All Chapters of A Whopping Great Marriage: Chapter 321 - Chapter 325
325 Chapters
Chapter 321 Everyone, get on your knees and apologize!
Borrowing the force of the Kui Long, Xiao Nan Night rose up in the air and viciously kicked at his opponent.Kui Long reacted quickly and immediately raised his arms to block, but he was still kicked back a few steps by Xiao Nan Night.Both his arms were numb from the shock, causing Kui Long to be surprised that what he thought was strong was still capable of knocking him back.Could it be that he was just deliberately showing weakness, in order to just make him fall off the wagon?Kui Long shook off his tingling arms and looked at Xiao Nan Night with his hands clenched into fists, this person was the most powerful opponent he had ever encountered, ever!"If it weren't for our different positions, you and I might have become friends!"The corners of Xiao Nan Night's scarlet mouth curved, but without a word, he twisted his fists and rushed up to fight Kui Long in close combat.When she saw him rushing over, Su Mo was worried, but she bit her
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Chapter 322 Guard you to the end of your soul
When the Law Enforcement Hall Elder fainted in anger and Ling Huaifeng forced him to abdicate in public, Xiao Nanye stopped pestering him.He turned around and looked at Su Mo, who was still tied to the crucifix, and there was finally a hint of relief on his waxing moon frosty face.After the battle just now, old wounds added to new ones, causing Xiao Nan Night's body to sway for a moment.Ling Huaifeng was right beside him, and when he saw his body swaying, he wanted to reach out to help him, but he had already spread his two long legs and walked towards Su Mo.Ling Huaifeng sighed and said to the person behind him, "Go, hold an umbrella for the fifth young master!""Yes, Master Ling!"The man responded and hurriedly raised his own large black umbrella to catch up.Xiao Nan Night was hurt so badly that he could feel the condition of his body, and at the broken ribs, every step he took was a heartbreaking pain.He was so badly injured,
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Chapter 323 "I don't want to be separated from her for a moment
When he thought of what Ling Xuetong said in the square, Ling Huaifeng's face turned cold, "I thought you were a child who understood."In the Ling family, no one would want Ling Huaifeng to hate himself.Hearing his disappointed tone, Ling Xuetong's heart was flustered and she hurriedly explained for herself, "Great Grandpa, I didn't mean to say that just now, I'm just a bit heartbroken for Xueyi, she's still so young."Ling Huaifeng shook his head in disappointment, "After all this, you still think you did the right thing?""Great Grandpa, I'm just telling the truth, is that wrong too?" Ling Xue Tong felt that everyone was defending Su Mo, and inevitably felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.Thinking of a junior like Ling Xue Tong, it was very difficult for him to have the opportunity to show his face in front of Ling Huaifeng in the past, if it wasn't because of Xiao Nan Night and Ling Feihan, he would not have known that there was such a person
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Chapter 324 Uninvited Guests
"Foamy." Xiao Nan Night squatted beside the bed and called her name softly.He didn't dare to reach out and touch her, the current Su Mo was too fragile, like a broken doll, as if it would break at the touch.After the doctor came in, he first checked the instruments before saying to Xiao Nan Night, "Fifth Young Master, please don't worry, the young lady's body is no longer in any serious trouble, and she can be transferred to the general ward after one more day of observation."That night, Xiao Nan Night had internal bleeding because she didn't rest properly in bed.Hearing that his precious grandson was in the operating room again, Ling Huaifeng rushed to the hospital and pointed at Ling Feihan's nose and cursed him.Is it my fault?Seeing Ling Feihan squatting aggrievedly in the corner drawing circles, Ling Huaifeng kicked him without any good reason, "One and two are so unconscious, want to be angry with me, is not it?"It wasn't because
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Chapter 325 Young Mr. Xiao's First Love
Su Mo was a little surprised, she had never heard that Ye Yan had a sister, and she still lived on the Ling family's island.She suddenly remembered that Xiao Nan Night had mentioned many times that he had promised someone else to take care of Ye Yan, and that person couldn't be her sister, right?"Does your sister live here too?"Ye Yan didn't answer, Ling Xue Tong already couldn't help but open her mouth and said, "Nonsense, don't live here do you live is in the sea? Sister Shallow lived here a long time ago."Su Mo's expression suddenly became a bit strange, "Next you shouldn't be telling me that in fact, this Shallow Sister and Xiao Nan Night are childhood sweethearts, right!""Huh? How did you know?" Ling Xuetong looked at her in surprise, she hadn't even said anything yet, how did Su Mo know?It's still true!Su Mo rubbed her eyebrows breathlessly, "So you guys came to see me and actually wanted to tell me this?""Why aren't you
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