All Chapters of Nathan Greene: Deadliest Mafia King: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
54 Chapters
11 He is dangerous, believe me!
Somewhere in North America. Angry pacing footsteps loudened by every step taken. The feisty winter breeze blowing roughly through the window. Cold air resurfaced in the room and behind the curtains, was a fearsome boss.“What do you mean that the other men are dead? This is not a Joke right?” His deep voice echoed causing Alex to tremble on his knees. Yes, Alex had managed to find his way back to his second master alive though the cut on his stomach became infected, swollen and painful. It took days, actually, two days to find his way to the airport, and then to his motherland. Alex looked at his boss, Damien breathtakingly as he continues his rumbles and yells. “Alex, I trusted you with one easy task and you failed me! God, How am I supposed to explain to Master Chris what happened?” Damien, the next officer to the mighty boss who Alex took to report the situation he had encountered, roared and smashed some few items on the ground. Veins were seen popping severel
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12 Kill yourself and be as hell home as you wanted
Ashley bravely spoke as her legs touched the cold floor. She exhaled out loud and held back her tears.     For three days now, Ashley had been on the quest of letting her go. She was right about being no harm to them however, they refused to let her go. She was going psycho staying alone and listening to that damn music box.       A whole night all by herself in this cold dark room proved how zealous she was to return home. She missed her mother, she missed her dad, her brother, and in short, she missed her home.“I am sorry Ashley that is not my call. Here wear this, it is pretty freezing outside” Thomas patted her blonde hair, tossed her a coat, and watched her as she wore it. It was forbidden to be nice to Nathan’s prisoners, despite the outrageous rules, he couldn’t do it.     Ashley was innocent and did not deserve this cruel punishment from him.&
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13. Lies
       Well, his words were fair played, Ashley acknowledged as she still felt skeptical about his promise. For now, she could not trust anyone especially not the mafia boss himself.     She cleared her complicated thoughts and heaved a heavy sigh internally.‘What if this was a trap?’ She concluded taking a last glance at his blank expression and went ahead with his request.    Ashley exhaled while her memory took her back to her family. They were in the winter season and the cold weather made her recall lots of fun activities she and her mom did. She giggled like a little girl receiving favors from the person she loved the most. She bit her lips and said.“My family lived in the countryside of Australia. The house was small but big enough to contain the four of us. My dad was hardworking and tried his best to put food for us on the table. There were some days we had to
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14 He made me kill my family
“WHAT?!”“He called family weak. Nathan said if I wanted to remain alive and under his regime, I had to dispose of them, and I did that because he gave me no other alternative” Thomas tugged his chest emotionally. He reminisced about the tears which flowed down from their eyes when begging their son not to kill them.      To him, it was the most hurtful scene he had witnessed in his life but he did it. Thomas took the pistol and shot bullets into their skull, and since then, he had worked for Nathan.     Those words of his rang like a bitter melody in Thomas’ ears as saw him take down every one of his family members.‘The world hates weak people‘Family makes you weak’‘Loving someone makes you even weaker’‘Dispose of them and show me you aren’t weak’      His statement rang hea
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15 How do you like me now? Flashback I (R18+)
He groaned in satisfaction pondering how daring this lady was. She did have some guts to truly lie to his face and still keep up with her damn poor acting skills. He feigned away from his hurting arms, pressed in some numbers, and from the bottom of the ground, a silver elevator rose to the top.      He chuckled darkly while tapping into some secret codes. Nathan’s legs stepped in and the door closed slowly as the elevator took him to his required destination.BEEP!     It alerted him as Nathan stood out of the elevator and strode into the wide space. He kept on going in until he arrived at a secluded room.     Nathan gave his signals as the bodyguards who stood upright in front of the door departed far away from the gate. He pulled open the gate and walked in.“Honey…I am back! Did you miss me?” Though those words sounded as charming as ever however hearin
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16 Flashback II (R18+)
“Sh! Do not ruin the night for both of us. I know what you are passing through but you have to face the truth, you only wanted Nathan for his wealth and nothing else! You are cunning.                     Gregory straightened himself on the bed and threw meaningful glances at the sulking Davie on the other side of the king-sized bed. He sighed and pulled her into his embrace.“Baby……”“Gregory! I deceived Nathan! He must be hurt when he gets to find out. You know he treated me wholeheartedly, he truly loved me”“And do you love him the same way he loves you, Davie? Say the truth and don’t run away from it” Gregory placed his gigantic palms on her soft palm forcing that wicked desire into her eyes.     Davie knew what this man was aiming for, sneered internally, and twitche
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17 Flashback III
He yelled with his forehead showing his dissatisfaction with Gregory’s emotional response. He had not thought that his best friend was the one to betray him in the end! What else could he expect again from life? His beloved fiancé was pleasuring his own best friend on their soon-to-be matrimonial bed on the night before their wedding day! Life is such a fucking bitch! Nathan calmly proclaimed glancing at Davie who tugged nervously on Gregory’s shirt. He had understood her message and scowled. “Is this not a hell of a lot of fun to watch?! I stood there for eighteen fucking minutes receiving the best live porn in my entire twenty-five years of existence! All thanks to my fiancé and her screwing partner, Gregory…..” Nathan’s eyes displayed an unpleasant emotion that caused Davie to crumble back underneath the bedsheet. The cold indifferent, and meaningful statement kept echoing and echoing in both the trios’ ears. Honestly saying, it would
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18 Flashback IV
Gregory hissed painfully and collapsed on the ground. If this was not the most gruesome death that she had witnessed people who offended Mr. Greene go through, then Davie would have died from shock.She gripped tightly to Nathan’s brown knee-length coat and wailed painstakingly while gasping for air. She was scared! Every single piece of him was dead, and it was all thanks to him!Meanwhile, Nathan scrunched his eyebrows at her and pushed her to the ground. He roughly gripped her wrist and, without thinking, sliced open her wrist with the same dagger.The cut ran deeply into her skin, and her pure, reddish blood profusely rushed out nonstop from her wrist. Her skin paled instantly as she begged for his mercy."Nathan…… You promised me you would love me!" Davie's voice thinned softly as she took a glimpse at his dark blue eyes and her wrist. She could not just leave the earth like this, no!This was her last chance to get both her and Gregory to safety, so she had to play it well."Swe
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Davie panted, spitting those statements out of her mouth."You are wise for you to deceive me all this while; anyway, my forgiveness is a bad shit you’ve got to earn. I hate to stop talking, but I need that information! So, you only have two options: you talk, or he truly dies. As you know, I am not merciful." Nathan’s jaw was slightly lifted, and his lips pursued into a thin line. The skin on his forehead flapped on top of one another as a broad, straight line popped up."So what is it going to be, my sweet darling?""The truth or death—both are crucial to me." He smiled as the dagger faced Gregory’s forehead."Nathan, Stop! You’d kill him!""Hurry up; I am running out of patience!"Fine, I will tell you! Gregory has…….."In an underground motel,Laura leaned her weak body on the comfy couch, crossed her legs, and sipped on her sour lemon juice. Loud music and screams exposed where they were—a motel! She heaved a sigh at being dragged here by her sister, Camila. Unconsciously, Laura
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20 Dad is dangerous! You can’t chase after him
Yes, I am.""You cannot just show your real face to him and risk your identity, Laura. It is better if you"You were not the one that was sold off to an old ruffian man! It was Camila! That man has been on my wanted list for so many years, and now that I think about it, I should do away with him in the end.""Who anticipated this vengeance? Was it Ace?""It is not your business to know who gave me the hint on where to find him. I am seeing him tonight...." Before Laura could finish her sentence, Ace rushed over to the corner where they were and pulled her up. Giving him a confused gaze, Ace spoke raspingly."There is trouble, Girls. There is a mole in the organization, and that person has exposed our dealings. Nathan…… Let us get into the van; I will explain more. Here is not safe." Ace dragged Camila and a few other people from the motel into the vintage van parked outside the motel.Laura closed her eyes and briefly brushed through the file. She tore out his location, and with a snee
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