All Chapters of Sinful Mates: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
105 Chapters
CORAMy shaky hand slowly came to my lips, and I slowly went to the floor, the tears seeping out of my soul hard and fast, faster than I could control them. Even faster than I could process anything else. My chest hurt, and I closed my eyes, my jidy heaving with regret and tears.Last night... I don't remember much of last night. I don't remember much of anything up to this morning. I thought I had blacked out, but...My hand dropped from my lips, and I swallowed, turning to the door. Could I have... let loose? Was I really the thing I feared? I stood up, then walked to the large mirror. I hadn't bothered with it earlier. Now that I stood in front of it, my eyes wide and teary, I knew a part of my memory was missing.There were bite marks on my neck, and the tingle I had shrugged off on my lips was actually a nip. A tear rolled off my left eye. He found out. He must have.I went to the floor again, knowing there was jotting I could do at all. I couldn't lie. He must have seen it. I co
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CORA"Angeline?" I gasped, my eyes wide. "You... you are a shifter? A werewolf? How come...""Glad you remember me, Cora. I have always been so eager to meet you in this context."I swallowed hard. Her voice was completely different. Sultry, a dark sort of sexy, the kind I imagined divas with a full intention to kill had."You lurked around Keanne because of this. That is why you didn't freak out when you saw Kiara. That is why you were so calm. You are the bitch who took those pictures too!""Calm down," she said, a small smile lifting the corners of her lips. "You... do not look too good agitated."I swallowed hard, my teeth gritting. "You are his sister. He is the one who sacrificed.yiu, not Keanne!""You think I don't know that?" Her voice echoed, ringing into my mind. My soul, my body, and I stepped back, a gasp leaving my lips. I looked up to her, tears pooling at the bottom of my eyes.Where will the torture end for Keanne? All he is surrounded by are dark omegas thirsting for h
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Secrets and Nightmares
CORAKeanne held my hand throughout, his other hand cupping my cheeks, his eyes fixed on me. I slowly drifted off to sleep, my head banging to an unholy, painful rhythm. My mind was clouded by the images and all the secrets I was holding at an arms length from Keanne.Like that was somehow supposed to protect him. Like I even knew how to protect him.I closed my eyes tighter, my chest lightly heaving. My sleep seemed to grip around me, stopping me from escaping. Waking up wasn't any better since I would be facing it in the realest form, but something about not being awake, something about not being able to control it scared me.I gave a gasp, my eyes finally opening up, my breaths faltering. I turned, and Keanne was not in the room. It only made me even more nervous, and I started to push the covers away from me when the door suddenly opened, and Keanne walked in with a cup of coffee.He stopped by the door, his brows furrowing. "Where are you going?"I swallowed, then moved back into
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On My Knees
CORAI had started to sleep off when we finally got to the restaurant. The sudden stop jolted me awake, and Ava leaned to make sure I would be fine. I gave her a small smile, then leaned forward, a small sigh escaping my lops. Keanne came to the door and then opened it. Without a word, he leaned in, then lifted me in his arms. I instinctively wrapped my hands wound him, and he gave me a warm smile. It's funny how his warmth still made my stomach turn and erupt with butterflies.We entered the restaurant, and while Ava pulled out my seat, Keanne waited,bhis eyesbsurfing around the place. He gently sat me down, then pushed the chair back in. With another smile, he took his seat.Ava looked between us as we waited for our orders, and she suddenly smiled. "Well. It turned out good that you both did not have that one night stand."I swallowed, my eyes immediately searching for Keanne's. He only smiled."Why do you say so?"She shrugged. "You both were always meant for greater stuff.
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For Life
KEANNE I woke up to the slow rustling of the sheets and then sudden invasion of light in the bedroom. My eyes opened just as Cora jumped back in bed, a yelp escaping her lips."Careful," I said, my hand reaching out to her. She broke into a laugh, then leaned to me again, her smile big. Her hand pushed my stray strands away, and she leaned even closer, till I could feel all of her, and it threatened to pull me down the unholy pit. "Have you forgotten? The party!"I sighed. "Why are you so excited, though?"She moved as I sat up, her eyes big. I chuckled at her cuteness, then reached to pinch her nose slightly. She giggled and leaned into me. "I don't know. I can't help it."I nodded. "You want the whole princess ball thing, don't you?"She smiled brightly. "How did you know?"I shrugged. "It's written all over your face." I watched her just smile for a while, and then I nodded, clapping my hands. "Let's go, party."She smiled and hopped out of bed, too, securing the robe around her
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Dark Nights
KEANNE "Mr. Stone! Nice to meet you here!" I turned to the person, my eyes squinted.I didn't exactly recognize him, but he seemed to know me, and I stood up, accepting his rather enthusiastic handshake."How have you been?""I am much better. Come, I will introduce you to my friends. I have told them so much about you."I turned to Cora, who nodded her approval. I then nodded to Liam, who understood his role of protecting them.I followed the man to a bunch of others and was soon lost in the business talks and pleasantries.CORA I gulped my drink, then gave a sigh, my chest feeling tight. For some reason, I felt very lightheaded, my chest slightly heaving. I started to feel hot, my head spinning as I tried to look up."Are you okay?" Ava asked, and Liam leaned to me, his eyes squinted."Do you want water?" He asked, his eyes scanning me.I nodded. "Please."He immediately walked away to bring me water while Ava held on to me, her eyes wide with worry. "Do you want me to find Keanne
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The Body
KEANNE I slowly woke up, my eyes opening to welcome darkness. It felt like something was trickling from behind me, and I could hear the shrill sound of an engine. I turned, my eyes blinking to make sure I was really awake. Everything was dark, and I swallowed hard, the pain in the pack of my head stinging. Cora.I gasped, then turned, realizing that I seemed to be in a car's back seat."Cora?" I called, my eyes wide. I was struggling to piece my memories together, my chest heaving as I turned around in the car."Cora!""Stop it, brother. She is dead."My eyes widened as I looked up. "Who are you? Where are you taking me?""Home," she said, conviction in her voice. "We are going home. You will find a girl, one that will take care of my brother. We will...""Who is your brother?" I tried to sit up and reach to the seat, but there was a demarcation between."Sorry for not doing the introduction, son. How rude of me."My eyes widened at my father's voice, and it suddenly hit me like a tr
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KEANNE The next few days rolled into blurry weeks of tears and sudden bouts of weakness, one I knew I could not handle anymore. I had been introduced to a girl, Celyn, apparently a high-ranking official's daughter.I hated everything about her.Her hair that looked extremely like Cora's but could never be, her scent, her smile, her words, the way she kept trying to hold on to me, her entire existence.But I needed to tolerate it. Brute force wouldn't solve a single problem, and I needed Cora's body. I was running out of time.I would sign over everything as long as they gave me Cora. But Blake would not have it without a ceremony. He wanted to show everyone that I had submitted, so he intended to do it tomorrow at the engagement party of Celyn and I.I swallowed, my chest heaving. Sometimes, I wondered. What if Cora had woken up? What if she was there... somewhere. Waiting for me to find her?What if I was wasting too much time?I could hear her voice in my head sometimes. Calling my
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"Keanne..."It was a small whisper in the dark. I closed my eyes. She isn't here anymore. Cora is not here anymore. I swallowed hard, my eyes closing. She has been gone for a month, and her scars left right on my neck. Why do I see her hugging me from behind every single time I look in the mirror? Why do I see her hair, her essence, why am I here, pining for her when she is the very thing that could kill me?I swallowed hard, then adjusted the tie. My brows furrowed together, and I watched the mirror again. "I love you, Keanne."I sighed, averting my gaze. I... I never said it back. I never got to. That was enough punishment already.I turned and grabbed the watch and without waiting to wear it, I started to walk down the long stairs. I will be taking Celyn as my breeder tonight, and she will also be the replacement mate.Blonde hair. Curves. But Cora? Cora's scend, her voice? Her smile? Mot even close. And the he'll I out her through? The hell all of us put her through?I stopped
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When Night Fell
I stopped in place, everything, including my very own heartbeat, stopping with me. The world ceased to revolve, and I stood right there, waiting. For someone to tell me, the voice I had heard was just another lie.That the tingles I felt on my skin was just another myth.Tears started to sting the back of my eyes, and I struggled to find the composure that I had lost the day I had watched Cora fall. The day her body had gone warm even though she was a dark omega. The day that I had seemingly lost everything. I swallowed, then slowly started to turn. It took forever, yet a minute, my heart breaking before I even saw her, my mind racing against its own senses.Slowly, I had turned fully, hut before I could breathe, before I said a word. She was in front of me. Her lips conquered mine in the same passionate way they had the night I started to doubt her, and a tear rolled off my cheek to bewail every single thing we had lost.My eyes closed, and her hand came to cup mybface. If this was t
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