All Chapters of Fated To An Omega : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
108 Chapters
Chapter Seventy-One Elsa's POV I quickly moved to the right to evade the arrow. I managed to evade it but it was a bit too late. It grazed my skin, drawing a bit of blood from it and I held it, shutting my eyes in pain. "Are you hurt?" Alpha Davon rushed to me looking very concerned. "I'm fine. It's just a scratch. Nothing to worry about at all. Let's go kick their asses." I used my sword to cut out a part of my dress and with it, I tied the wound so that it wouldn't bleed so much and then, I began to look around so that I could find out who attacked me. Our men did the same too as two other men had fallen to the floor, killed by an arrow shot to the neck and the tip of those arrows were made of silver. Suddenly, one of our men faced his bow upwards and shot his arrow and immediately, a man fell from a tree which wasn't so far away from where I stood. "Aim high!" Alpha Davon yelled at the men as we saw that the enemies had covered themselves with leaves so that they'd remai
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Chapter Seventy-Two Elsa's POV Melissa approached us as quickly as she could with those six guards following behind with frowned faces. "You dare show your stupid face here after all that you have done?" She asked, ignoring the fact that Alpha Davon was standing right beside me. "Seize her!" The men approached me as she stood with her arms folded and a huge grin on her face, finally about to deal mercilessly with me, just like I knew she always wanted to. I knew that she'd try something like that, especially after how I left the Pack. It was clear to me that I'd be declared wanted afterwards. No one ever escaped the Pack and came back to open arms. As one of the men was about to put his hands on me, Alpha Davon quickly intervened, grabbing his left hand immediately and twisting it to his back. The hand went snap and the guard yelled in agony. "Is anyone else ready to share the same fate or could we peacefully make our way to the throne room so that we could say hello to your
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Betrayal and Surprises
Chapter Seventy-Three Elsa's POV Two Days Later "I can't believe you're leaving already," Maggie said to me with sadness in her voice. "You could have just stayed for a bit more, even if it's a week. Why leave so soon?" I placed my right hand on her cheeks and smiled at her. "It has to happen. Besides, I don't have the final say in the matter. Alpha Davon does. But even if I had it, I think it'd be better for me to head back to the Stronghold Pack so that I can leave with my husband. He means everything to me, even if we aren't on good terms at the moment." "Why?" "He didn't want me to come here to help this Pack. He wanted us to leave regardless because he felt like Alpha Davon and the men he came with could handle the matter without me, but I needed to be here." She sighed. "I'm sorry about that. I'm quite sure that by the time you'd be back, you guys can talk it out," she tried to cheer me up, seeing that my countenance had dropped as soon as that topic came up. "I believe he
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Call off
Chapter Seventy-Four Alpha Davon's POV "What's going on here?" I asked, surprised to see my wife unclad on the bed with my brother. Nothing else existed in my head at that time. I just froze there, gaping at them with my mouth wide open and they remained still too, also in shock. They didn't expect that I would be back so soon. No, they couldn't have. They probably thought they had all the time in the world to make love to each other before I'd return and then they'd pretend that nothing happened. What got me more upset was that after what seemed like a minute or a bit more, Alina still sat on Murray's member. She didn't think it wise to get off him. Yeah, it was probably because of the shock but it still made me madder. "I'm so sorry," she apologised, finally getting off him and snatching a wrapper to cover up herself. "I don't know what came over me. This is the first time, I swear! Please, forgive me." Prince Murray gradually began to make his way out of the bed. He had p
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Chapter Seventy-Five Alpha Davon's POV I sat on my throne with the elders of the Pack sitting around in the throne room. As usual, Raymond sat by my side but Murray's seat was empty, as expected. "Greetings, my elders," Elsa greeted as she walked into the throne room. She wasn't supposed to be there but I summoned her because she was present when I made my discovery, just in case the elders needed her to testify. "Come sit here," I pointed at Murray's empty chair. Since she was to get married to him before what happened did happen, I felt it was okay to have her there. She was reluctant at first, opting to go sit on the sofa but I insisted and she came across and sat there, right next to me. It was time for the meeting to commence. "We have already heard all that you said to us concerning your wife and the Prince," the Eagle began. "We want to confirm for ourselves if what was said is true. What do you have to say to us, Queen Alina?" All eyes turned to Alina who sat on the f
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The Escape
Chapter Seventy-Six Prince Murray's POV "What's the news, Stam? What do we do from here?" I asked Stam who just returned from scanning through the Stronghold Pack on my behalf. After the incident with my brother and his wife, I ran as fast as I could, out of the Pack but I knew so well that I could never have gone far enough before the guards would be onto me. So, I decided to run into one of the caves just outside the Pack amidst a very bushy area so that I could get the hell out of that place whenever the time came. It was a place that no one loved to be, especially because it was almost always raided by the Rogues. No one loved a confrontation with those headless beings, except someone like me who had them loyal to me. It was the third day already and for the past two days, I kept noticing movements outside the Pack; proof that they were going all out to find me and I didn't intend to be found. "The coast is clear but I think we need to wait a bit more just to be sure befo
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The Visit
Chapter Seventy-Seven Elsa's POV "I'll be right back. Give me a minute," Alpha Davon said as he stepped out of his room to meet with one of his guards who had come to tell him something. Ever since the incident happened with Murray and Alina, Alpha Davon has been very helpful to me. It had been three long days and I spent most of them by his side. Although he was sad, just like I was, he always looked out for me, making sure that I didn't drown myself in tears each time, especially since that was pretty much what I felt like doing each time I was alone. Life was cruel to me. I couldn't understand why it had to be that way. Just when I thought that I was about to get a bit of happiness for once in my entire life, another tragedy happened and I was back where I began. "It's all going to be alright," Wolf whispered to me as I slowly began to let myself go once again. The tears began to build up and I knew it was only a matter of time before I'd let them flow. "I'm sorry that I
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The Seed of Revenge
Chapter Seventy-Eight Alina's POV "Is this what my life has become?" I cried as I sat on the floor with my hands and legs chained. If I was ever told that I'd find myself in such a position while I was going to this Pack, I'd have never believed it. I'd have sworn with everything in me that the person was being deluded. Yet, there I was, locked up in a dungeon, like a common criminal. "It's my fault. I did this to myself," I kept repeating to myself, hitting the floor with my palms over and over in anguish. Yet, I felt like I should have been treated better. I was the Luna Queen of the Pack and I deserved more than what I got. For three days, I barely saw anyone. Only the guards that brought miserly food for me which was only fit for dogs. Of course, I rejected it and cursed them until they left the place. Fools. How lowly they must have thought of me to imagine that I was going to fall for that because I was hungry. But I was hungry and thirsty too. By the time they had go
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Wedding Bells?
Chapter Seventy-Nine Elsa's POV One Month Later "I can see that things have gone up between you and Alpha Davon, Elsa. Would you mind telling me what's going on?" Aby asked in her usual chatty manner. "I mean, I know what's going on. I can see it even if I can't prove anything because my words don't hold much water. I just want to hear it from your lips Elsa, what is going on? Are you both hooked?" I shook my head, ignoring her as I folded my clothes and packed them in my bag. Aby was always too inquisitive for my liking and sometimes I wondered if she was ever going to stop. I got my answer each time. She never stopped. She just kept going on and on until she'd get what she'd get whatever it was that she wanted. Such was her perseverance. "If nothing was going on between you both, then what exactly are you still doing in the Pack?" She giggled. "You were here as a servant and then you were supposed to marry the Prince. Now that the Prince isn't here and the marriage plans have
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The Wedding
Chapter Eighty Elsa's POV The Wedding Day "Take a deep breath, Elsa. Let the calmness of the water encapsulate you. Let the sweet scent of the beautiful flowers all around delight you," Aby sang as she and two other maids gently scrubbed my body with soft sponges in their hands while I relaxed in the tub. It was the day of my wedding and as was the custom, I wasn't allowed to have my bath myself. Maids were assigned to do just that and I made sure that Aby was part of them. Of course, she had to. She was the girl I trusted the most. "You're finally going to be the Luna Queen of the almighty Stronghold Pack, Elsa. Can you believe it?" She laughed. "Look how far you've come already, my love. Against all odds, you made it. The Moon Goddess has finally decided that the time has come for her to smile at you." I doubted that greatly despite all the proof in front of me. I had finally risen from nothing to the pinnacle. As the Luna Queen of the Stronghold Pack, there was barely anythin
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