All Chapters of The Quintessential Quintuplets' Mate. : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
109 Chapters
Ninety One
ACHEThe ache in their heads was alarming and they groaned painfully, each of them holding their head as they tried to sit up. What had happened and why did they feel this tired? Sure it could not be the wine they had drunk the previous night.Last night had not been their first night sharing a bottle of wine so why should this hangover be different? They had not even consumed a lot as they had done in the past so why was the pain alarming and why did it feel like thousands of needles had been pinned into their heads?Jaden was the first to sit up and he shut his eyes tightly as he tried to dull the ache pounding in his head. It took a while but he was finally able to open his eyes and he stared around him, a gasp escaping his lips when he noticed his fellow guards who were just as he was.They were all wriggling in pain as they tried to sit up too and it surprised Jaden so much. Immediately, he knew something was wrong.His eyes darted to the cell they were supposed to be guarding an
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Ninety Two
HIGH RANKING But that was the least of his problem now, so he turned to zoom past them but soon froze when he sighted the alpha walking down the hallway with Jared by his side and some other wolves of high-ranking status behind him.The young guard couldn't help but fidget as the troop approached him and his gaze dropped to the floor as he sought what to say. He would give everything to trade this situation he was in. Jaden, being the bully he was, had asked him to go because he knew he could not say no. So here he was, the unfortunate one who had to deliver such terrible news to the Alpha at such an early hour.Alpha Lundamous had a great temper and he was always angry even in happy situations. The guard could only wonder what the Alpha would say after he had heard the news in full. Then there was Jared who was just as temperamental as his father.The young guard was sure the man would throw a great fit and the guard was not ready for any of these. Jaden should have just gone himsel
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Ninety Three
MOON PACK The first thing I noticed was the noise. It was so noisy, it hurt my ears. Then, the strange scent. The air had shifted and everywhere smelt different. Another thing that caught my attention was the troop of people moving up and down hastily like ants building a hill.Several colourful booths had been set up all around with people selling different kinds of wares, ranging from food to cloth. The whole place was packed with people and amid the din of people were little children running about happily. It was like a different community of its own and the people smelt and acted differently.I turned to look at Elder Theodore who had also stopped in his track. But I could tell he had not stopped because he was just as shocked as I was. He had a broad smile on his face and he shut his eyes as he inhaled deeply."I'm glad to be here once again." He exhaled, opening his eyes to look at me.My brows furrowed in confusion and I stared back at the people who did not seem to notice us.
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Ninety Four
: HARMONY I turned to glare at him but he was not looking at me. Instead, he was adjusting the man's collar and patting him on the shoulder. Then he pulled me by the shoulder, his head lowered as he muttered words to onlookers."The show is over." I heard him say and in no time, everyone had returned to their business. It was almost like nothing had happened. Could this mean that humans were quick to forget too?"You shouldn't do that, Aiden. I'm bringing you here not to hurt anyone but to hide yourself for a while. No one will find you here but if you keep making trouble, attention will be brought to you and who knows, Alpha Lundamous might find you. Words fly, you know.""I did nothing wrong." My golden-brown eyes flickered. Why was he blaming me? I wasn't the one who had consumed more alcohol than he should."Even though." Elder Theodore hissed, tossing me a glare before looking straight ahead. "You could have simply ignored. I don't want you doing this again, Aiden." His voice wa
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Ninety Five
RAGEDarek's PovI was blinded by rage and all I could see was red. Aiden had escaped! I could barely believe my ears. Of all news I had been expecting to hear that graceful morning, listening to this was absolutely not part of it.I could still remember how I had woken up with a big smile on my face and how I had raced down to meet my father, wasting no time reminding him that the day had finally come. It was finally time to kill Aiden.I could still remember how worried I had been, scared that my father would change his mind or something. I had no idea how to explain this but I had seen and heard many stories to make me conclude that strange things were bound to happen when a deed was scheduled to be done.It could be a change in the plan due to foreseen and unforeseen circumstances, or it could just be nature playing a game on you, but all I knew was I did not want such a thing happening today. I wanted Aiden dead and gone.It was already torturous to wait for the day to break to
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Ninety Six
ELDER Elder Theodore left the next day and Nicole was sorry to see him leave. She had wanted him to spend more time with her but Elder Theodore tried to make her understand that his daughter needed him.He even added that he did not think she would be needing his company anymore since she had me. What he meant by that, I could not tell but I chose to ignore him, only hugging him and bidding him farewell.If I was being honest, I did not want Elder Theodore to go too but I did not want to sound like a clinging child still tied to his mother's apron string. I wished the old man could stay longer, at least until I had adapted to this new setting.Not that being with Nicole was a bad idea, but I just didn't know how I was supposed to act around her, seeing how I had acted when she had stretched her hand forward to me for a kiss — I had asked Elder Theodore that night and he had told me I was meant to peck it.Absurd, right? But I found myself wondering how it would have felt to have my
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Ninety Seven
WHOM IT BELONGS We were in the great throne room with my father sitting on his throne. The chair beside him which belonged to my mother was empty as usual, she had ceased to attend our throne meetings because according to her, nothing useful was being discussed except a constant display of madness.She had taken to calling our meetings madness just because we didn't listen to her advice on letting Aiden go.To be honest, I was not concerned about her newfound attitude. There were far more important things to worry about rather than bother myself with my mother's shallow thinking.Yes, she was my mother but I would not tweak or bend the truth just to conceal her gullibility. She could not see the light. She could not see what we were all preventing: I and my father. Ever since I got to know that Aiden was not wolfless as I thought him to be, I had been on the edge, wanting nothing but to get rid of him.I had always known he was a threat but seeing his wolf — well, not really his wol
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Ninety Eight
CONFRONTATIONThe other guy was not as large as the first man but he was quite muscular and he knew the tactics to use. I had seen how he had dodged the bulky man who had wanted to punch him in the face but had punched the air instead."The big guy will surely win." Nicole let out, her eyes fixated on the boxers."I don't think so," I said to her and she turned to look at me with her brows raised."Don't tell me you think the other guy will be able to push the big guy off his feet? He is nothing compared to the big guy. He has no strength.""But he's got the tactics. That's all it takes." I said."Then let's place a bet. I'm sure I'm right." She folded her arms above her tummy."You'll only be wasting your money because the smaller man is surely gonna win." I had barely gotten those words out when the guy I had bet on slid a leg between the bigger guy's legs and tripped him over. The big guy fell with a thud and the crowd cheered.The referee held the winner by the wrist and raised h
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Ninety Nine
WITH HER BOWL The headache was still there.I had woken up with a severe headache and no medicine administered to me by Nicole's doctor seemed to help me out. My head felt like it was being pounded upon and it suddenly felt so heavy for my neck to carry. I had never felt this type of headache before and I wondered what had caused it.Could it be the noise from the carnival or the repercussion of arguing with Nicole? It was the next day of the carnival and though Nicole had vowed not to speak to me again, she was all over me now, asking if there was anything I wanted her to help me with.She had been the one to notice how much I was burning up and had called her doctor right away despite my assurance that it was nothing serious.She was worried. It was written all over her and all through the time the doctor had checked up on me, she had stood by the door, biting her bottom lip. I knew she was doing that to stop herself from crying. The little time I had stayed with her had made me k
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SICK MORE OFTENI'm biting on my nails while my legs shake with fear. Kane still hadn’t returned, and I was close to biting my hands off. I thought he would at least try to make it back before Giselle woke up, but from the looks of it, I was wrong. Time was running out, and he was nowhere in sight. How could he do this? Does he not realize what she would do to him when she realized he'd left without telling her anything? I can see the horror in my mind.I cover my face with my hands and try to remain calm. If Giselle woke up and saw me panicking like this, she would read straight through me. That would only make things worse for Kane. I didn't want that. I didn't want to see him in trouble especially knowing that he had helped me earlier today.I walk over to the window and look out of it. It was a few hours ago that I jumped out of here and straight into Kane's arms. I still remember how wonderful it felt to be held by him. He was warm and big; I felt safe in his arms.I want to scr
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