methods, but after finishing I felt my body more refreshed than before.I even felt very happy, all the sadness and worries that had been weighing me down were now completely lifted. I saw a brighter future with Estelle. So, after seeing her back with Doctor Gordon's students, I went over to her and brought her to talk face-to-face.Yeah, this might be a bit of an exaggeration, but I'd wanted this moment since before. Maybe it was because some parts of my body were already more exposed that I felt the bubbling sensation that I should have. "And you just said you would mark her today." My wolf perked up and jumped. It had always wanted this moment. It wanted us to immediately own Estelle
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  **Estelle's POV** “Scarlet! Shit! She is here, Estelle!” My wolf screamed along with my tight neck. "Why is she here?" Prince grumbled and let go of the ax in his hand. His standing body made the soldiers observe him in awe. He wasn't bothered by it at all. "Shouldn't she be in the palace?" My wolf couldn't accept this, and neither could I. "She will use some underhanded way to mess things up, Estelle. Do something!" Even though I had no idea, I headed to Doctor Gordon's grounds with anger in my head. Who allowed a woman as subtle as Scarlett to set foot on sacred ground? I wouldn't spare it even if Doctor Gordon didn't notice. My hands clenched as my lips trembled with a burst of emotion. I hoped it was not Alpha Cedric who would greet Scarlett. But damn… "Alpha Cedric who welcomes Scarlett!!" squeaked Prince. I
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**Estelle's POV** "Come on, I will help you kill Scarlett!" My wolf got even more excited, especially when I found out that Scarlett was deliberately stirring up our emotions. “We can attack her on the grounds of self-defense,” it continued. "I know you know what I mean, right?" By that time, I couldn't think straight. I only knew that I really hated Scarlett and how much I wanted to get rid of her from my life, from Alpha Cedric's life. So, I jumped up and nearly scratched her. But she turned and saw Alpha Cedric open the door. I hastily hid the claws on my hand. I'd managed to hide my fangs. “Damn, bad timing!” cursed my wolf. “I heard from Doctor Gordon you two fought recently. Is it true?" He looked sadly at me and Scarlett. He didn't need to do that because this was a fight that didn't need pity. We hated each other!
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