All Chapters of Stuck Between Two Alphas : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
134 Chapters
Couldn't sleep
 Alden couldn't sleep. At the crack of dawn, he went to the dungeon. It was so that he could speak with Brendan without hindrance.The guards opened the gate for him and ushered him to where Brendan was.He assessed the dungeon. It reeked of cigar and ashes. The ceilings were almost dropping. The last time he was here was 10 years ago.Brendan was without clothes, bound and crouched like a criminal.They disrespected his instruction. He cocked his head. They understood and left them alone. "Why did she frame you?" He asked.Brendan refused to talk. Maybe Brendan had a secret? He thought.After a while, with his head bowed. He confessed."I did it." "Care to repeat that?" He asked. Alden wanted to believe he didn't hear well."Yes, I did." He looked down ashamedly."Do you understand the consequences of this allegation?" He asked."Yes." He said somber. Alden squi
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 Sylvia pushed the door of the pub open and met silence.....Surprisingly, there wasn't any customer.Expecting Mr Rudolph, she met a weird looking man. He was dressed like a shaman smiling weirdly. His hair was shaggy, like it had seen better days. She felt like little red riding hood entering a lair.Where was Mr Rudolph? She wondered.She heard the clanging of cups coming from the kitchen.Anyway, she needed to collect what Queen Alexia sent her. Dipping his hand into his bag, the man stretched the parcel towards her. She collected it, stuffed it into her pocket. and turned wordlessly. She shuddered as she hurrried back to the palace. She could still feel the chills.  Apart from the palace drama, Stiles set out to the Blood Moon pack. He needed everything he had in his arsenal to convince Alpha Jaxon. He was hard hearted.He strategy was to persu
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 Cisca had been avoiding Martin for some few days.She didn't want to complicate things between them. She enjoyed his friendship and she couldn't bring herself to imagine him as a boyfriend.Though, she forgave him for stealing her first kiss, she wasn't really happy about it.Especially now that she knew that she had a mate.Ezra protested within her.It made her feel like she was cheating on Alden.Though, Alden never spared her any glance neither did he acknowledge the mate bond.Yet, she still felt that way, and Ezra wasn't helping.Ezra hadn't spoken to her since the incident.Thankfully, she wasn't assigned to the pack house.She was careful in avoiding the pack house, and it's environs while doing her chores. She didn't want to run into Martin for she knew that he wouldn't let her go till she explained what was wrong. How would she tell him that she didn't care about him in
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 The kitchen maids were surprised at Alexia's presence. Were they in trouble? They thought. She assuaged their fears. "I want to see Arnold." She called Arnold, the head of the kitchen privily.Unwrapping a parcel, contained a herb that he had never seen. "I need you to put this in Alden's food." "He has been sick for a while and he's refusing to take his medication. He needs to rest, lest he breaks down." She faked concern.Arnold looked at it skeptically.She laughed in mockery."Do you think If I wanted to poison him, I'd employ your services?""I wouldn't show my face."It made sense to Arnold, she wouldn't want to show her face, if she wanted to harm Prince Alden."Ok, ma'am. Consider it done." He assured. Alexia walked away smiling evilly.Take that! Alden didn't know what was coming for him. It was masked wolfsbane.
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 After a long time of sobbing uncontrollably, Amelia finally stopped crying. Cindy patted her back. She looked small. Touching her stomach."I need to get rid of this thing in me."Amelia should have warned her before dropping this bombshell on her."You want to terminate your baby?""Its not yet a baby." She refuted."I don't want it." "Who's the father?" Cindy asked.Did she get pregnant for another man?"It.. it is not a baby." She corrected."I'm sorry, I can't help you." Cindy refused. She was carrying a potential heir. It was a crime to commit abortion.She wasn't going to jeopardize her life for Amelia's sake. Cindy went into the room to get some water and a pad to cool Amelia's temperature. Amelia marched into Cindy's bar, and popped open the first drink she saw. It smelled, she downed greedily. She heard somewhere that strong drinks
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 Sparks flew through him, when they collided. Alden stared at her. She was a very beautiful girl. Those clothes didn't suit her at all.He quickly stretched out his hands to save her from falling. She was embarrassed, he noticed.Thank you prince Alden." "I'm sorry, it won't happen again.""I promise that I am not usually clumsy." She said. "Has she forgotten about sleeping in my bed?" He thought.He nodded and smiled a little.Her lips were rosy. He would love to do more than stare at it.As much as he'd like to tease her about it, he needed to be at the forest.  He found a note slipped into his room which was signed anonymous."You're in grave danger, come to our spot." How could this person have entered and left the heavily guarded house without anyone noticing it?Unless the person was in the pack house with them. He c
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 Cisca bumped into Amelia at the door. She apologized hastily and ran away. Amelia thought it was weird.She walked in and met Stiles groaning in pain.He was very furious. 'The nerve of the wench!' He muttered angrily. He wasn't even expecting that. He would surely get back at her and she would have no where to run to"Get out!" He shouted at Amelia.Amelia jumped in fright and left the room immediately.Knowing Stiles, she guessed what happened.Maybe he tried to lure Cisca into sleeping with him but she refused. She didn't have time or energy to waste for Stiles tantrums.This morning she saw her period. It confused her, since the doctor confirmed that she was pregnant. She had been feeling very weak these days. So she decided to visit the doctor.He conducted a scan on her.She was pregnant with twins.He said it was too soon to find out their genders though.
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 "So we can bring him here again." Dr. Bart suggested.If Alden didn't know better, he'd have assumed he wanted to rile him up. His wolf protested inside him. He didn't want anyone taking care of his mate."Thanks." He said and left the office. Reagan looked at him expectantly with tears in her eyes.'She'll be fine." He said.She sighed in relief and rushed to Cisca's room. Alden felt like beating himself up. Someone else was suggested to come perform his duty.He didn't want to turn out like his father who neglected his mother. He had always harbored some hatred for him.He walked away feeling dejected. It was the sixth day of the investigation and Brendan had still not been proven guilty.Alexia made sure everyone had finished eating dinner before she sneaked to the dungeon at night.She needed to eliminate Brendan silently but s
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 A bird perched on Alden's window chirping loudly drawing him out of his thoughts.Alden got up and went to close the window. The bird flew away and he saw a note. "You're next."Blood drained from his face. What the hell? He remembered the last warning."Your enemy is close to you" and Brendan dropped dead. Was the anonymous person the culprit?He closed the window sharply. He visited the dungeon the next day. He did a thorough search maybe to see a pointer as to what was used to kill Brendan. He asked to see the rope Brendan used to kill himself.The guards pitied him. They thought he wanted something to remind him of Brendan.They gave it to him. When he got back to the palace, he inspected the rope. It didn't look like someone tied it in a hurry. It didn't look stretched for long.How did Brendan get a
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 Reagan was shocked to see Cisca up when she came into the room. She intended to clean her up with a wash cloth. Cisca had been burning up last night.She screamed and went to hug Cisca tight.   Cisca winced, Reagan's scream assaulted her ears. It went straight into her eardrums. "Okay, okay!" "Let me breath." Cisca managed to get out.She was still a little numb. Reagan quickly rushed to call the doctor.The doctor came in with her file, smiling. "Good day, Miss Cisca, how are you doing today?" He asked."I'm great, just still numb." She replied. How long was she out for? It seemed that her body had forgotten how to use it's parts.The doctor wrote something down. "Your wolf?" "I can't feel her." She replied. Her heart rate sped up. Where was Ezra?&n
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