All Chapters of Married to the Playboy : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
158 Chapters
It's not the end of the road
Miguel just stood there with his hands on his waist as he watched her drive out , now he wished more than ever that he could turn back the hands of time and be truthful to her.He had always made the perfect decision but for the first time today he realized he was actually wrong .He can't believe he had ruined his perfect relationship with Olivia in just days!.He turned back immediately and stormed back up into his office ."Stand the hell up and get out of here !!" He growled immediately he walked into the office."Hey don't shout at me !!" She said as she stood up."You were the one cheating on us so please!!" She added."Cheating on you ?!" He asked with a scoff."Yes cheating on us !!" She replied."We have broken up for about three months now Vanessa!!" He said."Where the hell is all these coming from!!" He growled."All these drama for what ?!, You'd really want Michaela to get caught up in all of these ?!" He asked and she rolled her eyes "We ended things long ago Vanessa ,
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I won't do anything to hurt you
"Wait what ?!""His wife ?!""Yes his wife " Olivia replied."Miguel has a wife ?!" She whispered as she widened her eyes."No ofcourse not , that cannot be true " she added."So will I come here and just lie about something as huge as that " Olivia replied."You really are serious" Ariel whispered."I am " she said."He has a wife " "And you're sure about this thing you're saying" she said."Your questions are beginning to irritate me Ariel ""Vanessa or what's her name , she came over to Miguel's office today and he didn't deny it " she explained."I asked him if it was true or not but he didn't give me straight answer" she replied."Then he mentioned that they're working on getting an annulment""So technically they're still married and apparently the lady is not ready to leave him""So the annulment process is probably not working out " she said."Plus they have a child together, I'll always be the one at a disadvantage ""If anything goes down he'll surely go to be with the moth
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One good turn deserves another
Next day ....Thursday Morning ....Miguel's Residence 9:00 am...."So where's Vanessa now ?!" Xavier asked ."I don't know, I couldn't let her sleep here ""I think they stayed in a hotel she booked prior to coming " he replied."And Michaela?!" Xavier asked."She had to go with her mom " Miguel replied."See what I told you , this was going to go pretty badly but you decided to not listen to me ""Now see what has happened " Xavier said."What has happened has happened , the thing now is solution!" Miguel replied."So now what do you plan to do to remedy the situation?!" He asked."She doesn't want to see me .." he said"I definitely can't help you talk to her , I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want to see me either ""You how Olivia is , even Ariel is mad at me for keeping it a secret too" he said and Liam slowly face palmed himself as he exhaled deeply."I don't know what to do man , I don't know " he said."You're not going to the office ?!" Xavier asked."How can I go to the office
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I do what I have to do
3:00pm ....At Uncle mark's House ....."How is it going with the Benjamin guy?!" Uncle Mark asked as Liam walked in."Fine , I finally got him " he replied."And did you get to his boss , who is it ?! what does his boss wants ?!" He asked "Humm about that , that's why I'm here " he replied."Okay , what about that ?!" "His boss is Rose " he said and his face expression didn't even connote to anything as he just kept on staring at Liam."Sorry , excuse me I think I didn't get that " he said after a while "Who did you say his boss is again?!" He asked."Rose " he replied."Liam you know that not possible " "Rose is dead , are you sure you're not beginning to see things now ?!" He asked."I was equally surprised to about it at first " he replied."But it's true , she's not dead ""She survived the accident and she has been in California for the last four months " he replied."Wow!!" Uncle Mark replied as he sat in his chair and rested in it."The video with me and Ariel ?!" "She re
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Love indeed
Meanwhile 3:00 pm ...Ariel stood by Olivia door as she exhaled deeply before placing a knock on the door.Olivia had moved from their previous house to a better place now .They wasn't any reply so she kept on knocking.Olivia was seated in the living room wrapped in duvet as she stared at the TV hopelessly.She slowly turned to look at the door immediately she heard the knock , she sighed and turned back to look at the TV.The knock didn't stop , and it came over and over again,"She's not around !" She called out."Come on Olivia stop joking with me " Ariel said from outside."She's not here " she replied."Olivia is not here , no Olivia stays here " she said ."Come on Olivia open the door and stop behaving like a child " Ariel said and Olivia immediately stood up from the chair still wrapped in the duvet as she sluggishly walked towards the door and opened it."So now me grieving is being petty to you right " she said immediately she opened the door."You all never really respect
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Do you still have feelings for me?!
Liam's house ....."So you still have feelings for me " Rose asked Liam."I think I do " He replied "You think you do ?!" She murmured."So what was it then that you had with that Ariel lady " Rose asked."It was just a fling , nothing serious" he replied."We were just good friends but now I see she doesn't deserve to be called my friend" he replied "She's just as weak as Xavier " he replied."Watch your words " she said to him."Oh men !" She said."You'll say anything just to get into my pants" she said."I'm not trying to just get into your pants " he replied."I'm trying to get into your heart as well" replied and she laughed."So you're trying to get into my heart and pants " she said with a small laugh."You can say that again" he replied as he slowly moved closer to her."Forget about it Liam " she said as she arched forward to him exposing her cleavages."I want to be with Xavier and I would get it " she said in a whisper."So what exactly is your plan " he asked."What do
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I forgive you
Next day .....Friday Morning 8:00am ...A knock came on Olivia's door and she sluggishly walked out of her room and walked to the door.Immediately she opened the door , she saw Vanessa there with a young girl , her heart ached and did a flip as she saw the striking resemblance between the girl and Miguel, this was definitely Miguel's offspring .She exhaled deeply as she looked up at her."Look , I don't have strength for any more of your drama""If this is about Miguel , I already broke up with him to go be with you and your daughter " she said as she made to close the door."Atleast let me in first " Vanessa said calmly."Let you in , to finish what you started ?!" She said quietly with raised brows."I'm actually here for an entirely different thing " she replied "After what you did , why should I trust you when you say that " Olivia replied."I wouldn't fight in front of my daughter now , will I ?!" She replied and Olivia slowly looked down at the little girl she was holding ,
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How can I not love you
" I'm happy you're smiling again" Vanessa said and Olivia's smile widened."Baby " Vanessa called as she turned to Michaela ."Yes Mummy " she replied."How about you be like Jess and you have two moms also ?!" Vanessa asked and she looked up at her."Really?!""I'll have two mommies?!" She asked."Yes baby , you'll have two mommies" Vanessa replied with a smile."Yes , yes " she replied enthusiastically and they both laughed."So go say hi , to your new Mommy " Vanessa said and Michaela slowly came down from the chair and walked towards Olivia ."You're so pretty Mommy , " Michaela said."Aww Sweetheart, thank you" she replied "You look equally as stunning " she replied as she lifted her up in her hands and made her sit on her legs ."She's so smart " Olivia said looking at Vanessa."I know right " she replied with a small smile."I leave in very early tommorow morning,""Miguel will probably be going with me , to clear off the annulment and custody papers once and for all " she sai
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"Check it " he said. "Oh no " she replied immediately , she had already began to sweat and hyperventilate."Calm down babe , calm down " he said as he followed her and sat beside her."Look " he whispered and looked up at her."You don't have to be like this alright , if this doesn't work out you can always try again, again and again " he whispered and she nodded."Look into my eyes " he whispered as he held her chin and made her look into his eyes."I believe in you Alright babe ""And I know you'll get in , and if you don't it's just not meant to be " he said."So take a deep breath " he said and she slowly inhale deeply."Exhale " he whispered and she released her breathe and exhaled heavily."Again again " he said and she did it again ."That's good , now let's check it " he said as he took her phone from her."Babe " she murmured."Don't worry , it's gonna be alright " he said and she nodded slowly."I'll check it for you " he said and she nodded.He took out her phone and unloc
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Medically there's hope
"To Olivia " Ariel called excitedly."To me""To Olivia!" They all replied simultaneously as they clicked their glasses all together and to a sip."Wait wait guys I have another toast" Olivia said as she raised her glasses."To the successful reopening of your company and to love !" She said and they all laughed."To love !!" They replied raising their glasses too before finally taking a sip."Atleast after all these days we could do with some good news " Xavier said as they took their seat and they all nodded."I know right " Ariel replied."One more thing , Vanessa agreed to sign the annulment papers " Olivia said."She did ?!" Ariel asked with a small smile."She did and she even agreed to sign Michaela's custody to us " Miguel added."Wow , that's nice to hear congrats Man" Xavier replied "So you get a boyfriend ""And a baby as bonus " Ariel said and Olivia smile widened."A cute one at that " she replied."Aw, so when do we get to meet her" Ariel asked."Soon ,once everything i
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