Semua Bab Trapped In The Land Of Lycan: Bab 71 - Bab 80
83 Bab
Chapter 71
Violette. Alpha Cassy dragged me to the dance floor after he said his piece. Then, the music started to blaze my ear drum again. At first, I felt awkward about being this close to another man that wasn’t Noah, but Cassy guided me expertly through the dance with an experienced hand. He was almost like a gentleman.Or so I thought. “You seem to enjoy my company more than your mate,” Cassy whispered to my ear, then he blew air to me, which made the hair on my nape stand rigidly. “Huh?”“I mean, your expression shows that you are very relaxed at the moment, which made me conclude that it’s the effect of my presence.”Did he just say that with a smug grin on his face? I almost wanted to punch him for that. What kind of eyes did he use while watching Noah and me before that made him so confident saying such a thing in front of my face?“What kind of expression do I have, if I may ask?”“Like you wanted to be fucked.”“I’m sorry?” I said with a high tone, making several people around us l
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Chapter 72
Violette. "Are you sure you are okay? We can push our plan for today if you are not feeling well." Olivia asked for the third time. "Don't worry, I'm just a bit shaken, but I'm okay now. There is no need to change our plan."Olivia appeared to be hesitant even after I reassured her about my condition. It wasn't wrong if she was afraid or even worried about me. After all, she witnessed me shaking and crying uncontrollably on the ground. "If you say so. However, you should let me know immediately if you want to go back, okay?""Okay. Thank you, Luna Olivia."After that, we didn't speak more and proceeded to walk toward the gallery. Today, we were going to see a gallery where all the pictorials of important people in the kingdom were stored. Since I had little to no knowledge about the royal family, Olivia offered to take me to visit the gallery. “Luna Olivia, Lady Violette.”The guard on the front door greeted us and bowed his head which we responded with a nod, then he pushed the e
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Chapter 73
Noah. It had been over a week since Violette and I talked about her mother, Nara. After that conversation, our relationship turned a bit sour. She was still disappointed by my dishonesty; however, for the past two days, she had learned to accept my explanation. She was mad but tried to understand my point of view. Shaking my head, I shifted my attention from Violette to my warriors. I had chosen them during the scouting. They were my people. None of them swore loyalty to Nash, which made me breathe easier. They had been sparring nonstop since then, just in case we would end up fighting with Nash’s people. My initial plan, I didn’t want to use them fighting with Nash’s warrior. I wanted to take my rightful thorne using the formal way. I just had to ensure that I would have enough people to back me when I proposed the idea to the council. But, if things didn’t go as planned, then I’d be left with no choice but to wage war. “Rick, you are getting slower!” I yelled to Rick as he was
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Chapter 74
Violette. Four days. It had been that long since the last time I saw Noah. He went to the moonstone pack early in the morning, and I couldn’t even send him off because he didn’t wake me up. That time, I faintly remember the feel of his lips when he kissed my temple. But I didn’t open my eyes. I was hoping to receive a piece of letter from him, but I presumed that he might be too busy to take the time to write to me. Despite accepting my current situation, I couldn’t help but feel empty. Longing. That haunted me for the past few days; even my wolf started to feel restless. During that time, I diverted my attention by practicing my magic, talking to Willa, or going into the royal gallery to watch my mother’s portrait with the former king. It did help, but I was alone again in our big bed when the night fell. I sighed and turned my head upward, facing the sky. A soft touch on my forearm made me snap my head to my right. With a left brow elevated, I waited for Willa to speak. “We hav
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Chapter 75
Noah. Moonstone’s pack condition was far from good. Fresh and dry blood colored the ground—several lifeless bodies scattered around the entrance gate and inside the pack. No sound could be heard, as if no one was breathing besides me, Chad, and the two warriors with me. “Start looking around and immediately evacuate anyone if they are still alive,” I ordered. “Chad and I will try to look for Alpha Marcus.”They nodded without words, then ran from house to house. As for me and Chad, we went to the pack house. In front of the pack house’s door, a young she-wolf body lay naked with a deep wound on her stomach. I squatted down, removed the outer of my clothes, and covered her body. After that, I pushed the door open, showing how messy the pack house was. Each corner of the wall was tainted with blood. Judging from this current situation, I didn’t think anyone survived the attack. This made me wonder how rogues could manage to wander freely in this land while the upper warrior should ha
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Chapter 76
Violette. Two guards dragged me harshly after Olivia’s maid accused me of trying to kill her. I tried to argue and defend myself, but the maid was hellbent that I was the culprit because I was the last person who interacted with Olivia. Not only that, she was certain because I was Noah’s mate. Which meant I had enough reason to eliminate Nash’s mate. Ridiculous, but I couldn’t do anything to prove myself innocent. My only choice right now was to follow the rules. If they wanted to lock me in the dungeon for the time being, so be it. I could only hope the royal physician could save Olivia so she would be able to defend me. We walked for several minutes to the north side of the castle, where not many people linger. Only one building was visible—one that looked old and haunted— Four giant people stood at the entrance gate. Their uniform was a bit different than the usual guard or warrior. Without saying anything, they let us through. The dungeon, just like any other, was a dark and
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Chapter 77
Violette. That mysterious woman’s plea rang in my head as I combed my hair. I didn’t know whether she was a figment of my imagination or not, and I didn’t have a way to know how to prove her existence. If I went back to the dungeon, it would alert Nash’s people. Magic? That could be used, but I wasn’t sure I could do a complicated spell. In the end, I could only sigh. “Violette!”The door to the bedchamber opened with a loud bang, and Noah appeared disheveled, but his condition wasn’t as bad as mine when I left the prison. Awkwardly, I lifted my hands and waved to him,“You are back,” I said. Somehow I felt like I wanted to weep in front of him because of everything that had happened while he was away. My eyes stung, so I looked up to the ceiling like it was more interesting than Noah.Second after, my body was lifted from the chair, and Noah was crushed against my body. His arms were around my body, and I felt him press several kisses on top of my head. Like a second to nature,
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Chapter 78
Violette. The situation after Noah returned became a bit calm. I didn’t hear from Olivia and couldn’t even visit her. She had refused to see anyone. As for Natalie, I heard from the maids she was tortured continuously. Nothing major happened these days. So I used my time to practice my magic. I had found a spell to use my astral body to travel around. The book stated that if we had enough power, we could do it for ten minutes. However, I couldn’t even hold out until two minutes. I had tried to use it to walk outside of Noah’s quarter, but eventually, I was pulled back into my physical body. Every day Noah consoles me that I’d get better with more practice. I knew that; however, could that woman wait until I was skilled enough?Sighing, I closed the book and threw my body on the bed. Another day passed, and I still didn’t make any new progress. I turned my head on the door, counting from one to one hundred. Usually, Noah would return before I reached eighty. “Let’s see if he can re
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Chapter 79
Violette. When I woke up, I saw Noah watching me with an angry expression. I pushed my body to sit and leaned on the headboard. “How long have I been sleeping?”“How long do you think?” He asked back. “An hour?” I said while biting my lips. Judging from his glare, I guess I had been losing myself for more than a day. “Three days.”“What?!” Noah inched closer to me and touched my temple with the back of his hand. “Don’t overdo yourself again. You scared me to death, Violette.” He lowered his head and pitched his nose. “You were bleeding so much. I thought you were going to die.”“Come here, my dear.” I opened my hands for him, waiting until he embraced me. And when he did, I stroked his back softly. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”We remained silent after that. Noah’s hold on me grew tighter. He snuggled on my neck and inhaled deeply repeatedly as if trying to reassure himself that I was really with him. I heard too a deep breath before he finally let me go. His grey eyes stare
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Chapter 80
Herta. Empty. I knew someone had managed to infiltrate the dungeon since I felt my spell break while I was busy trailing behind Olivia and Nash. They were busy admiring the scenery while someone was taking our prisoner. I took a deep breath before observing each corner of the cell. The melting chain shone like a sore thumb on the ground, proving that my spell wasn’t strong enough. I went straight to the corner of the cell and bent down to see there was a trace of blood on the wall. “As expected. A secret door laced with magic.” My hand felt the wall's surface, then brought it back to my nose. Inhaling the scent of dried blood mixed with the spell. Each witch had their own scent, which usually lingered if they used a strong spell. “Elton,” I murmured. Elton Daley. My master. I laughed upon realizing how foolish I was for not realizing it sooner. How could I miss his track even after staying in the castle for so long? He was already dead, but his spell still lives up to this day. I
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