All Chapters of The CEO's Ex-Wife Returns With Triplets : Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
196 Chapters
Chapter 183: Mind Games
As Taylor drove her car, tears rolled down her eyes, and every second, she would clean up her tears, but would fall again and again.Nothing was hurting more than what she had seen in Bryan's phone because it felt like Taylor had been thrown back into the past. A feeling she never wanted her heart and her mind to recall. Taylor was certain that she trusted Bryan with her heart, with everything she had, but he had managed to break that trust.She thought about whatever business Bryan had with that lady, and the more it crossed her mind, the tighter her grip on the steering wheels became.About thirty minutes later, Taylor halted the car right in front of her company. She wanted to simply have a discussion with Mr. Sheldon and then go meet Alexander afterward because she was certain that Alexander would know something about whatever was going on.She stepped down from her car and began heading inside. "Victoria, what about Mr Sheldon?" Taylor asked when she was almost close to her offi
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Chapter 184: No Words
When Bryan got back home about 30 minutes later, Taylor was nowhere to be found. She was at home and the kids had also gone to school. Only the nannies and the other workers that were home"Hey, where is my wife?""She went out more than an hour ago." One of the nannies replied to him and Bryan immediately wrecked his hands through his hair. All he needed to find out was if Taylor saw the message. He knew how to read her pretty well and he knew when Taylor was hiding something. All he had to do was take a closer look at her."Alright, no problem," Bryan replied.Taylor had told him that she would be going to the company late, but when he returned, she wasn't home. The thought of this made Bryan even more scared than he already was. He got back into his car and immediately ignited the engine. It took Bryan another 25 minutes to get to Taylor's company. He stepped out of his car and began to rush in, but was welcomed with another disappointment."Is Taylor in?""No, she isn't in sir. Sh
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Chapter 185: Another Threat
Sebastian was recuperating just fine. He had never felt so good and more alive since he stepped back into the mansion. He shut his eyes, wondering what the hell Leo wanted from him."Mr Sebastian, can you put your hands down back?" The young doctor who Leo had employed to treat him uttered and Sebastian immediately opened his eyes to give her the attention that she wanted. "Alright, thank you." She said and took off what she had injected into his veins."Are you alright? How do you feel?"Sebastian nodded his head, but didn't utter a word. The young lady standing right in front of him reminded him so much of Sharon, but he was trying to get her thoughts out of his head at all costs."Alright. That would be all for today as well. You're healing really fast and I'm impressed. I'll come back tomorrow to check up on you and see how far your wounds are gone." The lady said, but he continued to stare at her until she walked right out of that door. Sebastian had wanted to ask her some questi
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Chapter 186: Missing
Alexander gave Bryan a questioning look as soon as Taylor walked away from his office, "What the hell did you do?" He whispered in a low tone to Bryan, but Bryan also questioned, "What the hell did you tell her?""Fucking go after her right now and hope she forgives you this time.""Damn it." Bryan cursed under his breath and walked out of Alexander's office. He had to trail Taylor but when he got to the elevator, it was being used so he had to wait a bit. The way his legs moved made it so obvious that he was so nervous. Would Taylor understand why he did all of that, and would she understand that he had been foolish? Would she understand that he had ended whatever affairs he was having with Sasha and he was only seeing her for her sake?So many questions ran through his mind and it didn't make Bryan feel safe or good. The look in Taylor's eyes showed betrayal and pain, he had not only broken her trust, but he had shattered her heart into so many pieces and for that, Bryan was deeply
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Chapter 187: Talia's Surprise
"Ms Talia, you're pregnant." Talia cocked her head towards the doctor and also towards Nathan who was standing by the window side. "What?" She questioned with a shocked expression."I said you're pregnant…. 4 weeks pregnant to be precise."Nathan walked away from the window and came to where Talia was seated. "Oh… alright, thanks." Talia managed to say in her confused state of mind."You've been taking care of yourself less lately and it could affect you and the baby leading to a miscarriage. You should look after yourself more often and take a lot of vitamins." Talia nodded her head once again, watching the doctor pack her things in a small suitcase. "Alright, I think that's all for now. I'll be back in 2 weeks to check up on you, have a nice day."This time it was Nathan who replied. As soon as the doctor stepped out of the large room, Nathan walked back to the bed where Talia was seated and sat beside her. The room was quiet for a few minutes until he spoke first."Are you alrigh
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Chapter 188_ Threat 2
"Don't you fucking lay a finger on Rose, Leo, not even on a strand of her hair," Sebastian said with anger. He didn't care whatever it was that Kiara had told him, but he would certainly not let anyone harm Rose for a second time"Then you do exactly what I want. If you don't want your precious little friend, lover, or whatever she is to you getting hurt, then you'll do exactly as I've said. Find me the location where I want and maybe I'll let you go too. I have no use for you anyways and killing you would be just a big waste.""Fine." Sebastian finally agreed.Maybe he had managed to stall enough for Nathan, but he couldn't keep stalling anymore. He had to do whatever Leo wanted so absolutely no one would hurt Rose."If you go back on your word and harm her, I swear I'll be the one killing you myself."Leo chuckled, "I'm not gonna hurt her if you do your part of the deal, Sebastian, you have my word.""Alright, give me access to Levi's room, his belongings, every damn thing he has."
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Chapter 189_ The Kids Are Gone
As Taylor drove, her phone kept ringing multiple times, but she refused to pick up any of the calls. It would be Bryan calling her, who else? Taylor rubbed her eyes to free them from the tears that stained them and was unable to make her see properly.About 10 minutes later, her phone rang away.She simply wanted to pick up the phone and dump it somewhere very far away, and so when she picked up her phone, her eyes met with the caller's ID. It was a strange number. Taylor had to decrease the volume of the music she had turned on so she would be able to pick up the call."Hello.""Mommy." She heard Kylie's voice and immediately pressed the brake so hard that it almost made her hit her head on the wheel. Fortunately, there was a little distance between Taylor and the next car at the back, so she wasn't forcefully hit by the car behind, but when the driver passed by her car, he yelled insulting words at Taylor which she paid less attention to because she had just heard her daughter's vo
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Chapter 190: Crazy Sasha
The very moment Taylor got to her destination, she halted her car and without a warning began to run towards the graveyard. Thinking about her kids in danger was even more scary than she had ever imagined and so when she stepped in, she was knocked out by a man who had gotten to her unexpectedly.A few hours later, Taylor woke up to see her kids all asleep beside her."Kylie, Kyle, Kristen!" She called their names, but there was no response. "What did you do to my kids? What the hell did you do?" Taylor yelled out loud as she stared at the man standing right in front of her with a mask on his face,"They'll be awake soon. If we wanted them dead, then madam would have instructed earlier.""Madam? Who's she? Who kidnapped my kids?" "Shut up woman, else I might really hurt one of them. Madam will be here soon so wait patiently." The man instructed and Taylor immediately became silent. The most important thing right now was that her kids were alive and she was beside them.A few minutes
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Chapter 191: Bold Step
"Everything's ready, and we're leaving tonight. I still fucking hope Sebastian's alright cause if he isn't, then I'm never going to forgive myself." Nathan said and took the last content in the glass"He's gonna be fine, Levi, trust me. I would have gotten words if something happened to Sebastian, alright? Now, we've got to think about you first. You need to successfully make your way to the warehouse before anything else.""Yeah, I know, before Leo gets even the slightest hint of what's happening," Nathan responded. He had never been so nervous all his life, but tomorrow night was going to be the hardest fight Nathan ever had since he knew how to handle a gun and pull the trigger. Tomorrow night, he was going to face his brother, and an enemy of his family for so many years. "I need you to do something important for me, Thiago. I need Natalia to be in safe arms, and if I don't make it alive, I want her to be happy. Damn, she's got to live her life, find a good man, and take good car
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Chapter 192: the Journey
NEXT NIGHT:Natalia had decided not to step out of her room since she knew Nathan was preparing to leave. If she stepped out, then she would certainly tag along with him so it was best to stay back without saying goodbye or good luck. It was so fucking hard to think that he would be out there alone and she wouldn't be by his day.She had always dreamt that if this day would arrive, she would be beside him and fight, but too bad an unexpected baby had changed everything. Although Talia couldn't deny that she was angry, she couldn't blame the child growing inside of her. If more than anything, she ought to be happy and pray for Nathan's safe returnA knock was rasped on the door,"Come in," Talia uttered, averting her gaze to the door. When the door opened, she heaved in disappointment. "So sorry if I wasn't who you were desperately expecting, sweetheart," Maya said as she walked in and Talia immediately changed her countenance."I'm sorry.""It's fine, darling. How are you feeling? I w
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