All Chapters of Stuck Between Two Alphas : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
134 Chapters
Melissa stared at both friends, before finally settling her gaze on Cisca, who stared right back at her without breaking a stare. If Melissa noticed anything, she didn't say. " Aren't you supposed to be working? Why then are you here gossiping about pack matters?" She turned to Reagan, giving her an accusing look.Reagan glared right back with matching intensity." The same reason you are here, to check on my friend." Reagan commented dryly. It was obvious that they were gisting from the loud laughter coming out of the room earlier, but she didn't want Melissa to intimidate them. " Right, and you were laughing at the top of your lungs waking the entire maids. Who the hell do you really think you are?" She asked. Hadn't they heard of the king's death? Now Alden was nothing in the pack so Cisca better cooperate. He had no power to back her up. Cisca sighed, Melissa was a spoil sport." What do we have to do this morning? We don't have to fight." Melissa stared at her up and down, she
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" Hey, did Queen Alexia come here?" Cisca asked Reagan. Reagan raised her brows at the panic mode of Cisca. " No, why? Did you see her?" " She came to Alden's room. He stopped her from entering. I guess, she knew I was in there. I thought she came here." She replied." Uh, no. She didn't. She has better things to do than to look for you." " What a way to make me feel important." Cisca replied sarcastically as she collected a cleaning rag from Reagan who looked so exhausted. Reagan laughed at her friend's hurt expression." She has a meeting with the council. I overheard some guards talking about it." " Isn't Stiles supposed to address them? Why she?" Reagan shrugged, she didn't know either, anyway it was their business." I don't know." " Thank you so much for today. You've done a lot." She replied, and Reagan waved her off. " What are friends for?" " To help each other when the other is down." Reagan rolled her eyes." it was a rhetoric." Cisca laughed, " I know, I just wante
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Amelia closed her eyes at his outburst and wondered what triggered this. But it was new to her. Stiles always found an excuse to lash out on her. She was grateful that he had not put his hands on her, at least not yet. She could ruin his reputation for good now if he tried nonsense with her.Stiles turned to Amelia, " Why are you standing there?" He complained. Amelia's eyes flew open, " I'm sorry" She replied and attempted to rush out of the room. " Aren't you going to give me my conjugal rights?" Stiles asked. Amelia grimaced, she wanted nothing ti do with Stiles sexually and she hoped that he would never mind her in that regard." Umm..." " I don't have a right?" Stiles questioned mockingly. Amelia didn't know what to say. At least he was asking today, other times he had his forcefully. She didn't want to get Stiles angry. " You do, I mean__ I have just been a little tired lately." " It's not like you've been doing any strenuous task, so pray tell the reason for your tiredness
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Nicky snuck back into the house from the back door. Her glare stopped everyone from talking or asking her any questions because they knew that she was grieving however Nicky had other agendas behind that solemn look."Mom, where are you coming from?" Martin asked his motherNicki turned around in surprise" Do you want to give me a heart attack?" she replied instead. She wasn't expecting to see him here. Unknown to her, Martin saw a shadow cross the tree from her room, and he instinctively knew that it was his mom. The question was why was she sneaking in like a thief? " Where are you coming from, mom?" He repeated. She was deflecting from the real situation at hand. " Why don't we discuss this in my room?" She suggested. This place was too open for such conversations. She was also yet to change into her queenly outfit. " Okay." Martin replied and followed her upstairs. Myriad of thoughts flashed into his mind as they walked together. Was she having an affair? All the other reason
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Leave us." Alexia ordered the guard who shut the door.Amelia whipped around in consternation.What did that make her? She was the queen for goodness sake. " Where are you going this early?" Alexia gave her a measured look." What do you think?" Amelia muttered under her breath. " I can't hear you." Alexia said, as she descended downstairs daring Amelia to repeat what she thought. " Nothing." Amelia remained rooted to her spot, unwilling to back down at Alexia's stare. " I thought so. Where are you sneaking to? Tell your lover that you are now a queen, you will not disgrace my son." Alexia spat." Really? All you care about is your son." " Give me a reason I should trust you. After sleeping with two brothers. You think I would trust you after that?" Amelia's jaw fell open at the insult. She was not expecting the conversation to go down that route. " You didn't just call me a whore." She muttered in disbelief." It is what it is." " Stiles approached me first!" Amelia shouted, sh
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"He was a good man. Just made too many mistakes in his choice of a wife which led to his demise." Alden replied. " You mean Alexia and Nicky." Cisca inquired." Yeah, he actually fancied Nicky. Alexia was out of frustration." Alden replied. That he was sure of. " That's a wrong reason to get married. Was your mother his true mate?" She asked tactically. He shied away from talking about her." She was, their friction was due to mismanagement. They didn't understand each other, thus leading to problems." Now Cisca's interest was piqued, " What do you mean?" " He cheated and tried to give her space. She thought he didn't love her anymore." " This was just a case of misunderstanding." " Yes. They were too proud to iron out their issues. My father made it worse by getting Nicky pregnant. If it were only Alexia, my mom would have been more inclined to forgive him. It's not always easy for a woman to forgive repeated cheating. No matter the circumstance." He said." That's so sad. Was
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The funeral procession went on smoothly, and Alden sighed when he returned home. His father was buried close to his father and Alden felt so many emotions course through him when he saw the corpse. The fact that someone could kill this man was mind boggling. If it turned out that his suspicions about Alexia's involvement. was right, then all hell would be let loose. " Now I can rest, it has been a long day." Stiles said as he ascended the stairs. Then he looked sideways and noticed that Alden was busy sipping a glad of wine at the bar. It was a good time to have a chat with him. Stiles walked to where Alden was seating and drew out a stool. He intentionally wanted to look for trouble. " What's eating you up?" He asked.Alden didn't raise his head from his cup, instead he ran clutched the stem of the glass. " Never thought I'd see the day that you would be unable to speak." Stiles commented, waiting for him to tick.Alden barely made a move, he looked like a statue just watching th
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" Wake up, sleepy head." Melissa banged on Cisca's door the next morning. Cisca woke up in fright, looked at the time, and wondered why Melissa was banging on her door this early. She arose gently and put on her robe, before heading to the door. " What is it?"" Good morning to you too. Why are you still sleeping?" Melissa asked accusingly. Cisca furrowed her brows in confusion, was she missing something? It was four in the morning, and nowhere close to their resumption time. " Can you speak in plain English?" She asked instead. Her brain was not up to process this conversation." You will be resuming at the mansion right now." Melissa said. Sleep vanished from Cisca's eyes, " Why?" Melissa groaned in irritation, why was Cisca questioning her? " Why are you asking me? I do not make the rules, you know?" " No, I don't know." Cisca wanted to reply, but didn't want an argument, what she wanted was to sleep in peace, nothing more, nothing less. It was still too early for goodness sa
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" What is wrong with her?" Stiles inquired from Dr. Bart, after she was wheeled into the ICU. " I will need to attend to her first." He replied, and hurried into the ICU. Stiles paced around at the reception in annoyance, he told her not to drink, yet she went ahead." What is going on?" Nicky inquired, and before he could reply, the whole household was gathered." What happened to her?" " The doctor is doing his job, he will tell us when he is done." Stiles replied.After few hours, Dr. Bart came out, with a tired look on his face. " I will like to speak to the Alpha alone." " Say whatever you want to say here." Queen Alexia cut in. replied.Dr. Bart was confused, " I'll go with him." Stiles said, and walked to his office.." She is in coma. She aspirated when she fell." " What can I do to help her wake up promptly?" " She needs a reason to." Stiles groaned, the doctor didn't understand. " My coronation is in a week's time, I need her to be awake. How can you help me?" He aske
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Both men stared head on at each other, " What the hell?" Alden inquired."She is a queen, you wouldn't be so happy if I laid a finger on your mother would you?" He retorted.Alden grew angrier and was about to charge towards Stiles, but Cisca held on to his arms, "Don't listen to him, he wants you to get mad." She pleaded.Alden carefully disengaged from Cisca, she couldn't stop a six foot two man anyway. " Save your intimidation for pussies. Leave my name out of your mouth." "I am the king and you will bow to me whether you like it or not!" Stiles bellowed. Queen Nicky and Martin were downstairs the next minute. " What is going on here?!" Nicky screamed when she saw the two men almost at each other's throat, their veins pulsating quickly. "Lets hash this out man to man. Bickering like a woman will not solve this." Alden challenged. He was so down to hand Stiles his ass. He had this fight coming long ago."Separate them, why are you crying?" Nicky faced Alexia." Hey, son. He is
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