All Chapters of When Dreams Are Made: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
102 Chapters
Ever After
Chapter 80Lying was one thing, living up to that lie was another. Two weeks after that hearty conversation with Phil, Nancy found herself in the parlor of the small house that was once her prison, she was tasked with arranging what was supposed to be a home for her and her captor. Phil was out on a hunting expedition. Even though she was now free to move about the house, she could not leave the house because Phil always made sure the door was securely loved before he left. Nancy had no plans to leave though, not yet. She had to gain his trust first to achieve that fit, and so far, she had managed to convince him not to force the abortion portion down her throat. He still watched her with caution though, and he kept his plans from her, but she was satisfied with just the knowledge that he trusted her enough to let her roam the house freely in his absence. Phil did not announce it to her the first day he left her alone though, he simply wandered out the front door like he usually did
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Awake And Aware
Chapter 82⛔️Trigger warning ⛔️ ⚠️This chapter contains violence and bloodshed.⚠️ She choked and coughed the moment she opened her eyes, her throat was terribly dry and she could almost feel her cheeks burning, her eyes stung bitterly as she struggled to adjust to the blinding light. The next thing she felt was the cold floor she was lying on, and her body was making direct contact with it. She was aware that she was certainly in great danger, but what she struggled to piece together was how and why. As her brain struggled to conjure the images and her body struggled to adjust, she felt the presence of someone in the small room where she was lying and when she looked up, her heart stopped. Phil was standing there, completely naked. She felt panic at first, but that panic turned to fear when she saw the satisfied grin on his face. That was when she noticed that she was also naked, her clothes were not even in sight. The only thing in that room was the bed, which was still neatly arra
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A Lucky Day
Chapter 83Her relief was so great that when Phil still lay there, unmoving, she realized that she was finally free and so was her unborn child. Moving required great effort, so she just stood in one spot for a while, grasping for breath and taking the time to regain her strength. She limped from the room but stopped by the door and kicked him straight one last time to be sure he did not move. If he was not dead now, she knew he would soon be, and that knowledge gave her a great deal of satisfaction.Why should she feel bad about defending herself against man who had held her captive for weeks, threatened to kill her child, manhandled her and even almost raped her? Nay, she was sure of one thing, if she had not succeeded in killing him, thereby escaping his sick assault, she would have been the one lying dead there by now. Because there was no way she would have let herself live to bear the shame and humiliation of losing her pride as a woman and her child. As the thoughts went thro
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Days Gone By
Chapter 84When she rounded a corner, she came face to face with the large mass of water, it was the river! She closed her eyes and thanked her star, but as it was, she was still at a loss as to how she would cross the river and reach the other side. There was no ship in sight, and nobody there either. She knew they had anchored here the day she was brought, and getting to the other side would be the beginning of the end of her trouble, but how was she going to do that? Cautiously, she approached the river, making a mental note of the bank. From where she stood, she could not see the edge or the end of the river and that only increased her fear. Had she come this far only to be trapped here? Certainly not. And what would she have done if she had found a ship here? Paddled it across? She knew next to nothing about that as well. At this point, she was desolate. But even then, she knew there was only one thing she could do.She turned the horse in the direction on her right hand and dug
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Rekindled Hope
Chapter 85Seeing people again for the first time in weeks rekindled her hope for survival, and the end of the riverbank told her she had marked a milestone I'm her journey. But this might just be the most humiliating and frightening part of her journey. The locals, on noticing her, were rather hostile and avoided her like a plague. But Nancy was not surprised, she could only imagine how dirty she looked having gone for that long without bathing or a change of clothes. One girl was kind enough to spare her a drink of water and that was more than she needed to complete her journey. Darkshine returned to her after having a drink of water from the river. Turned out he had not abandoned her after all, that, with a new found strength and rekindled hope, Nancy mounted the horse and rode on towards the now visible village. With people in view now, she asked for directions to the Lincoln Estate and was not too surprised when everybody she asked pointed her in the right direction.With the sno
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She Loved Him
Chapter 86His study was a few doors from their bedroom, so Nancy literally had to limp her way up the stairs, holding the walls for support. Maybe she should have freshened up first before meeting Derek, but that would be too much luxury after waiting this long for this moment. She was at least grateful that there were no other servants in the hall as she made her down the hall. Soon, she was standing outside his study, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves and anticipating what she hoped to be a good welcome.6When she opened the door, Derek was sitting at his table, spinning a half filled wine glass he held in his hand and glaring at the cup at the same time like it was someone who had annoyed him. His face was expressionless, his eyes empty and his mood sour, but regardless, he still looked like she remembered him. She had always known he was the most handsome man she had seen in her life, but seeing him again after such a long time made her stomach flutter. Daniel was sitting
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Reality Was Different
Chapter 87At The Plains, the house of Barry Gates was as expected, huge and classic, the interior exquisite. It did not feel like it was her first time here though, because Nancy felt a little familiar with the environment, but she knew why. She had spent too much time these past months, living in delusions, and a better part of that was Derek Lincoln's house, which was twice as exquisite as this. She had probably gotten accustomed to seeing buildings like this, so it did not bother her as they rode in.They were informed that the Lord and Lady of the house were out but would be back shortly, so Nancy and Derek were shown to the parlor, where they waited. The maids offered to show Nancy to her room though, obviously under the impression that she was Lydia, but Nancy declined the offer and Daniel told the servants that they would wait for Barry Gates and his wife. Daniel waited with her, not knowing if she would need him to get her anything else. She had said nothing to him on the wa
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All She Swore To Is False
Chapter 88Two weeks was enough time for her to rest, Daniel thought as he strolled into his brother's estate. He had sent Lucille down to see to her medical needs, and so far, the results were good. All she needed was a good rest and good meals and proper care of course, in a warm house and trouble free environment while her sore body received the care it needed. Nancy was a stubborn woman, stubborn as her husband, who had locked himself inside to brood and drink himself to stupor rather than try to mend things out or see the reality.The new man who had returned with Derek, Roberts, was the one Daniel met in the parlor the minute he entered, he nodded to the man's greetings and asked to see his brother. But like every other person, Roberts was scared to go to Derek, who had made it clear that he was in no mood for company. So seeing the man's uneasiness, he dismissed him and went up towards the bedroom instead. Daniel noted that the man, Roberts, was not inexperienced in the matter
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The Woman
Chapter 89Nancy longed for the day it would all be over and she could hold her baby in her arms. She wanted a girl child, a little daughter like she had never been, with jet black hair like her own, stubborn as ever and sea green eyes like her father. No, she didn't want that. She wanted nothing in this child to remind her of Derek. Besides, his eye color often changed depending on his mood, which was even as well because he could pass as the devil himself with his undefined moods. Sometimes it was deep blue, other times it was a darker shade of green, but hell! Those were some of the things she loved about him. She sighed, tired of the direction her thoughts were going. Life had been cruel enough, and she needed no more of its disappointments. With her increasing inactivity, the days grew shorter, but they still did not pass quickly enough for Nancy, her stomach had grown increasingly large these days and it was becoming more difficult for her to move about. She was grateful though
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Another Thread To Tie A Loose End
Chapter 90Roberts did not stop sobbing, in fact, he was now sitting on the floor opposite the portrait and he was weeping bitterly now. Daniel and Derek watched on, surprised at the situation. This was a full man, wailing like a child in front of two grown men without a care in the world for his pride.Derek's patience was running thin by the minute, he glared at the man in front of him before returning his icy gaze to his brother, who was also frowning. Derek moved to where Roberts sat am shoved him up with his hands around the collar of his shirt,"Will you tell us what is making you sob like a baby or should I force the words out of your mouth?" He growled angrily. It took a while for his breathing to return to normal, but even then, he had to struggle to breath because Derek's grip on his collar was beginning to restrict his airflow. When Daniel noticed that, he walked up to them and tried to free Roberts from Derek's tight grip. "You will kill the man." He told his brother in
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