All Chapters of LUNA'S REVENGE: Falling for the Alpha.: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
158 Chapters
Chapter 41
MELVIN’S POV“Yes, please. I just need you to do something for me,” Ariel said and walked across the room to Ikea.“Well, spit it out.” Ikea threw her hands out in front of her, “What can I do for you? I don’t have all night.”Ariel stopped in front of Ikea, “I need you to cancel out our scent. I don’t want them getting a whiff of us as we sneak out of Silver Moon.”That was easy. I already had mine and only she had to worry about that. I smiled as I stared at them.For some reason Ariel looked so beautiful with her messy her and flushed face. I knew she was angry about something but for some reason I couldn't stop my heart from flipping each time I caught sight of her eyes.“That isn’t a problem,” Ikea snapped her fingers three times around Ariel’s body, “miznút!”Ikea looked over Ariel’s shoulders to me, “Get over here so I can do yours too.”I smiled at her, “Don’t worry, I’m good. Mine has been canceled out for a while now.”Ikea angled her head, “I knew something was off about yo
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Chapter 42
MELVIN’S POVI felt a hard push against my back and I stumbled out of the house and onto the porch.Ikea was being very stubborn. It was not a big deal. We were not kids. All she had to do was tell us whatever it was she saw and we would handle it!“Hey!” I tried to run back into the house but the door closed faster than it opened.Shit!This was not fair. She was not being fair at all. My mother was a witch too. She told me whenever she saw something. And I never disappointed her.“What do you think you are doing?” I heard Ariel’s voice behind me, it was calm but also stern at the same time, “We need to get going. Jada’s still waiting for us.”I turned and walked off the porch to join her on Ikea's lawn, “Yeah, I know, but Ikea is hiding something from us. Something I think we should know or at least hear about.”Ariel sighed and started walking when I almost got to her, “It doesn’t matter. She already told us we would find out sooner or later. I think that made it clear that she was
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Chapter 43
ARIEL’S POVI felt a jolt in my entire body as Melvin’s lips collided with mine. My lips responded and opened up almost immediately as I kissed him back.Butterflies developed in my stomach and I felt my head soaring. This was wrong, yet so right.My hands left my side and grabbed onto his face, roaming around into his hair.My body liked it —I liked it.My feet pushed against the ground and I raised myself to crush against his lips harder. His lips vibrated against mine as he moaned into them.He took one step back and stepped on a tree branch. The sound of the branch snapping into two was enough to snap me out of the sick but delicious moment we were having.I hurriedly backed away from him. I hugged myself and kept my eyes on the ground to avoid eye contact with him.We stayed still and didn’t utter a word for a short while. Melvin shifted his body a couple of times in an awkward manner.He cleared his throat, breaking the silence, “Umm, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I don’t know wh
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Chapter 44
MELVIN’S POVI was happy to drive home rather than spend the night at Jada’s place. Even though I thought it was a good idea to not be in the same space Ariel currently was right now, it was also a good idea for me to get home tonight because that would absolve me of any suspicions.To the best of their knowledge, Ariel and whoever they thought helped her, was still trapped within Silver Moon. So if I was here, that meant I was not there. My name would be scratched off the list of suspects. It was as simple as that.I drove through the castle gates and went to park my car straight in the garage rather than in the parking lot. I walked into the castle and made my way to the kitchen because I was starving.When I got to the kitchen, Valerie was there, standing beside the large brown centre cabinet that also served as the kitchen’s workstation, drying and arranging some dishes.“Val, Hi.”She looked up from her task, “Your Highness, you’re welcome.”I scoffed, “Stop that.”She laughed
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Chapter 45
MELVIN’S POVThe next morning, I got to the dining hall in time for breakfast. I was rarely at the table at the specified time for meals but I had to apologize to Mother for being absent last night after getting to know that she tried to wait for me and there was no better way to appease Mother than to sit down and have a meal with her.It was a strong belief of hers that a family that ate together still acknowledged each other’s presence and their importance to the family.I sat down and waited patiently at the table. Mother was right on time. I rushed off my seat as she appeared through the door looking downwards to adjust the hem of her long dress.“Mother.”She snapped her head up towards me, “Melvin.”She walked towards the table and I went to meet her. I reached out to hug her and she opened her arms to let me in. I hugged her and planted a light kiss on her cheek.I led her to the table and pulled out a chair for her. Mother smoothened her dress as she sat down and I plopped
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Chapter 46
ARIEL’S POVI found it hard to sleep and when I finally did, it was barely for three hours and my eyes refused to close again till daybreak.I was off my bed at the first sight of dawn. I went outside and chose a tree. I chose the one that appeared the ugliest to me and decided it was my opponent.I struck the tree as hard as I could channeling my frustrations into my fists as I swung them at the tree. I struck the tree until my knuckles and palms bled. My injuries were healing just as soon as they were coming but the tree was stained with droplets of my blood.I kept at this for about two more hours before I retreated to sit on the porch.“After yesterday’s ruckus, I would imagine that you’d still be in bed by now,” I heard Jada’s voice behind me.I looked back and smiled when my eyes fell on her. “Good morning.”“Good morning to you too,” she said, yawning.I turned back and sat upright again. I didn't really enjoy sharing my problems with anybody, not even my family but after my f
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Chapter 47
ARIEL’S POVTwo days went by and I didn’t see or hear from Melvin. I knew Jada could reach him with her phone but I didn’t bother to ask her about it and I appreciated that she didn’t mention it.Adonis didn’t show up for our training either. I guess if Melvin didn't bring him then he wouldn't come.But I didn’t wait around for them, I trained on my own. Jada helped me a few times too whenever she was around. However, it was mostly only me.The same way it all started.I had just freshened up after training when I heard a knock on the door. I sniffed the air to get the scent of who was behind it. The scent was new to me and that meant one thing —the person at the door was a stranger.I tiptoed slowly towards the door and the knock came again but this time with a voice.“Jada! Are you home? It’s Val.” The soft voice called out after rapid knocks on the door.Val? Where have I heard that name before?I got to the door and pushed out my claws from my fingers. I unlocked the door and slo
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Chapter 48
MELVIN’S POVI put off going to Jada’s place for four days because Father started to become increasingly interested in my whereabouts. It was only on the fifth day I deemed the coast clear enough for me to pop by Jada’s cabin because Father had a meeting with his council.I squeezed my fists as I approached Jada’s cabin. I hadn’t seen Ariel since that night and I couldn’t even imagine how seeing her now would go.I got to the cabin’s door and threw my hands up to knock but the door flew open by itself and Ariel stood behind it. My heart began running numbers as soon as I saw her.“I could already smell you from a mile away.” She moved out of the way for me to walk in.“Right, you have a very good nose,” I muttered but loud enough for her to hear as I walked into the cabin.She closed the door and got in front of me.“That’s right,” she said into my face before sauntering off to the living room. After standing still for a while, I followed her into the living room. I caught up with he
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Chapter 49
ARIEL’S POVI separated myself from him, putting some distance between us.“If you think you are ready to see him, then I don’t think I should stop you anymore,” Melvin said, still holding onto my hand.I let my hand slip out of his hand and walked towards the only window in the room. I closed my eyes and allowed my mind to replay all that happened that first night. How I found the maimed lifeless body of my parents. Going into Aaron’s room to find him but finding his iPad and the brown paper that contained the vile message that Joharres passed on to him.I opened my eyes and squeezed my fists with newfound anger. “It’s about time I see that bastard and give him a piece of my mind.”I heard Melvin’s footsteps as he walked towards me, “I can take you to him tonight then.”He stopped behind me and sighed. “I can’t begin to think or even imagine what you are going through right now and what you will go through when you see your brother tonight. I just want you to know that I am here fo
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Chapter 50
Melvin's POVThe cold night air hit my face as I stood behind a wall, waiting for Ariel.I was breaking every rule in the book by taking her to her brother, right under my father's nose but I didn't care.I would do anything for Ariel. It was the right thing to do.My father had no right to mess up her life the way he did, that was why I was doing this. I had to right his wrongs.I heard the soft shuffling of legs on my right and I turned just in time to find her beautiful face walking toward me.The cold breeze was no longer a problem as warmth filled my body as my eyes locked with hers.Tingles exploded from my toes to the rest of my spine as she smiled and waved at me.If there was even a single drop of doubt in my mind about what I was about to do, the moment my eyes landed on her bright face, everything melted away.Damn, Ariel was beautiful."Hey, I am sorry I took forever. Jada wanted to make sure every stall got closed before I got here..." she said as she got closer."Yeah...
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