All Chapters of One Touch: One Kiss : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
35 Chapters
Chapter 20: One Touch: One Kiss
Billy re- enters the Bar and Grill. He is worried about the meeting with Thomas Roman. That creature could be very unpredictable. He did notice his behavior with Maya. If that’s even true but he acted caring, much more than what he ever was towards Gia.The life he had planned with her went completely of the rail. Apparently, she had forgotten their pact. He found his usual chair and sits down. He ordered a bottle of brandy.“You look thunderous. What happened?” Johnny slide onto the other chair and joined him at the table, slightly out of breath, praying no one had noticed his out of character behavior earlier. He looks nervous, jittery, as he eyed the bottle of brandy. Lately, his luck has run out and being unemployed didn’t helped either.“Women are a waste of time,” Billy snaps, uncorking the bottle.“Not always. They do have their uses,” Johnny sniggers to conceal his true thoughts.“Maybe you’re right.” Billy gulps down some brandy.“You are acting strange, what happened?”“Why
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Chapter 21: One Touch: One Kiss
Nightfall settles over Doom. The time was between six and seven o’clock it was early evening the night strangely pitch-black. The evening moves along, so did the thick rolling mist. Everything becomes unpredictable recently. The habitants of the town and surrounding areas know to be outside on a night like the one tonight was fatal.Maya stood just inside the door of the cottage. She can still feel the presence of her mother just behind her. The woman has completely confused her.“Maya, once you focus on what’s in your heart, you will discover your own truth.” Gia said softly.She blinks her eyes to focus unaware there was a shifting in the quality of her sight gleaming with a knowledge not for her to know at the time. Her heart starts to beat slowly with that strange knowledge. She found herself moving towards the path knowing now something was very wrong in the Cemetery she called home. On the path, she stops to listen and realizing after tonight nothing will ever be the same again.
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Chapter 22: One Touch: One Kiss
Maya found her way back to the gate where she had entered through. Her relief was huge when she found Gia waiting there looking anxious. Both step closer to each other and without thinking embraced each other briefly. The physical contact unleashed hidden memories neither realized were there.Shock both separate immediately wondering what the other noticed. Individually shaking their heads, they turned to look at the waiting gate.“Shall we leave?” Maya asked carefully.“Yes,” Gia looked backwards not liking where they were. She can smell death in the air.She reached out and entwined her fingers through Maya’s. I don’t want us to separate again,” she said in answer to the questioning look.“It’s fine.” Maya took a deep breath before together they step through. The mistiness immediately surrounds them.“I hope Papa is at the cottage.” She said walking purposefully.Gia makes sure to stay right beside her daughter. She was finding the truth of the Cemetery unsettling. She watches Maya
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Chapter 23: One Touch: One Kiss
Thomas carefully climbed from the bed. He turned and looking tenderly at the still sleeping Maya who was in his mind the most enchanted human he had seen. Moving away from the bed he reached for his robe pulling it around his frame. He softly slipped out the bedroom going downstairs.“Sir,” the butler handed him the glass filled with blood. He took it and went into his study closing the door behind him. Taking a long gulp, the essence of his life sizzles throughout his body reviving his strength and increasing his power. He swallows the last drop before turning and throwing the glass shattering it against the wall.“What are you doing here?” Thomas glared at Aiwa who makes her appearance visible.“Is that the way you greet your old friends these days Thomas?” She was stripped naked. “In the past it only took one glimpse before you were all over me and settled comfortable within me.”“That’s past Aiwa. Where are your clothes.” He scowled looking at the body he once desired.“It appears
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Chapter 24: One Touch: One Kiss
“Miss Asher, the master is asking to see you in the gardens” The butler stood formally in the open door but carefully avoid looking at her. “He asks you to hurry,” “Thanks.” Maya watched the man leave. She managed to get a friendly smile from most of the servants except the man who just stood in the door. She just shrugs her shoulders before going towards the front door wondering what Thomas was doing outside. The last time she saw him he was busy in his study. She caught a brief movement just ahead of her. Smiling she quickly moved in that direction wondering what he was doing. Just as she rounds the rose bush, a hand grabbed her from behind. The awfully smelling cloth was smack over her lips. Blackness settled instantly. Her final though ‘who was catching her’ “Where should I take her Miss Aiwa?” The butler holds her in his arms looking at the woman who allows him to enjoy her delicious flesh from time to time. Most of her favors he did gladly but this one…Thomas Roman will kill
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Chapter 25: One Touch: One Kiss
Thomas looked at the piece of paper crumbled in his hand. The bar lady places a mug of ale in front of him. He just grunted in acknowledgement. Reaching for the mug he took a long gulp gathering his nerve to look at the paper that would change the course of his life. He had to work hard to get this information.He was suddenly aware of the silence in the bar. Curiously he also looked up wondering who could cause such a stir. He breath caught in his throat when he saw her standing just within the door. Being raised in a monastery he never had any interaction with the female specie. He could only look like the rest of the men in the bar.“Am I allowed to enter?” she asked in a very sultry voice.He watches two men getting onto their feet and approach her. They both took an out-stretch hand escorting her deeper into the building. As they were moving past his table the woman with the flaming red hair and sea-green eyes stop to looked at him almost like she knew him. There was something in
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Chapter 26: One Touch: One Kiss
Thomas was raking the leaves in the back of the villa’s gardens. He had been here just over a week but since the warning from Amelia he didn’t see her again. There appear to be no sign of the Mistress too. The driver just told him to keep the grounds in the back neat.He stops a moment reaching for the water. While he was drinking, he suddenly heard the noise of giggling. He stops drinking looking for the reason for the sound. He finally noticed them. A couple of servant girls looking at him from between rose bushes.“Hello,” he said carefully.The girls laughed and disappeared again.He shrugged his shoulders before going back to work. After a moment he heard the giggling again. He stops looking up when he now noticed two has turned into four girls. He suddenly smiled making the girls disappeared again. He quickly realized it was a kind of game for them.“Don’t get them in trouble,” another speaks from somewhere else. He looked around but see no one.“Where are you?” he asked softly.
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Chapter 27: One Touch: One Kiss
Gia-Mia anxiously waits for her sister. It has been days since she last saw her. She can sense something was wrong but not sure what. She kept circling the bedroom they shared. About to go and question some of the other servants the door suddenly opened. She immediately stood motionless just waiting to see who would come through the door.The creepy butler and the driver both dragged Amelia inside dropping her down on the bed. Both men sense her but can’t see her. They both looked at the unconscious woman through whose clothes blood were seeping.“We can’t just leave her like this?” the driver seemed uneasy.The butler simply shrugged his shoulders. He turned to leave. The other man kneels looking for a pulse. He stood looking around the bedroom. “Is someone there?” he asked softly.“What happened?” Gia-Mia whispered in his ear.“Where are you?” The driver instantly alert searching but there was no one. He felt the whisper close to his ear again.“The Mistress punished her. She was of
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Chapter 28: One Touch: One Kiss
Thomas stepped through the portal. He found himself in the Cemetery in the year 2000. He wipes the fresh blood from his lips. He slowly looked around. Everything was eerily still almost like nature was waiting for something to happened.“Stop,” he heard the voice behind him. Turning to see who it was. He noticed the man in the appearance of a priest. After just looking at him he realized there was nothing holy about him.“Who are you?” he asked casually.“I am the Pastor.” He steps closer searching for something with the depths of the clothes he wore.“Why did you stop me?” Thomas moved so fast the Pastor barely managed to follow him. He already discovered what was hidden within the clothes. When the darkly dressed man blinked his eyes, he noticed the creature still seem to stand in the same spot.“You did something…what was it?” he asked suspiciously.“I don’t have time for your nonsense.” Thomas moved so fast he was gone before the Pastor even realized. Rushing past the cottage that
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Chapter 29: One Touch: One Kiss
“Gia, where are you?” Billy Asher quickly unlock his apartment door. He briefly looked behind himself but noticed no one. He just knew its only a question of time before they track him down.“Where are you?’ he asked harshly locking the door behind him. He found his heavily pregnant wife slowly getting of the bed. “Why aren’t you ready?” he yelled in a control voice.“What’s going on Billy?” she reached for the half full glass of water. Once she finished drinking, she slowly struggles onto her feet. She makes her way to the small bathroom.“How do you feel?” Billy asked but clearly was anxious.“I feel like crab. What’s going on?”“We have to move.” He said hastily moving to start packing.“What did you do? I can’t go running around Billy. My date is very near.” Gia glared at him. Watching him move about the apartment, the thought occur to her again, she doesn’t regret loving him but to have married him was a big mistake. At first, he had a descent job which he lost when the schemes s
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