All Chapters of Running Away With The Alpha’s Triplets : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
140 Chapters
The beast ran fast, douding the vampire and werewolves fighting. I heard a frightening scream that made me look up to see… to see.. “Mommy?!.” I murmured when I saw a woman kneeling beside a dead wolf or so it looked. Yennefer and Aiden were standing behind her and the next thing I saw was Aiden dug in and clawed into her and she let out a short scream. “Mommy!!.” I screamed and let go of the running beats and I fell on the hard ground. I ran towards my mum’s dead body, she laid beside the dead wolf. I didn’t care about the creatures after me. I ran and fell, I got back on my feet and continued. I got to her side, she was already gone by the time I got there. I got up to my feet and gifted Aiden a slap. “What now?, huh?. She also tried to kill me??!.” I asked. I cleaned my eyes and got up to my feet. “Well done!.” I yelled at him. I felt a man wrapped his hands on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Zemia. I never thought he would be able to come. “Even I know you are wrong!, wh
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I immediately composed myself and realized I was on national television. “Well I am not certain we would become a couple but Zemia was definitely a different touch to everyone I have met, he is a sweetheart to a point but yet a Demon in a very fascinating way!. All in all I just can’t explain how I fell in love with him!.” I said in a low tone. They might interpret my words in another way but I was sure he understood what I was saying. Zemia looked at me and I saw a grin on his face. I smiled at him sweetly, basically exchanging knowing looks. “Are you still a virgin or Mr Zemia here has already had you?!.” The interviewer asked. I looked up at her with anger in my eyes. “ That’s not a question!, I thought this was for a brand!, not my personal life!!.” I scolded them, and I got up on my feet. I was about to walk out when I turned around. “My love life is private!. I am not the type to tell the world how I live my life!.” I walked out of the building. “Mrs Zemia!.” I heard a man
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Zemias POV This makes no sense, how can she be in heat?. “Alora?!. Has Aiden marked you?!.” I asked. With shock in my voice, I knew I had checked her necj where he was meant to mark her but it clear, with no mark of any sort. Alora shocks her weak head. Her eyes slowly closed. L laid next to her and pulled her on top of me. She wrapped her arms around me. I played with her hair as I watched her sleep. I felt bad that she had been marked though I couldn’t see anything like that. I laid in bed with her in my arms for a while, my phone began to ring. I answered the call. ^^^ I let out a scream!. I felt my heart tearing, the pain was too much!.The sight of a dead girl wasn’t the problem!The sight of my dead friend, sister, best friend, best companion and the list can go on. Tears ran down my eyes, why did they kill her!, I fell to my knees crawling to her side, I pulled her blood covered body onto my lap and cradled her. I heard Mosley growl, like he calls his wolf or Lycan Mosley!
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I nodded at him and tried to catch my breath. It was short but yet breath taking. I waited in the kitchen for a couple of minutes then I saw him walk out in a casual outfit. I got off the kitchen island and walked towards his room. Once I got in I changed my outfit and walked back out with a pair of sandals on my feet. I had on a blue top and a black trouser. “You look amazing!.” Zemia said when he saw me. I stared at myself and to be honest I looked horrible but it was cute for him to still say that. “Thanks!.” I replied. We both got into his car. I sat quietly staring at my fingers. ‘I am sorry Aiden but I can’t let the two most important people die and do nothing! And sorry Zemia!.... I really am but you are the only one who can help me get the revenge I seek!. I have no other way or anyone!!.’ I thought. “Are you okay?!.” Zemia asked. “No!.how did you speak.. like.. how did I hear your voice in my head?!.” I asked him. “Well I can’t read your mind but you can read mine!, wh
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If this is a dream I need to wake up fast. “Alora honey.. I really want to but I can’t!.” I replied and I saw a disappointed look on her face. I cupped her face in my palm. “You’re too young for this!.” I told her and then kissed her forehead. She sat up and stared at me blankly. “I am nineteen!.” She finally said. “I know that!, I doubt you’re ready!.” I replied. I was still laying in bed, Alora exhaled and inhaled. She kept calm. “Your beast is beautiful!.” I broke the silence . Alora looked up at me, she smiled. “Thanks!.” She said, I knew she felt bad that I rejected her offer of me marking her but I wanted her to know exactly what she was getting herself into, I didn’t want her to rush things and then regret it later. My phone beeped, I checked who it was from. Apparently it was a reminder . “Babe you have a meeting with Fredricks company!.” “Oh the human peacock!.” Alora replied and got off the bed. “What?!.” I exclaimed and a laugh followed, she wasn’t wrong he dresse
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I turned my head to see Zemia standing by the door. My smile broadened. “You look like an angel fell from the sky and into my arms!.” Zemia said. “Awwn! aren’t you two just perfect together!!.” Rose said with a cheerful voice. “This would be perfect on you!.” Zemia said and picked up a gold boot heel. “Has always had great taste Mr Zemia..!” Rose said and licked her lips. I looked at her, was she flirting with Zemia?? right in front of me!. What the hell is wrong with her?. “Babe…!” I said. Zemia looked at me and his eyes were full of joy!. Was he happy that I called him ‘Babe?’ Or was it the fact he was into Rose?. What the hell is going on!. I felt somewhat angry but I just walked out on both of them, I guess I needed space. “Alora?!. Babe!.” Zemia called as i walked passed both of them in anger. ^^^ Zemia was beyond shocked when he saw the anger that flashed in Alora’s eyes, her eyes changed from gold to red before it turned back to gold. From the looks of it Rose didn’t
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What the hell is he doing here??. Is he one of them? Or did he plan all of this?. Aiden walked closer and then got on one of his knees. “Alora Thomas!.” He said and pulled out a box. What is he doing?!. “ I am sorry don’t leave me! I want you here with me!. I knew my actions hurt you but I did it all to help you !.” He was going smooth until the last few words made me boil. I tried to control myself but the pain I felt in my head made things hard for me. “Excuse me!.” I said and then got off the chair I sat in. After asking for directions I finally found the ladies restroom. My head was already on fire, I ran into the restroom and Locked the door. I felt my bones snapping, my legs broke and I fell to the ground, I let out a scream. I pulled my hair and hit myself on the walls. I heard someone inside one of the compartments. I growled when I tried to speak. “Ahh!!. Monster!!.” The woman yelled till she fainted . She wasn’t wrong!, I am a monster, I got up to the sink to s
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I laid my head on Zemia’s shoulders all through the drive. “Zemia?!.” I called. “Yes dear?!.” He replied. “Before I bound our souls, didn't you have someone you were meant to get married to ?!.” I asked out of curiosity, I couldn’t hold my curious mind I had to ask. “No!. I had no one!, my brothers were assigned to females of our species except for me!.” He replied and then I felt him pull me closer. “Why weren’t you assigned?!.” I asked. “Because they believed I was going to become the king and my mother stood against me being assigned to a woman!.” He replied. “Please let’s not talk about my family!. Tell me what do you want ?!.” He said “I want my own apartment!.” I replied with hope in my eyes. I hoped this wasn’t much to ask. “Why?. you don’t like staying with me?!.” He asked. “I do!. I just want privacy!.” I replied. Well with a girl like me in a house with maybe a hundred staff I guess it was just too much. I wanted something simple and less fancy. “You can always te
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Alora looked up at him and then smiled. “My mom used to buy me presents and hide them around the house for me to find and when I did I would gather them on her bed and she would watch me open them one after the other!.” Alora explained with sad eyes. Zemia sat beside her and wiped the tears off her eyes before it could drop. “Why don’t we do everything you and your mom did together?!, we could make it a tradition?!.” Alora looked up at him, she smiled and hugged him tight. “Thank you!.” Alora said and tears followed. “Please don’t cry!.” Zemia said. He tapped Aloras back gently trying to calm her down. “Tell me what things you and your mum did when you were younger?!.” Zemia asked. Alora sniffed and she cleaned her dripping nose and her eyes. After listing everything Alora looked up at Zemia to see a smile on his face, she felt awkward about the fact she was putting all her burden on him. “That is a long list of activities !.” Zemia said. Alora inhaled and exhaled. “We better g
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“Alora honey!.” Zemia whispered, his hands fell on her shoulders gently.Alora jumped in fear. She held her chest and shook her head. “Yea?!.” She replied with a weak voice.“Maybe we should leave the gift unwrapping!.” Zemia suggested, he squatted down beside her. He held her close. Alora buried her face in the croke or Zemias neck.“I loved her!!. I never wanted her to get hurt!!, I was willing to hurt myself as long as she was happy!!.” Alora cried. Tears came running down her cheek like a waterfall. Zemia sat beside her and pulled her, he moved her fast as though she was an infant with no weight, he sat her on his lap and he spoke words of encouragement he was definitely better than Aiden in this aspect and probably many others.Alora held on tight to Zemia. She was shivering for fear, the last memories of her mother made tears run down her cheek. Zemia was in a state of panic. Alora looked up at his worried face, she had once seen such an expression. Alora dried her tears.“I a
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