All Chapters of REJECTED MATE: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
170 Chapters
Chapter 90
Maya nodded, her eyes scanning the pack for any sign of the alpha. And then, she saw him. He was bigger than the rest, with fur as dark as the night and eyes as red as fire."That's him!" she shouted, pointing to the alpha. "Let's take him down!"The three wolves charged forward, their bodies colliding with a ferocious force. Teeth clamped down on fur, claws dug deep into flesh, and the sound of snarls and growls echoed through the forest.As they fought, Maya could feel her strength waning. She knew that she couldn't keep this up much longer. But just as she was about to give up, she saw something that filled her with renewed hope.The once-rejected wolf was charging forward, his eyes blazing with determination. He leapt onto the back of the alpha, biting down on his neck with all his might.The alpha howled in pain, thrashing around in a desperate attempt to shake off his attacker. But the once-rejected wolf held on, his jaws locked tightly around the alpha's throat.And then,
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Chapter 91
Chapter 8 Maya and the once-rejected wolf stood up, ready for whatever was coming their way. The shadowy figure stepped forward, revealing itself to be another hunter, this one holding a crossbow loaded with silver-tipped bolts.The once-rejected wolf bared his teeth, his eyes flashing with anger. "Leave us alone," he growled.The hunter just laughed. "I don't think so," he sneered. "You're a danger to everyone around you. You need to be eliminated."Before Maya and the once-rejected wolf could react, the hunter fired his crossbow. The once-rejected wolf leapt out of the way, narrowly avoiding the bolt, but Maya wasn't so lucky.The bolt struck her in the shoulder, causing her to cry out in pain. Blood trickled down her arm as she stumbled backwards.The hunter approached, a wicked grin on his face. "Looks like I got you," he taunted.Maya gritted her teeth, refusing to give up. She searched around for a weapon, anything she could use to defend herself.And then she saw it - a pie
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Chapter 92
"But you would never do something like that, would you?" she asked, her voice shaking.The once-rejected wolf shook his head. "No, I would never use my gift for evil. I only use it to protect myself and those I care about."Maya took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. "We have to be careful," she said, looking around nervously. "If the hunters find out about your gift, they'll stop at nothing to capture you."The once-rejected wolf nodded, his expression grim. "I know. That's why we need to be ready for anything."As they sat in silence, Maya couldn't help but wonder what other secrets the once-rejected wolf was hiding. And she couldn't shake the feeling that they were in even more danger than she had initially thought.Chapter 9The once-rejected wolf and Maya stayed in the cave for several hours, discussing their next move. They both knew they couldn't stay there forever, but they also knew they couldn't risk going back to the pack just yet."What do we do now?" Maya
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Chapter 93
Maya watched in awe as the two wolves worked together to take down their enemies. They fought with a ferocity that she had never seen before, their movements fluid and precise.As the fight wore on, Maya realized that Alec was different from any other werewolf she had ever encountered. There was something special about him, something that set him apart from the rest of his kind.It wasn't until Tyler was lying defeated on the ground, whimpering in submission, that Maya finally understood what it was.Alec was an Alpha, the most powerful werewolf in the pack.The once-rejected wolf had found a new pack, and he had found his true mate. Maya could see it in the way that Alec looked at the grey wolf, with a mix of respect and admiration.But Maya also knew that this newfound happiness wouldn't last for long. There were still dangers lurking in the shadows, waiting to tear them apart.As she looked into Alec's eyes, Maya knew that they would have to face those dangers together, no matte
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Chapter 94
Without hesitating, Maya lunged towards Emily, holding the knife out in front of her. Emily's eyes widened in surprise as Maya plunged the knife into her side, causing her to let out a scream of pain.Alec's wolf quickly took advantage of Emily's distraction, throwing her off of him and pinning her to the ground. Maya stood there, panting heavily, as she watched Alec's wolf hold Emily down."You'll pay for this, Maya," Emily hissed, her eyes flashing with hatred.Alec's wolf looked up at Maya, his eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and concern. Maya knew that things would never be the same between them after this night, but she also knew that she would do whatever it took to protect the man she loved.The sound of sirens in the distance broke the tension in the cabin, and Alec's wolf quickly shifted back into his human form. Maya watched as he stood up, brushing the dirt off of his clothes."We have to go," he said, his voice serious. "The police will be here soon."Maya nodd
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Chapter 95
Try to lead them away from Claire."Liam nodded, and they both leapt from the trees, charging towards the pack. As they ran, they barked and growled, drawing the pack's attention away from Claire. Liam used his speed and agility to weave in and out of the pack, while Julia used her strength to take down any wolf that got in her way.After a few minutes of this, they finally succeeded in separating the pack, and Liam was able to make his way over to Claire. He quickly bit through her restraints, freeing her."Come on, we need to go," Liam said urgently, nudging her towards the trees.But just as they turned to run, they were met with the snarling face of the largest wolf in the pack, blocking their path.Derek shook his head. "I can't let you do that, Jess. It's too dangerous."Jessica crossed her arms over her chest. "What? You don't think I can handle myself?""That's not what I'm saying," Derek replied, frustration creeping into his voice. "But we don't know what kind of danger w
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Chapter 96
Blake took a deep breath before speaking. "The truth about your family, Evelyn. About your parents," he said, his voice low and serious.Evelyn's eyes widened in shock. "What about my parents? What truth are you talking about?" she demanded.Blake took her hands in his, his grip firm and reassuring. "I'm sorry, Evelyn, but your parents weren't who you thought they were. They weren't just ordinary humans. They were werewolves, like me," he said.Evelyn felt like the ground had dropped out from under her. "That's impossible," she said, her voice barely above a whisper."I know it's a lot to take in, but it's the truth," Blake said, his eyes never leaving hers.Evelyn's mind raced as she tried to process what Blake was telling her. Her parents were werewolves? How was that even possible? And why had they kept it a secret from her all these years?Before she could ask any more questions, there was a loud banging on the door. "Blake! Open up!" a voice shouted from the other side.Blake
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Chapter 97
“I can't believe this is happening,” she whispered, tears streaming down her face.Aaron put his arm around her, trying to comfort her. “We'll figure this out together, Selena. No matter what, I'll always be here for you and our baby,” he said firmly.Selena leaned into him, feeling a sense of comfort in his embrace. She knew that no matter what the outcome, she and Aaron would face it together.As they left the clinic, Selena's phone rang. It was an unknown number, but she answered it anyway.“Hello?” she said, her voice shaking.“Is this Selena?” a male voice asked.“Yes, who is this?” Selena replied, feeling suspicious.“I think I might be the father of your baby,” the man said.Selena's heart skipped a beat. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Who was this man, and how did he know about her baby?“Who are you?” she demanded.“My name is Tyler. I was at the same party as you and Aaron a few months ago. I remember hooking up with a girl, but I didn't think anything of it u
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Chapter 98
Chapter 15Just then, the sound of breaking glass interrupted their conversation. They turned to see a figure jumping through the window and landing on the floor. It was the rogue werewolf.Amelia felt her heart racing as she realized that this was it. This was the moment she had been preparing for. She took a deep breath and shifted into her wolf form, ready to face her enemy.The rogue werewolf growled and charged towards Amelia, but she was quick to dodge his attack. She countered with a swift bite to his hind leg, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground."You're no match for me," Amelia snarled, her wolf form bristling with confidence.But just as she was about to deliver the final blow, the rogue werewolf let out a piercing howl, and suddenly, everything went black. Amelia felt herself falling into a void, her consciousness slipping away.When she came to, she was no longer in the forest. She was in a strange, unfamiliar place, surrounded by darkness. And then she hear
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Chapter 99
Chapter 16 Maya and Jake made their way through the dense forest, Maya couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She kept looking over her shoulder, half-expecting to see the werewolf pack chasing after them."How much further?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly."We're almost there," Jake replied reassuringly. "Just a little while longer."They soon emerged from the forest and found themselves on the outskirts of a small town. It was a stark contrast from the wilderness they had just come from, with brightly lit streetlights and bustling sidewalks."We need to find a place to lay low for a while," Jake said, scanning the area for any potential threats."There's a motel over there," Maya pointed out, pointing to a building on the other side of the street.They hurried across the road and made their way to the motel. Maya booked a room while Jake kept watching outside, ensuring that they weren't followed.Once they were safely inside their room, Jake turned to Maya with a ser
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