All Chapters of His Perfect Wife: Chapter 11 - Chapter 18
18 Chapters
I think the only bath I could compare to the one I just had would probably be baths my mother gave me when I was a baby. The moment I immersed myself completely into the warm coconut scented water, all my muscles relaxed and all my nerves thanked me. Ramiel sure knew how to prepare a bath. I found myself wishing he could give me a hand as I laid in the tub. I mentally slapped myself everytime my mind wandered to my dreamy and kind husband. It wasn’t like my thoughts were sinful, despite how much it felt sinful. I just felt they were too much. Ever since last night, like my heart had a mind of its own when he neared me. Like I couldn’t trust my body any longer, and it so happens I couldn’t trust my mind either. So even as relaxing and soothing my bath was, I couldn’t dream of getting Ramiel out of my mind. After I hopped out of the tub and felt rinsed properly, I went over to the sinc. I bent down and looked through the cabinet. Thankfully my hair products were there. I got t
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I think the only bath I could compare to the one I just had would probably be baths my mother gave me when I was a baby. The moment I immersed myself completely into the warm coconut scented water, all my muscles relaxed and all my nerves thanked me. Ramiel sure knew how to prepare a bath. I found myself wishing he could give me a hand as I laid in the tub. I mentally slapped myself everytime my mind wandered to my dreamy and kind husband. It wasn’t like my thoughts were sinful, despite how much it felt sinful. I just felt they were too much. Ever since last night, like my heart had a mind of its own when he neared me. Like I couldn’t trust my body any longer, and it so happens I couldn’t trust my mind either. So even as relaxing and soothing my bath was, I couldn’t dream of getting Ramiel out of my mind. After I hopped out of the tub and felt rinsed properly, I went over to the sinc. I bent down and looked through the cabinet. Thankfully my new hair products were there. I
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12(chapter 12)
I’ve never really thought of my ideal “husband”. Infact, before Ramiel, the thought of a husband rarely invaded my mind. I guess me being married brought up the idea several times so far. I felt grateful, Ramiel was so kind to me, despite him not knowing me, I was the lucky one, not him. I picked out a beautiful beige dress, decorated with beautiful flowers. The dress was very opposite to the dull Seattle rainy weather. I wore a brown sweater I found before heading out of my room. I traced my way to what I remembered as My husband’s office. The large doors were closed shut. I paused and knocked waiting patiently for a reply. “Come in”, I heard him say. I helped myself inside. He was faced down at some documents, his glasses on, his eyebrows were furrowed and his three first buttons of his very loose shirt were unbuttoned. Ramiel was indeed handsome. I cleared my throat, hoping to get some of his attention but not abruptly disturb him. He looked up and his facial expression
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Dinner was torture. Ramiel sat next to me, and like that wasn’t enough to keep me distracted, his hand rested on my lap almost half the time. My mind could barely focus on the new flavors Adri had prepared, she said the dish was chicken Alfredo and pasta penne. It was delicious, she was a wonderful cook. However, because my husband couldn’t keep his hands in place, I could barely focus on her as she spoke. But I could grab some things, she had worked for Ramiel for almost 7 years now, she helps around the house and is in charge of the staff. They are usually other staff around, but not during the weekend, she also lives here but stays downstairs. Adri was very sweet and it looked like she had a pretty casual relationship with Ramiel, they shared some inside jokes within themselves and she seemed to know him very well. After dinner I offered to help clean up but Adri dismissed it, she reminded me I was now the co-owner of the house and I didn’t need to get my hands dirty at all.
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“Good morning my mma”, I heard my husband say as I peeled open my eyes. I smiled as I adjusted to the brightness of our room. Our room. After our beautiful night together out in the outskirts of the city, talking about everything, or rather me listening as he talked about his life here in Seattle, about his business, his family, his friends. We got back home and almost immediately crashed. “What time is it”, I asked sleepily after taking in a breath of morning Seattle air, which was quite cold. “6 minutes past 7”, he answered. I sat up from they bed and yawned, waking up almost completely with the action. “When’s your service”, I asked almost intinctly, wanting to know how early he went to church and how much time I had to get ready. “Service?”. Ramiel got off the bed and walked over to his desk, tapping on the mouse on his computer. “Church service?”, I answered and half asked him, confused whether there was another word for it. My words must have stopped Ramiel in his trac
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*9 months later*I slid my eyes open, feeling the most pain I could have ever imagined. Breathing felt hard and I could only take short breaths at a time, I felt the sting of the pieces of glass that were pierced into my skin. I could not move my neck, I realized that with a failed attempt to look around. I was wearing a brace, that I could tell. “Ramiel”, I managed to say, I could barely hear myself, I could barely hear anything but sirens and more sirens with muffled voices from people that were not even a bit familiar. “Mrs Kingsley you are in good hands you are going to be fine”, I managed to hear an unfamiliar voice say.“Ramiel”, I called out again, a bit louder than the last time but I could still barely hear myself. “Where is my husband”, I asked. “Relax, you have to save your strength Mrs Kingsley. I felt us moving. I was strapped down, being rolled into an ambulance. Where was he? Was he okay? “Where is my husband?”, I asked this time louder than ever, sobs breaking
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The trip from my room felt too long, despite his room only being 4 rooms over, I felt like I was being wheeled for hours.But when Iris pushed me through the doors of his room, time stopped. Immediately I saw his body on the bed, so stiff. His breathing wasn’t like normal it seemed shorter, quicker and not as deep at all, that probably had to do with the tube that currently went down his trachea, aiding him to breathe. He looked so pale even from a distance, I never knew he could look that pale. Not even after we stayed in the bath for over an hour did he look that pale. How could he look so much smaller in a matter of two days? Or was my mind playing tricks on me? Tears blurred my vision as I finally reached his side, I reached out to touch him, hold his hand that always found it’s way to mine no matter where we were. As my hands touched his cold ones, my tears spilled, and I couldn’t help but gasp. Stiffened Whimpers and my inaudible giberrish filled the room as I cried while
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*8 months ago*“Let’s go to dinner today”, he said after placing his usual morning kiss on my cheek. He was knotting his tie and looking at me like he always did, like I were the only person he saw, like I meant too much to him but he did not mind it one bit, like he never wants to look away. “Dinner?”, I asked, we hadn’t gone out much together, only the other time I asked to see his office and his occasional night drives with me to the outskirts of the city. The frenzy of people that struggled to see him was almost too much to handle. Many people struggled to take pictures with him, asking questions and trying to make their way past his very heavy security. When it was only me, it would be just a couple of photos, but my husband? It was safe to say I married a celebrity, I had now come to understand the use of the plentiful security we had to have while going outside, especially for him. “Yes. I think it’s time we introduced you formally to the world, If you’re ready of course
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