All Chapters of The Billionaire’s Bet: Chapter 111 - Chapter 118
118 Chapters
Chapter 110
NICOLE “Ms. Nicole?" the little voice called out, unsure. I looked down and recognized Ellie, the little girl I had met at the art gallery previously.What was she doing out here alone?I grinned. "Hey, Ellie. We meet again. How are you?""I'm fine. I'm so happy to see you," she smiled brightly. That was when I noticed the frame she was holding, wrapped in brown paper."What are you doing here all by yourself?"She gestured to the frame she was holding. It was a wonder how she was able to carry it alone. "Oh, I came to donate this work of art.""Really? That's so thoughtful of you," I said, holding her hands in mine and helping her carry the painting. "Come on, let's go submit it, and after that, we can get some ice cream. How does that sound?""Perfect!" she cheered. Together, we walked to the front desk, and I assisted her in signing her name before we dropped off the painting.I was still surprised that a girl of her age could come all the way to the orphanage without a guardian.
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Chapter 111
NICOLEShe did a double take. “Nicole? What a surprise. I didn't know you were coming” Well, I didn't know it was going to be your house too. I pressed my lips together, attempting to regain composure. "Lovely home," I managed to say, glancing around at the interior."You're already drenched from the rain. Come, let me change you into a comfortable outfit," she offered, guiding me towards her room located down the hallway.So Marcus had sneaked out of the house to come to visit Vicky. I was getting closer to the answer but I didn't like how it was headed.Her room was big and painted in lavender. A cozy armchair was placed near a bookshelf. Nearby, a small vanity table displayed a collection of antique perfume bottles, a hand mirror, and a hairbrush.“You can take your seat over there” she gestured to the armchair and walked into her walk-in closet. After a moment, she emerged with this loose fitting dress and handed it to me.“Here," she said, passing me the clothes. "Put these on
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Chapter 112
MARCUSRight now me and Nicole were sitting next to each other, and Mia was sitting across from us at the station. There was this barricade thing separating us.Nicole, being her stubborn self, had insisted that we take care of Mia's kid. And I had no choice but to go along with it. What else could I do? Nicole can be pretty persuasive when she wants to be.“Thank you both so much for forgiving me and forgetting the past. I don’t know how else I can thank you, but I really appreciate your effort” Mia clasped her hands together. Her nose was a bit swollen due to her condition, she was probably in her third Trimester while Nicole was in her second.“It’s fine. We are more than happy to help” Nicole beamed at her.I nodded in agreement, offering a smile to Mia. "Absolutely, Mia. We understand that people make mistakes, and we believe in giving second chances."She reached out to touch her swollen belly. "This baby means the world to me. I promise I'll do whatever it takes to make thing
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Chapter 113
MARCUSAll three of us sat at the dining table, the aroma of freshly cooked waffles and sausages filling the air. I had woken up early, determined to mend the strained atmosphere with a delicious breakfast. Nicole, however, was still giving me the silent treatment, her expression somber as she pushed her food around her plate.The tension was palpable, and I could feel my own discomfort growing with each passing second. It seemed like an eternity until Vicky decided to break the ice.“Nicole," Vicky spoke up, her voice soft but pleading. Nicole looked up, her eyes meeting Vicky's gentle gaze. "Yeah?""I understand that you might be upset, but please don't take it all out on Marcus. He was just trying to help me”Nicole let out a sigh and muttered, "Don't worry about it. We're cool." But her dismissive tone revealed that she wasn't cool at all. She finished eating in silence, abruptly standing up from the table and leaving me and Vicky behind.Vicky let out a disappointed sigh, her ta
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Chapter 114
NICOLE The police were still trying to trace Mariella’s location, yet nothing has been found. It was as if she was no longer on planet earth.I was trying to finish up another of my paintings that I had started a few days back. I was hoping to go donate it at the orphanage. These past weeks I've grown accustomed to visiting the place. Marcus came in and peeped at my work, nodding his head in approval. “You’re almost done”I smiled, “Yes I am. It just needs some finishing touches”“I'm going to the police station to see how far they've gone with the investigation, I'll be back in a few days” he said, stroking my back.“Alright. Be good” I watched Marcus leave the room, his footsteps fading away as he made his way toe find Vicky.With a sigh, I turned my attention back to my painting.Hours passed, and my painting finally took its final form.I stepped back to admire it. It was a depiction of a serene meadow, with blooming flowers and a radiant sunset in the background.I prepared to l
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Chapter 115
MARCUSI sat at the dimly lit bar, swirling the drink in my hand, my mind wandered to Vicky. She had been nothing but kind to me. I prayed she was still alive, hoping that fate had spared her from the clutches of the child trafficking ring. I felt responsible for her since she had no one else to help her.She had no family or friends and she looked to me like a brother.My concerns deepened as the realization struck that I hadn't heard from Nicole in days. The last time we spoke was when I called and she informed me that she now had the company of a little girl at home.I was happy with that. At least she won't be lonely and would have someone to talk to. Even if it was just a child.I tried calling her number a few times, but it was unreachable. The bar had started to empty out, leaving only a rowdy group of girls. From the moment I arrived, I could feel their eyes on me, but I did my best to ignore their glances.As the place grew practically deserted, I couldn't help but notice o
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Chapter 116
NICOLE “If you think some superhero is going to swoop in and save your sorry asses, then you thought wrong," Mariella sneered, her voice dripping with contempt.We were holed up in an underground house, a safe haven turned into a grim prison. Ellie and I sat huddled on the floor, our hair disheveled, our clothes stained and torn.Mariella paced around the room like she owned the place, her hand confidently planted on her hips. She chewed her gum obnoxiously, the sound echoing through the tense air.“Now that I think about it," she said, her words laced with cruel calculation. "How much should I sell you both for? Let's leave the little girl out of it. You, my dear, are worth way more than her. You're a package deal, two for the price of one."I instinctively placed my hand on my belly, a protective gesture that seemed to amuse Mariella. She let out a mocking laugh as she observed my action."Aww, Marcus' little heir is in there, huh? Poor baby," she sneered, scrunching down to my lev
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Chapter 117
"Daddy! Daddy! How does it look?"My eyes shifted from the desk to the little princess In front of me, she was holding her canvas and her eyes were glittering with so much love and hope, I never thought I would melt at such beauty but ever since I met Nicole, things changed.I was amazed at her realistic creation painting, it was a plant growing from the earth and it looked like I was watching it happen live."It's…" I paused for a while, pulling her closer to me. Ellie's eyes dulled and so her posture slacked with her emotional change."You don't like it?" It was almost a whimper before I scoffed."Ellie, I love it! It's so beautiful I wasn't able to comprehend it. It's something your mom would have painted." I smiled at her and she set the canvas down before jumping on my lap, "she'll be proud.""Do you think she's going to come back?" The question always stung my heart, I didn't have the answer to it, I've always had a solution for every problem, except for this one."Yes, she will
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